Bristol G8 Info4Action report
mh | 12.04.2005 09:24 | G8 2005
This is a very brief report on the above event, and I write as someone who was heavily in favour of the event happening. Given the extensive publicity it received on this newswire, visitors to it deserve a brief report!
Around 125 people attended the daytime event, with numbers increasing as time went by. Some had travelled from outside Bristol. Workshops varied from being more ‘information’ based, such as ‘Debtwash’, to generating more heated debate & disagreement, such as ‘alternatives to capitalism’ & ‘no borders/asylum seekers’. Others were much more hands-on, such as ‘art activism’ which produced a billboard-sized anti-G8 poster, and of course the final three ‘action’ based workshops, which were all well attended. The ‘opening’ session contained three surprisingly militant, direct, brief and well put speeches; whilst the closing session was worthwhile but did not achieve a great deal in terms of moving on the campaign – although there was much interest in the Clown Army event in Bristol (20-22 May); and perhaps 75% of those present indicated a clear interest in attending the anti-G8 protests in Scotland, with others keen to do something locally. You can see a full list of the workshops here
Worthy of note was the way in which large numbers of participants gave their time freely to prepare the event and help out whenever needed on the day, from setting up to tidying up, running the kids-space, and helping out with the Kebele Kafe’s top notch vegan food (and I don’t just mean eating it!). A good example of mutual aid and collective self-organisation. Financially, the event paid for itself with donations on the door and from the Kebele Kafe’s sales. It goes without saying that no one participating in the event was paid.
The evening benefit was a well-attended stormer, raising hundreds of pounds for Bristol Dissent, and leaving me (at least) knackered & hungover.
Overall I felt the event very worthwhile, especially given the lack of publicly accessible/organised anti-capitalist and/or anarchist events where political discussions take place. There should be more of these, well done Bristol G8 Dissent! for going ahead with this one.
(Picture, by Bristle mag: Barbar Luck, ex-King Prawn, gives the G8 the finger at the evening benefit).
NB: Next Bristol Dissent meet is 26 April, 7.30pm at Kebele (14 Robertson Rd, Easton), discussing events around the G8 summit itself. There will also be a Bristol Dissent stall at the ‘Don’t agonise, organise’ event on 16 April, and a workshop there in the afternoon. Be there.
Bristol G8 Dissent group main contact email or Info4Action day organising email at

Worthy of note was the way in which large numbers of participants gave their time freely to prepare the event and help out whenever needed on the day, from setting up to tidying up, running the kids-space, and helping out with the Kebele Kafe’s top notch vegan food (and I don’t just mean eating it!). A good example of mutual aid and collective self-organisation. Financially, the event paid for itself with donations on the door and from the Kebele Kafe’s sales. It goes without saying that no one participating in the event was paid.
The evening benefit was a well-attended stormer, raising hundreds of pounds for Bristol Dissent, and leaving me (at least) knackered & hungover.
Overall I felt the event very worthwhile, especially given the lack of publicly accessible/organised anti-capitalist and/or anarchist events where political discussions take place. There should be more of these, well done Bristol G8 Dissent! for going ahead with this one.
(Picture, by Bristle mag: Barbar Luck, ex-King Prawn, gives the G8 the finger at the evening benefit).
NB: Next Bristol Dissent meet is 26 April, 7.30pm at Kebele (14 Robertson Rd, Easton), discussing events around the G8 summit itself. There will also be a Bristol Dissent stall at the ‘Don’t agonise, organise’ event on 16 April, and a workshop there in the afternoon. Be there.
Bristol G8 Dissent group main contact email
