Brighton: wrecking operation against Green Party?
frustrated | 13.04.2005 12:49 | South Coast
Why (oh why oh why) are the so-called Alliance For Green Socialism running a splitter candidate in Brighton?
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Why is the Green Party running a splitting operation against Respect?
13.04.2005 13:46
Probably vote for Keith Taylor (Green) in Brighton Pavillion anyway, but just thought I'd highlight the hypocrisy of their position.
Don't vote Bliar
Unity Through A Thousand Splits!
13.04.2005 14:54
At least Respect and the Green Party seem to be serious.
What ?
14.04.2005 07:31
Where did that come from ? The idea that the lovely George is going to beat King is laughable. Her biggest threat comes from the Lib Dems not Saddams friend. Wake up people, Respect is a joke and has no chance of winning any seats because they don't have any support.
Tim -Nice but dim
RESPECT has a very good chance of coming 1st
14.04.2005 13:38
i demand an explaination from the greens as to why the are standing. they should consider withdrawning.
RESPECT has an excellent chance of winning, even Andrew Gilligan from the Evening Standards thinks george galloway will win. Oona King is so scared that Charie Blair has been called out to support her.
GReens can get lost.
Polling in Newham
14.04.2005 14:38
14.04.2005 15:46
Spin and spin again
14.04.2005 15:48
The idea that Respect are going to win a seat is of course laughable and placing posts here about "recent polls" which show Respect as being in the lead are not going to convince anyone.
I'm not sure why those involved in activist politics find the concept so hard to grasp but the clear fact is the overwhelming majority of the UK population simply don't share their views. Respect, the SWP, the Greens, The Working Class Assoc, Veritas and all the others are doomed to lose their deposits.
We can argue the reasons for this until the cows come home but stupid posts claiming an impending victory add nothing to the debate.
Wake me up before you go
14.04.2005 18:03
The Independent on Sunday guide to 'The 80 seats that could change the political landscape' has predicted that sitting MP Oona King is set to lose to Respect's George Galloway.
The IOS concludes 'Oona King, who backed the Iraq war, likely to be beaten by George Galloway of Respect.'
Apparently, bookies are putting odds on Galloway to win too.
While the result remains to be seen, the media have been treating Galloway as a serious contender and many have said he is likely to win: He has a hard task, Ooona King has a 10,000 majority!
There was also the recent outburst by Cherie Blair against Galloway - why would the prime minister's wife comment on a candidate who was not likely to retain his deposit?
And "RESPECT" stands for?
14.04.2005 18:59
Umm? What? Did I miss something. Does Respect stand for something *better* than woolly middle class Green Heads. With it's clear position on? err... umm... Well the war - hmm well even the Green's manage that.
Come on get a grip. Respect is a populist lash-up that won't actually make any difference in the scheme of things - even if it does get George Galloway back into the House of Commons.
It's just a shame that a self-proclaimed revolutionary organisation makes good comrades waste their time on this. Why?
want folk to do productive stuff
William Hill closes book on Robert Kilroy-Silk
30.04.2005 15:23
Last price 7/1. Reuters reported William Hill spokesman Graham Sharpe: " Mr Kilroy-Silk supporters have been backing him big time and we are looking at a potential six-figure payout if he wins." For further information on the Veritas Party go to:
Harry Cichy