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Vampire Howard's Constituency info

pirate | 10.04.2005 13:48 | Social Struggles | South Coast | World

Info on the Election situ in M.Howard's lair for anyone interested and for anyone/groupos who may like to pay a visit to 'advise' him of their views...
(He will definately be here April 30th at a Churches Together Hustings- Untd Reform Church 7.30pm- see below for Church locale)

With the General Election just called here are Tory leader Micheal Howard's constituency details and opposing candidates (so far) etc.

Constituency: Folkestone & Hythe, Kent. (includes Romney Marsh,Hawkinge,part of Elham Valley, Saltwood and for the General Election a ward from pinched from Ashford,which is known to usually be a Tory ward)

Folkestone: by Train 1.20-1.35 mins (ave) from London Charing Cross to F' Central (F.West station arr 3 mins before FC but serves only outlying area)

F Central is about 10-12 mins walk to town centre or any bus from outside the small co-op shop- opposite the United Reformed Church- (turn right from station exit slope and over crossing then right)

Coach: From London Victoria -takes 2.5 to 3 hrs- to bus station -only about 3-4 per day.

Road. M20.

Conservative Party office- 4 West Cliff Gardens, Folkestone. situated off Sandgate Rd pedestrian area. mid town. (10-12 mins from train station and 3 mins from bus station)


Lib Dems. Peter Carroll. (The Lib Dems won the district elections in 2003,then set the highest council tax and closed all local llos. this led to capping and evenutally they split down the middle. This let the Tories back in as the largest group. The 'splitters' were expelled from LD and have now founded their own Party- People First, for the County Council elections. How much this may affect the Lib Dem vote at this Gen Election remains to be seen)

(neo)Labour; Maureen Tomison (an ex Tory! all U need to know really- Local Labour party was wiped out at the last District elections-mostly due to Boundary changes,but some may have been due to Iraq war and policy.)

Green Party. Dr Hazel Dawe. (just about the only reason to vote locally- 1st Time standing here and one of only four standing in Kent)

Nat Gypsies & Travellors Asso. Sylvia Dunn. (President of the Asso)

Monster Raving Looney Party. Lord Toby Jug.

UKIP. Petrina Holdsworth. (Chair of UKIP)

Comedy(Not) Fascist Nutter : Rodney Hylton-Potts. (who one the TV show)


You'll notice the order i've put the also rans in....

Another 5 'Party's have indicated an interest in standing. One is the Legalise Cannabis Campaign- currently seeking nominees. Dont know the others but it may include Veritas and the sickos of the BNP.




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Dont use the 'vampire' ref

11.04.2005 12:03

The vampire reference to Howard was originally coined by Widdecombe who suggested that there is 'something of the night' about Howard.

Whilst she never admitted it, it is believed that there were anti semitic undertones; Howard's family having come from Roumania as refugees.

Thus as much as we do not like him - it is wrong to sink to Widdecombe's level
