church & state
rick widda silen P | 09.04.2005 12:43
Friday 8 of April of 2005
The Church of the State
We do not know if, as it wished Hebe it de Bonafini, Karol Wojtyla already burns in hell. Anyway, its death already is recycled by the ecclesiastical hierarchy to continue selling to us, now next to the image of the late Pope, the traditional opresivo model that, through the centuries, knew so well to maintain our santa mother church. In this same moment are giving fights internal of to be able by succession, where everything seems to indicate that continuity will prevail of policy ultraconservative and pro capitalist of papado of Juan Pablo II, that did not doubt in making alliance with the neoliberalism of Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan and produced the Centésimus encyclical annus, whose objective is to celebrate the defeat of the marxism and to legitimize to the market economy or more human Capitalism, like solution for the Third World Countries.
Karol Wojtyla and its pass by the Vatican
The reign of Karol Wojtyla in the church was a backward movement and represented the preservative reaction of the catholic church Vatican Concilio II. The financial crisis in which was the Vatican was the person in charge of the election of a cardinal of a communist country. After the fight of the Juan Pablo II against the countries of the iron curtain it received as it compensates great contributions of the United States.
The project of Juan Pablo II was to generate to be able through political and economic alliances. To traves of the Congregation for Doctrina of the Faith (the ex- Inquisición), commanded by Josep Ratzinger, it was persecuted and all tie work with the theology of the liberation was even proscripta. Proof of this is that in three opportunities the archbishop of the Salvador, monsignor Romero, near teologia of the liberation went it to see the Vatican to request aid to him because wise that podian to kill it and the Pope did not receive it and the 24 of March of 1980 Romero were assassinated by the cons financed by the company. However "the travelling" Pope gave rise to groups with gangster codes like the Opus Dei, an organization of purely facist cut.
During pontificado of Juan Pablo II the mythical oration of the Father was modified Ours where it said "to perdónanos our debts as we pardoned to our indebted ones" now says "to perdónanos our offenses as we pardoned to those who offend to us". This modification this related to the 1990 encyclical where " the Travelling" Pope affirms that "the principle that the debts Is certainly right to have to be paid". In the 1995 encyclical, Evangelium vitae, condemns the abortion, eutanasia and the contraceptive methods. Establishing theologically that the fundamental thing is not the Earth life but the celestial life. During pontificado of Juan Pablo II ideas like " more human Capitalism" and the private property were impelled.
The Catholic church in Argentina
Recently, a bishop affirmed that who we promote the legalization of the abortion and distributed preservatives, we would have to be thrown to the sea with a stone tied to the neck. According to the indignant bishop, this is the pain that corresponds to us to those who we scandalized to lxs pequeñxs. To lxs mismxs pequeñxs that soon they abuse in their schools and happy foundations.
But Baseotto is not an exception. It is one more in an institution than throughout his history it has supported and participated, when not impelled or promoted, crossed, conquests, genocides, bonfires, dictatorships, tortures and disappearances. Always in name of the Christian moral. After the declarations that untied the scandal, From the city santa of the Vatican the close support arrived to him from the hand of cardinal Renato Martino, president of the Pontifical Commission of Justice and Peace Soon would be added, like was to hope, ONGs friends of the hard hand, like thePro-Vida antiabortionist and Vestibule of Bethlehem, well-known to impel the prohibition of the manufacture of contraceptives. In Argentina, no bishop seemed to be scandalized by the sayings of Baseotto, which is not strange either if the sad paper remembers that played the hierarchy of the Church during the ecclesiastical dictatorship, blessings to the flights of the death, the reconfortantes parabolas to the flying assassins, the tennises match between the nuncio Pío Laghi and the dictators, the visits to the ESMA, the quiet complicity before the robbery of babies. And one knows fehacientemente that the cardinal primate of Argentina, the papable today Jorge Bergoglio, gave to two of his priests who "went poorly by the way of the revolution" to the killer fury of the desaparecedores.
Friends are the friends
This surely thought the archbishop of the Silver, Héctor Aguer, while it deposited a million dollars like guarantee to remove from the jail to the banker Francisco Javier Trusso. The Trusso, owners of the missing Bank of Cre'dito Provincial (BCP), have one promiscua relation with the catholic hierarchy. Cardinal Antonio Quarracino, his loyal secretary Robert Toledo and the loyal secretary of secretary Norberto Silva were themselves surrounded in a financial scandal with the bank of the Trusso. According to compungidos affirmed, "were betrayed in their good faith by somebody to that they considered a friend". It seems that the good friend of Aguer was bad friend from Quarracino. They are things that the friendship has.
Businesses are businesses
How much it costs to him to the Argentine state to maintain to the catholic cult apostolic Roman? Impossible to know it, trinidad is a secret better kept than the mystery from santísima. But there are indications. In the neoliberal Nineties, while leisure and the poverty never grew to a rate before well-known, the bishops took care to take care of the souls to the heat of the money: they received 30 million weights around (then dollars), through Contributions of the National Treasure (ATNs) of the hand of the Minister of the Interior of then, Carlos Corach. Half was distributed between the friends of the power. The bishop of Mercedes-Luja'n, Emilio Ogñenovich, known by to have campaigned in favor of Carlos Ruckauf, seems to be that he was the one that better made the duties, because it received $4.030.000. To that it is necessary to add million more giving to him by Eduardo Duhalde and other 4 million of the government of the Province of Bs Ace for the Home Jesus de Nazaret, a true "hell" (according to could be stated, lxs chicxs internadxs suffered cruel conditions of life: they slept in the floor, they were punished with confinements and they tinkled and they defecated in buckets placed in its rooms. The archbishopric received 1,500 pesos by each just arrived and 1,200 after two months from estadía).
