Prime Minister’s wife takes divorce from PM
Ake Tyvi | 07.04.2005 12:31 | Gender | Oxford
Quite many top politicians has got their wife killed or are divorced. This is the case also in the Finnish family tragedy, were nation’s beloved family value man’s wife takes divorce from him; Prime Minister’s wife takes divorce of PM Matti Vanhala.
Prime Minister’s wife takes divorce from PM
FIN - Prime Minister’s wife takes divorce of PM. Matti Vanhala, Prime Minister, is favour by his father, who as a professor emeritus made an accusations in public related to white race being more intelligent to other. Matti’s opinion in Yellow Press was, that he wished to continue the relationship.
Finland is famous of its political gang, President Tarja Halonen – social democrat, sexually unstable since an ex-chairman of Sexual Equality-, Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja - social democrat, Mrs President’s spouse -, Paavo Lipponen - social democrat, Parliament’s Spokesman, divorced, Pauli Niinistö – Ex-Minister of Finance, wife got killed - divorced dated got divorced… but uses roller skates -, Minister of Justice Johannes Koskinen – social democrat, status unknown-.
And now we have even Prime Minister Matti ‘Big Nz’ serving as a divorced.
It is no wonder foreign politicians want to meet our Foreign Minister and President, but it is more a rule than an exception, that these people either divorce or their spouse gets killed. Even high Israel politician were interested of old charm-full Matti Vanhala.
Finland is a family reunion ruled by few families. In the future we may see how in Finland the same phenomenon like in some Far-East nations were president nominates her/his relatives to high security position.
FIN - Prime Minister’s wife takes divorce of PM. Matti Vanhala, Prime Minister, is favour by his father, who as a professor emeritus made an accusations in public related to white race being more intelligent to other. Matti’s opinion in Yellow Press was, that he wished to continue the relationship.
Finland is famous of its political gang, President Tarja Halonen – social democrat, sexually unstable since an ex-chairman of Sexual Equality-, Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja - social democrat, Mrs President’s spouse -, Paavo Lipponen - social democrat, Parliament’s Spokesman, divorced, Pauli Niinistö – Ex-Minister of Finance, wife got killed - divorced dated got divorced… but uses roller skates -, Minister of Justice Johannes Koskinen – social democrat, status unknown-.
And now we have even Prime Minister Matti ‘Big Nz’ serving as a divorced.
It is no wonder foreign politicians want to meet our Foreign Minister and President, but it is more a rule than an exception, that these people either divorce or their spouse gets killed. Even high Israel politician were interested of old charm-full Matti Vanhala.
Finland is a family reunion ruled by few families. In the future we may see how in Finland the same phenomenon like in some Far-East nations were president nominates her/his relatives to high security position.
Ake Tyvi