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May Day Events 2005 ???

pirate | 07.04.2005 15:54 | Social Struggles | London | World

More of an enquiry really..

Does anyone know whether the May Day events are to be held
on the Sat (April 30th) or Sunday (May 1)- Cannot find any
events,other than the 'cricket match on May 1',announced
anywhere as yet (Not even the TUC Parade)..
Are there to be any other events as there's an election
on? Or waiting til last minute to announce stuff.

Asking cos some friends are wanting to start making
plans to attend whatever's on -even the TUC Parade..



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Critical Mass.

08.04.2005 05:31

There is talk of a London Critical Mass bike ride on May 1st, possibly starting at the National Film Theatre under Waterloo Bridge at 11am.



08.04.2005 10:23



MAYDAY is International workers day, born out of the struggle for an 8 hour day in 1886. Over 100 years later our lives are still taken up by the world of work. Even more so now, as the work imposed by Capitalism has become more casualised (temporary contracts, flex time, part time, no time!) forcing us to adapt to the point where it's hard to tell when, where or even if we are working. This leaves us in a situation where our lives are always on hold, on call and at the mercy of the market. Our leisure time too is filled with anxieties. The anxiety of not being able to have enough money to pay the rent, go to the cinema, a nice restaurant, shop for food, clothes, anything! In reality our work never finishes and when we're not at work we still end up making some other person even richer. Around Europe people call this new working and living condition "precarity" and over the past few years the EUROMAYDAY parades of causalised workers, temps, part-times, immigrants and unemployed have marched through Europe's capitals to demand new social rights for the most marginalised. On MAYDAY 2005 we will add London to this emerging movement.

MAYDAY this year falls on a Sunday, once a day for relaxing, now part of the working week for many people. It's symbollic of how our time is increasingly dominated by work. As part of EUROMAYDAY, our aim is to make MAYDAY this year a day off for everyone. A day when we extend our hand of solidarity over the counter & checkout & learn to live for free. One day less for working, one day more for us! Look out for more info!


To participate in this years MAYDAY action please send your mobile phone number to: and you will be texted one hour before the action starts on MAY 1st.

A second leaflet will be out next week explaining....he heh he

>>GET INVOLVED, we meet every wednesday 7.30pm @ Institute For Autonomy
76-78 Gower Street, London WC1E //

mail e-mail:
- Homepage:


08.04.2005 11:20

There should also be stuff happening in London as part of the European wide 'Euromayday'. More information at

Voluntary Slave

obvious statement

10.04.2005 20:26

if you want more time to shop and eat in nice restaurants and go to the cinema, who exactly do you think is selling the clothes, serving/cooking the food, selling the tickets?

at least tell me you want to go to the park,plant trees or stop consuming for 5 minutes!!!

think a little

I think that's the point

10.04.2005 21:47

I think that's the point, 'think a little' - that we are encouraged to think that we need to be spending all our free time consuming, which both makes us anxious about not having enough money, and makes us have to work all the time satisfying other consumers. Mayday is about not consuming, about sticking a monkey wrench in the processes of consumption - previous Euromayday actions have included things like picketting supermarkets, I believe.

Voluntary Slave


24.04.2005 09:46

Flash Mobs.

Meet at mainline stations/popular tourist spots and be prepared to travel quickly. Bring music and fun.