The bishop of San Justo, Jorge Meinville, a frequent visitor of the villa of Olive trees received $ 6.400.000. Italo Distefano of San Juan, $ 1.650.000. I pull back bishop of San Luis, Juan Laise, who noticed that the basic contents of the educative system were "a syringe with poison that is tried to introduce in the Argentine being" by his nonaffirmation of the existence of God, received single $ 1.391.000.
"yabranista" archbishop of Cordova, Raul Primatesta, $ 1.219.000 and the one of Avellaneda, Rubén Di Mount, friend intimo of Suárez Mason and Cristino Nicolaides, who affirmed that the homosexuals "are worthy of death", $ 1.210.000. To this it would be necessary to add the thousands to him of pesos that are administered by Caritas Argentina with an accurate objective: to cover the pockets of the system and to demobilize the social protests. Thus they did it with its participation in the table of the Argentine Dialogue summoned by ex- president Eduardo Duhalde. And until "undersecretary" Baseotto, before going away of mouth, it received a pay of $ 5000 of the national state.
To God requesting and of the State collecting
But the contributions of the State to Santa Madre Church do not remain there. They receive great tax exemptions (the parishes pay real estate, neither municipal rates, nor Argentine Waters, nor imposed tax to the gains) and according to article 2 of the National Constitution receive million weights for the support of the cult and "like repair to the expropriations made in century XIX". The eternal debt with the Church.
According to the law the 21,950 66 bishops in activity receive 80% of the pay of a judge, about $ 4,277 per month, which represents an annual total of approximately $3.390.000. The 32 bishops eméritos (retired officers) receive 70% of the pay of a judge, that is $ 3,742, about $1.430.000 to the year. By empire of the law the 22,162 parishes located in "unfavorable" zones receive an allocation per month of $336; $1.560.000 per year. The Dioceses and six Institutes of consecrated life receive per month $ 252 by seminarista, is about a 1690 in all the country, which represents $ 5.110.000 annually
Law 22,430 assigns retirements without previous contributions by an amount of $150 monthly ones (it is not clear if the recent increases also reached to these retirements). About $ 55,800 to the year.
In the 2004 Church I make the Xº National Eucarístico Congress reason why it received from State $1.110.000 extra. Altogether in the 2004, the Catholic Church received $12.656.000 according to which "it sends the law"... But How much more in ATNs? how much more by means of favors of its civil employees of turn in the government? It is clear that the State is not able to assure the feeding thousands of boys, the education of million minors, the health of tens of millions of inhabitants, but what yes it can do it is to use million weights in the payment to monks who defend a retrograde ideology and a moral that does not follow nor its own feligresía; an ominous system which it causes that tod@s we pay, in most of the cases without knowing it, so that one expands an ideology that put under million people, mainly to women and homosexuals to those who it tries to culpabilizar by his election.
Separation of the Church and the State
Of which we spoke when we raised the total separation of the Church of the State? Exactly of all this. Not only of not continuing resolving economically the Church and its institutions, that in many cases promote the intolerancia towards those who we did not think equal. The interference does not have to be only in the state policies of reproductive health and legalization of the abortion, but also in educative and social policies. When we even must continue supporting the pressures of the catholic hierarchy so that the policies of the State are in agreement with their doctrine? Until when they will want to impose his retrograde argumentation on which only the fidelity or the abstention is the unicas tools possible to fight against the VIH-SIDA? When we are even going to have to receive moral dictations on sexuality, of people who in the best one of the cases are chaste and in worse the abusadores? Until when we are going to have to support that thousands of people infect diseases of sexual transmission by the false messages that transmits that institution? Even when thousands of still young women, adolescents and are going to have to confront pregnancies wished by not to have received sexual education, because of the pressure of the Church?
Recently the National Secretaryship for the Family of the Episcopal Conference Argentina affirmed with respect to the use of the preservative that "foments the relations promiscuas under the argument of the protection, and is at least reckless, considering that the fault of this system oscillates (depending on the disease) of between 3 to 10%." The World-wide Organization of the Health (the WHO) has already answered to them in several opportunities that their planteos are missed and noncomprobables scientifically and it accused them simply of informative terrorism. But they follow with crossed his, still going to the fear and to the oscurantismo, like in the average age, although today they do not have as much power as to impose its courts to us of the inquisición.
Somebody would have to warn these monsignors of locked up purple velvet to them in its bubbles that the times they have changed, and that we have right plenary session of being the one who we want to be and as we want to be it without requesting permission to them. Amen.
Sources: Rebellion - Sociology of the Christianity II Rubén Dri
Imagén: Leon Ferrari
rick widda silen P
expresso da soulio