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GOD'S ENEMIES AT WORK (Smallpox protest)

From Indycymru | 06.04.2005 14:58

The news here seems too important to leave hidden on IndyCymru. Look up those URLs and write your own if you want to hide this. also see B.t.w: 'Smallpox' stopped IndymediaUK search working.

Posted by: DarkerCloud

They want you to sign up to stop the development of smallpox on such a scale that human Life shall not self extinguish:

What other mechanism can restore the balance of Life?
Now go read
which includes

"Current food production system due for collapse

World grain yield fell for four successive years from 2000 to 2003, bringing reserves to the lowest in thirty years. The situation has not improved despite a 'bumper' harvest in 2004, which was just enough to satisfy world consumption.

In too many food production regions of the world, conventional farming practices have severely depleted the underground water to the point where rivers and lakes have dried out, topsoil has been eroded away, and wild life decimated. At the same time, world oil production may have passed its peak; oil price hit a record high of US$58 a barrel on 4 April 2005, and is expected to top US$100 within two years. This spells looming disaster for conventional industrial agriculture, which is heavily dependent on both oil and water. The true costs of our current food production system are becoming all too clear (see Box 1)."

And did you se "Global Dimming" where they say that the amount of light reaching crops is now falling so reducing yields as the result of atmoshperic pollution?

From Indycymru


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Greenwarrior in the Sky at work?

06.04.2005 15:24

If Blair and Bush are stupid enough to allow intercontinental airlines to continue flying, then a slightly evolved Chicken 'flu could be the mechanism that rapidly restores the balance of Life.

Another way to restore the balance might be through an Economic collapse caused by banning those flights. The Great Greenwarrior clearly has many strings to His bow. But the decision might be that it is time to make a clean sweep and a fresh start.
