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Shia protest over US presence in Iraq

The Iraq Solidarity Campaign UK | 09.04.2005 17:59 | Social Struggles

Tens of thousands of supporters of Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr have marched in Baghdad to denounce the US presence in Iraq and call for a speedy trial of Saddam Hussein on the second anniversary of his overthrow. Chanting "No, no to the occupiers", tens of thousands of young and old men gathered in the poor Shia district of Sadr City on Saturday to begin a planned peaceful march to al-Firdos Square, the central Baghdad spot where Saddam's statue was torn down two years ago.

Crowds of al-Sadr's supporters from across the country were gathered at the square by mid-morning, waving Iraqi flags and calling out: "No America! No Saddam! Yes to Islam!" Sunni Muslims were urged by the Association of Muslim Scholars in Iraq, an influential Sunni group, to demonstrate to mark the fall of Saddam and to demand US forces leave Iraq.

Sunni and Shia unite

"Many of our brothers, including Sunnis, have welcomed the call and will take part," said Shaikh Abd al-Hadi al-Daraji, a spokesman for al-Sadr. "We hope it's going to be one million people strong." Al-Daraji told Aljazeera that protesters also demanded the release of Iraqi prisoners and an end to foreign intervention in Iraq and other Arab countries.

"Iraqis can protect themselves, and those who call on US forces to stay in Iraq contradict themselves," he said. Followers of al-Sadr from the southern Shia cities of Basra, Amara and Nassiriya travelled hundreds of miles to join the protest, showing the appeal the young cleric can command.

The demonstration was expected to be the largest since the 30 January election and the first since the new government began to take shape. Al-Sadr, a low-ranking cleric in his mid-30s, oversees a force called the Mahdi Army that is thought to be several thousand strong. He led two uprisings against US forces last year, sparking weeks of fighting.

Baghdad shutdown

Iraqi security forces shut down central Baghdad ahead of the demonstration, but were not expecting problems. We're quite relaxed about it," said Sabah Qadhim, a spokesman for the Interior Ministry, which is overseeing security. "The demonstration is supporting what the Iraqi people and the Iraqi government have said they want - a trial for Saddam and the departure of US forces," he said.

"We don't think this is going to be a huge number - it's not going to be a million-man march, but we are taking precautions as we have done over recent months." US forces were not in evidence on the streets, but Qadhim said they could be called in to support if needed.

Other marches were held across the country to demand that the United States set a timetable for its withdrawal. In the central city of Ramadi, thousands of protesters demonstrated in al-Sufayaa neighbourhood and at al-Anbar University, demanding that US-led forces set a withdrawal date.

Anti US-sentiment

"This huge gathering shows the Iraqi people have the strength and faith to protect their country and liberate it from the occupiers," said protester 26-year-old Ahmad Abid, who sells spare car parts. US officials have said they will not set a timetable for withdrawal, promising to stay until Iraqi forces are able to secure the country.

Mimicking the famous images of US soldiers and Iraqis pulling down a statue of Saddam as Baghdad fell, protesters toppled effigies of US President George Bush, British Prime Minister Tony Blair and Saddam - all dressed in red Iraqi prison jumpsuits that signified they had been condemned to death sentences. Other effigies of Bush and Saddam were burned in the street,"Force the occupation to leave from our country," one banner read in English.

Al-Firdos Square has become a central rallying place for Iraqis since Saddam's overthrow two years ago. US forces last year shut down the square, sealing it off with razor wire, to prevent people massing on the first anniversary.

Government formation

The protest comes as efforts are being made to complete the formation of a government nearly 10 weeks since the election. Earlier, a president and two vice-presidents were named, along with a prime minister. But the prime minister, Shia leader Ibrahim al-Jafari, is still working on his cabinet and has said it could take him up to two weeks before it is named.

Late on Friday, a senior al-Sadr official who had arrived from Karbala to take part in the protest was shot and killed in the New Baghdad neighbourhood. Fadil al-Shawky died in the attack on his car. Two others were wounded.

Al-Jazeera Saturday 09 April 2005

The Iraq Solidarity Campaign UK
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No to the Occupation -And Out With Al-Sadr's Fascists

09.04.2005 23:44

The Sadrist maybe against the US occupation- and quite a few of them have lost their lives resisting the occupation -fair enuff -
but most people are against the occuption and many many people have lost their lives -
and experience has demonstrated the Sadrists certainly do not support freedom for all the Iraqi people
On March 16th, students in Basra began a strike in protest at an attack carried out on students from Basra’s University’s engineering faculty by Moqtada al-Sadr’s Army of the Mahdi, in which several people were injured and one killed.  The strike ended on March 22nd, but the students’ campaign against Islamist violence continues and needs international support and solidarity.
Al-Sadr’s gang and the city’s tribal elders had threatened to bombard the university if the students did not issue an apology for their “blasphemous” slogans against political Islam. Such was the Islamists’ determination to end the strike that they even threatened to kill Bus and taxi drivers who transported students to the demonstrations at the university.  However, the students’ determination and the support they have received from freedom-loving people in Basra have now forced the Mahdi Army’s representative Asad al-Basri into giving an apology to the students! This apology has been published in the well-known Basra newspaper Al-Manara al-Basriya.
The Basra Student Working Committee, which was founded in  December last year and represents students in the city’s university and high schools, commented: “Recent events in our city show that Iraqi workers and students are determined to resist political Islam, and can win if they are united.  The Student Working Committee will continue to work for the creation of a progressive student movement in Iraq.”
We will continue to support the Basra students’ campaign:
- To bring al-Sadr’s assassins to justice.
- Compensation for the victims of the attack.
- For the expulsion of Islamist militias’ headquarters from Iraqi universities.
- Separation of religion from the state and the education system.

- For the creation of a united progressive student movement in Basra and other cities.

 Please send messages of solidarity to the (Students Working

On this e-mail address and send copies to us. 

ibn ali


10.04.2005 16:14

isn't an end to the occupation part of the student's platform? =\
