boycott coca cola: lime is the new black!
lime | 04.04.2005 18:34 | Bio-technology | Indymedia | Social Struggles
Boycott Coca Cola
net links.. could someone post a list of alternatives?

Breaking news, urgent actions, and political analysis dedicated to the defence of human rights
in Colombia.

Welcome to Cokewatch, a website designed to keep an eye on The Coca-Cola Company, one of the
world's most well-known corporations. ... union workers who bottle Coca Cola products have been
kidnapped ... The largest Coca Cola union in Colombia has asked for ...

Killer Coke

ZNet |Colombia | Boycott Coca-Cola!
... An international boycott of Coca Cola products will be launched this Tuesday ...
response to our call to boycott Coca Cola products. The launch of the boycott will be world ...
Coke kills eight workers in Colombia-Boycott Coca-Cola campaign
... An international boycott of Coca Cola products will be launched this ... by the international
response to our call to boycott Coca Cola products. ...

Colombia Action Network - Boycott Coca-Cola! - Stop Plan Colombia! - Stop Killer Coke Death Squads! - Host Luis ...
... Plan Colombia - Boycott Coke - Boycott Coca cola. Plan Colombia - Boycott Coke - Boycott Coca cola. Plan Colombia - Boycott Coke ...

Boycott Coca-Cola .... Boycott Coke .... Boycott Coca-Cola
Coca-Cola's hostility to the environment has subject the company to a consumer boycott in Australia.

Coca-Cola - Brands - Brand List
JavaScript functionality on The Coca-Cola Company corporate website is used to create navigation menus.
The menus will only work if JavaScript is activated. BRAND LIST ... Y // # THE COCA-COLA COMPANY
BRANDS ... caffeine free Coca-Cola. caffeine free Coke II ...

Commercial Reivew - Coke And Pepsi Overview
Access resources relating to the corporate policies of Coca-Cola and Pepsi.

AlterNet: No Water? Drink Coke!
... In April 2003, Coca-Cola was targeted for boycott to protest the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq ... the
U.S. and Europe, urging colleges and towns to boycott Coca-Cola. ...

... given 'fertiliser' from Coca-Cola factories, which. turned out to contain neurotoxins and ...
Secondly, register your Coca-Cola boycott at, ...

24. Boycott Scalla Cola ... er Coke - Official web-site of the Boycott Coke effort
The Coca-cola Company was once a respectable company that many had respect for. Today Coke is an
anti-Southern politically correct company using our money to purchase political influnence to
discredit Southern Heritage. ... are familiar with our ongoing Southern Boycott of Coca-Cola.
For those late coming to that party, Coca ... There is an ongoing boycott of Coca-Cola Products
within the Southern ...

Malaysia's Muslims Boycott Coca-Cola
The Penguin Star reports on Malaysia's reaction to Coca Cola ... of Muslims in Malaysia began to boycott
the soft drink Coca-Cola, to protest against American interference in Muslim ...

No Sweat
Workers Back Coca-cola Boycott.
This article from New Statesman (1996) is in the HighBeam Research Library. Read a preview of the
article and sign up for a free trial for access to millions of articles from thousands of publications.

Coca-Cola Resolution
Service Employees International Union Local 415. Resolution to Support Protection for. Trade Unionists
in Colombia and Boycott Coca-Cola ... Trade Unionists in Colombia and Boycott Coca-Cola. WHEREAS,
Colombia is the most dangerous country in the world ...
the world-wide boycott of all Coca-Cola products and encouraging Local ...

Coca-Cola boycott urged - Apr. 19, 2000
A former Coca-Cola Co. benefits manager, backed by a busload of protesters accusing the world's largest
soft drink company of racial discrimination, on Tuesday called for a boycott of Coca-Cola products by
the company's black employees worldwide.

ILWU Backs Colombia Coca-Cola boycott
ILWU Backs Colombia Coca-Cola boycott. Report by Ken Morgan. Published: 09/05/03. William Mendoza Gómez
is Barrancabermeja regional President of SINALTRAINAL, the Colombian food workers union trying to
organize Coca-Cola workers. ... The ILWU support the boycott against Coca-Cola, and ...

For Christmas, Will Coca-Cola Stop Acting Like Big Tobacco?

51. The Boycott-board : Coca-Cola.
Hidden stories about multinationals. ... When of the latest complaints against Coca Cola is that the
company finance dead-squadrons in Columbia and ... promises to lead a boycott of Coca Cola, which uses
corn-based ...

Latin America Solidarity Centre's Campaigns
Why boycott Coca-Cola? ... In July 2003, LASC launched the boycott of Coca-Cola in Ireland (see photos
and comments on Indymedia ... part of an international boycott of Coca-Cola, called by the Colombian

Anti-Southern Corporations - Huge Win for the Southern Heritage Movement
We are making a difference, we have concrete proof we are hurting Coca-Cola, there are enough of us to
prove to Coca-Cola Management we do have numbers and we should have proved by now we have the staying
power. ... a petition drive announcing their intention to boycott Coca-Cola, so far I've received over
500,000 names ... numbers of people that have agreed to boycott Coca-Cola Products. ...

Press Release for Immediate use
... agree with the policy of implementing. a boycott of Coca-Cola at Edinburgh and put pressure on
the ... Patrick Hannon of the Boycott Coca-Cola society: "The recent groundswell ...

Twentieth Anniversary
... A Green Party USA Perspective on the Coca-Cola Boycott ... trade unions around the world launched a
boycott of Coca-Cola products in solidarity with Colombia's Sinaltrianal food ...

Hide the following 8 comments
carbonated pop kiddies
04.04.2005 23:34
04.04.2005 23:41
you want to go to Malaysia and find out what they mean by political freedom for non-muslims there. Malaysia is a fucking human rights disgrace. Coca cola is the least of their worries. They are fascist. If you dont believe me catch a plane and find out.
boycotts = freemarket liberalism
05.04.2005 11:36
Not only that but do you honestly think you are going to convince millions of people to boycott it, mean be realsitic here, its a popular drink, it tastes good, countless millions of people worldwide aren't suddenly going to stop drinking it. If you think this has any chance of success then you are sadly not in touch with reality.
A boycott isn't going to solve your problems, all it does is make people think that we're just against specific corporations, when we're against capitalism as a social relationship in our everyday lives. We should be demanding more than what capitalism can give us, not less.
Tastes Good?
06.04.2005 08:38
What does coke taste like????
06.04.2005 12:33
Brightonian and Proud
boycott coca cola
15.06.2005 22:42
about your actions.
look at this website
think about other
make the change to a drink like mecca-cola or Qibla cola
money goes to charity
and do look at
boycott coca cola
17.06.2005 19:50
boycott coca cola
08.07.2005 09:16