Faslane G8 Action
Shut Faslane | 09.04.2005 11:20 | G8 2005 | Anti-militarism
Please circulate this message widely (and get your orders in for flyers and packs!)
FASLANE 4th July 2005
On Monday 4th July 2005, as the 'leaders' of the world gather in Scotland for the G8 summit, we will be gathering just 60 miles away at the biggest and deadliest military base in Scotland to put a spanner in the works of
global militarism.
We won't just be saying a resounding 'NO' to militarism and oppression, or to wars fought on the pretext of stopping others getting WMDs. We won't just be saying no to politicians who demand others obey International Law whilst
flouting it themselves. We won't only be pointing out the criminal behaviour of spending so much money on weapons while half the world starves. We won't just be highlighting the hypocrisy of talking about poverty without mentioning war.
We'll be doing all these things, but we're not just going to talk – we're also going to be taking direct, practical, non-violent action to do something about it. We're going to shut down the largest military base in Scotland for the day.
Faslane is a Royal Navy submarine base on the Clyde about 30 miles west of Glasgow and about 60 miles from Gleneagles. It is the largest military base in Scotland and is home port for all four British Trident nuclear armed submarines. Nuclear weapons are the ultimate symbol of militarism. By blockading Faslane we're striking at a key part of the British military establishment. We're also building on a past history of highly successful and peaceful mass blockades.
Help us make the Faslane-G8 blockade the biggest and most effective yet.
- Order flyers to distribute to publicise the blockade now
- Get a copy of the 'Mobilisation Pack' with info on putting a group together to come to the blockade and what else is happening to do with the G8
- Order your copy of the Faslane-G8 Briefing Pack containing all the information you'll need including maps, legal briefing, transport details, etc
You can order any of these by emailing
info@faslaneg8.com or
scnd@banthebomb.org and by phoning either 0845 88 361 or 0141 423 1222
Faslane G8 Blockade stickers will be available soon!
Faslane-G8 Blockade Team
Supporting groups include:
Trident Ploughshares, Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, CND, Faslane Peace Camp,
Campaign Against the Arms Trade,
Voices in the Wilderness, G8 Alternatives
FASLANE 4th July 2005
On Monday 4th July 2005, as the 'leaders' of the world gather in Scotland for the G8 summit, we will be gathering just 60 miles away at the biggest and deadliest military base in Scotland to put a spanner in the works of
global militarism.
We won't just be saying a resounding 'NO' to militarism and oppression, or to wars fought on the pretext of stopping others getting WMDs. We won't just be saying no to politicians who demand others obey International Law whilst
flouting it themselves. We won't only be pointing out the criminal behaviour of spending so much money on weapons while half the world starves. We won't just be highlighting the hypocrisy of talking about poverty without mentioning war.
We'll be doing all these things, but we're not just going to talk – we're also going to be taking direct, practical, non-violent action to do something about it. We're going to shut down the largest military base in Scotland for the day.
Faslane is a Royal Navy submarine base on the Clyde about 30 miles west of Glasgow and about 60 miles from Gleneagles. It is the largest military base in Scotland and is home port for all four British Trident nuclear armed submarines. Nuclear weapons are the ultimate symbol of militarism. By blockading Faslane we're striking at a key part of the British military establishment. We're also building on a past history of highly successful and peaceful mass blockades.
Help us make the Faslane-G8 blockade the biggest and most effective yet.
- Order flyers to distribute to publicise the blockade now
- Get a copy of the 'Mobilisation Pack' with info on putting a group together to come to the blockade and what else is happening to do with the G8
- Order your copy of the Faslane-G8 Briefing Pack containing all the information you'll need including maps, legal briefing, transport details, etc
You can order any of these by emailing

Faslane G8 Blockade stickers will be available soon!
Faslane-G8 Blockade Team
Supporting groups include:
Trident Ploughshares, Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, CND, Faslane Peace Camp,
Campaign Against the Arms Trade,
Voices in the Wilderness, G8 Alternatives
Shut Faslane