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Fascist Lies On Indymedia

The 635 Group | 11.04.2005 09:49 | Anti-racism

Over the past few weeks fascists have been regularly posting misinformation to Indymedia.

Over the past few weeks fascists have been regularly posting misinformation to Indymedia. Specific examples are 2 postings claimed imminent and actual arrests of anti-fascists from The 635 Group.

The 635 Group have not been involved in any action in Bradford where a child was injured, and none of our members have been arrested.

In view of the current situation prevelant on Indymedia we advise genuine anti-fascists not to engage in posting information or being involved in open debate here. Contact us directly.

The 635 Group

The 635 Group
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The real deal

12.04.2005 23:21

How is it possible to ascertain whether you are a genuine anti-fascist or just a bogus anti-fascist? Stalin used to kill people who were convinced they were for the revolution, but were found by due process of law to be against it. Can you post some tell-tale signs of the typical anti-fascist please? Arf arf!


Here's a few pointers...

16.04.2005 00:05

To the casual observer, some of the recent and now deleted posts may have seemed innocuous, but posting fictional e-mail addresses for local anti-fascist groups in a bid to trawl information is one sign of the 'master-race' in action.

As is the affected tone of disillusionment in some of their posts (thinking in particular of 'Max') in a futile bid to undermine anti-fascist morale.

More importantly, blatant mis-information about the impending / actual arrests of local anti-fascists suggests either a ham-fisted attempt at shit-stirring or some kind of sad fantasy-reality blur.

I've got this tragic mental image of socially inadequate nazis getting all excited at the 'trouble' they're stirring among the 'reds' and to be honest its pitiful - but then that's the sort of loser you're going to attract to a party like the BNP.

"Obey your fuhrer you servile wretches, first we spam their message boards, then we invade Poland..."

Yorkshire R.A.S.H.