(repost) Bristol - G8 Info4Action - full programme
Info4Action | 04.04.2005 17:30 | G8 2005
(repost as previous has disappeared)
As the UK’s year as host to the G8 (Group of Eight most powerful/rich countries) continues, Bristol G8 Dissent! Group presents a day long event focusing on the G8 and issues related to it. All are welcome – to share information, exchange ideas, consider alternatives, and discuss ways we can resist.
As the UK’s year as host to the G8 (Group of Eight most powerful/rich countries) continues, Bristol G8 Dissent! Group presents a day long event focusing on the G8 and issues related to it. All are welcome – to share information, exchange ideas, consider alternatives, and discuss ways we can resist.
9 April - Information for Action
Venue: Malcolm X Centre, City Rd, St Pauls, Bristol, BS2
Time: 10.30am to 5.30pm
Entry: Free/donations welcome
Contact email:
Please note: No smoking, alcohol or pets in the venue. The venue has good access for the disabled.
10.30am – All welcome: Free info, stalls, snacks.
Kids-space: will be open in separate building until 5.30pm. To help us plan it, if possible let us know in advance no. of kids/ages. Note it may be necessary in some cases for a carer to stay with kid(s) – contact us if you need more details.
Opening Session and Introductions [Main hall]
1. The national ‘Dissent against the G8 network’ – Speaker: Bristol G8 Dissent
2. Why we oppose capitalism & the G8 – Speaker: Uzma
3. Introduction to Bristol G8 Dissent Group & outline of the day – Speaker: Bristol G8 Dissent
12 - 1pm: Workshops – Let’s get positive now!
A. Solidarity - acting locally, thinking globally (International Solidarity Movement – Bristol; www.palsolidarity.org) [Front of main hall]
"A look at building awareness for international issues & campaigns, and providing practical support, here and there – using the ISM’s solidarity work in Palestine & globally as a starting point."
B. Art activism (Bristol Artivist) [Side room]
"The political use of art - graffiti/stencils/subverts/murals – in providing resistance and alternative viewpoints. Bristol Artivist aims to network local artists involved in activism. The start point & current focus is ... G8! Displays and live demonstration.”
C. Living alternatives to capitalism (John Mayford, Nathan Brown and Kebele; www.avoncda.coop & www.kebele.org) [Back of main hall]
"What we can do in the here & now to live our lives differently to create a practical alternative to capitalism and hierarchy through collective and co-operative organisation of work, home, land, and food.”
D. Our media (BIMC, The Bristolian, Bristle magazine;
the_bristolian2004@yahoo.co.uk, www.bristle.org.uk) [Balcony]
“Combating the power of the media corporations, and exposing dodgy deals in high places is no easy task, but Bristol has a wealth of alternative media projects – how do they do it?”
1 to 2pm: Lunch – food from the Kebele Kafé (vegan)
2 - 2.45pm: Presentations – Information!
A. The Zapatistas (Kiptik; www.kiptik.buz.org/) [Balcony]
“The history & politics of the EZLN and the autonomous communities in resistance. Their opposition to capitalist exploitation in Chiapas has inspired millions worldwide - what lessons can we learn from their struggle; and how do we ensure they're not alone?”
B. Debtwash! - African debt & poverty and International Policy (Mike Sansom, African Initatives; www.african-initiatives.org.uk) [Front of main hall]
“There is a gap between what the government tells you, and the reality of what is happening and what is needed.”
C. The War and Occupation of Iraq (Jo Wilding and Uzma; www.circus2iraq.org) [Side room]
“Eyewitness account of the sanctions, war and corporate takeover of Iraq, from the human rights activist and co-founder of Boomchucka Circus. First-hand experience of effects of sanctions, and what we can to do to effect change.”
D. No Borders - No Immigrants - No Abuses (Geoff Norburn/ Josh Richards) [Back of main hall]
“A look at global migration. Firstly, current responses to migration, and another possible approach. Secondly, a local asylum case that has attracted media attention.”
2.45-3pm: Break
3 - 4.30pm: Workshops – Action!
A. Taking direct action for climate justice - what are our options? (London Rising Tide & friends; www.risingtide.org.uk & www.londonrisingtide.org.uk) [Balcony]
“We'll look at bottom-up strategies for saving the climate without sacrificing social justice. We'll also talk about the global day of action on the root causes of climate chaos on July 8th.”
B. Rebel Clowning and the Killing Joke. (CIRCA; www.clownarmy.org) [Side room]
“An introduction to building your own outsider clown/buffoon and performing in a group. We take a look at pleasure, play and presence ‘onstage’ and find ways of turning hard-headed theory into red-nose action.”
C. Direct Action training (Bristol G8 Dissent) [Main hall]
“Covering the ideas and practicalities of DA - what we mean and why we do it. With skill sharing, team building games & exercises - to make our DA more effective and sustainable.”
4.30 - 5.30pm: Feedback session [Main hall]
Comments, ideas, criticisms, action suggestions, debate, whatever!
Facilitators – Bristol G8 Dissent!
Free info from many campaigns; plus Bristol G8 Dissent; Kebele info/books; The Bristolian; Brize Norton peace camp; Bristol CAAT
More Info:
Followed by Benefit Party: at The Full Moon, North St, Stokes Croft, BS2, 8pm – 1am, 5 quid in, 4 bands, 3 DJ’s, info.
You can download posters for Info4Action from here (can be slow – persevere):
And a poster for the benefit from here:
Bristol G8 Dissent! general contact details:
write to Box 102, Greenleaf Books, 82 Colston St, Bristol BS1
join the elist at
Venue: Malcolm X Centre, City Rd, St Pauls, Bristol, BS2
Time: 10.30am to 5.30pm
Entry: Free/donations welcome
Contact email:

Please note: No smoking, alcohol or pets in the venue. The venue has good access for the disabled.
10.30am – All welcome: Free info, stalls, snacks.
Kids-space: will be open in separate building until 5.30pm. To help us plan it, if possible let us know in advance no. of kids/ages. Note it may be necessary in some cases for a carer to stay with kid(s) – contact us if you need more details.
Opening Session and Introductions [Main hall]
1. The national ‘Dissent against the G8 network’ – Speaker: Bristol G8 Dissent
2. Why we oppose capitalism & the G8 – Speaker: Uzma
3. Introduction to Bristol G8 Dissent Group & outline of the day – Speaker: Bristol G8 Dissent
12 - 1pm: Workshops – Let’s get positive now!
A. Solidarity - acting locally, thinking globally (International Solidarity Movement – Bristol; www.palsolidarity.org) [Front of main hall]
"A look at building awareness for international issues & campaigns, and providing practical support, here and there – using the ISM’s solidarity work in Palestine & globally as a starting point."
B. Art activism (Bristol Artivist) [Side room]
"The political use of art - graffiti/stencils/subverts/murals – in providing resistance and alternative viewpoints. Bristol Artivist aims to network local artists involved in activism. The start point & current focus is ... G8! Displays and live demonstration.”
C. Living alternatives to capitalism (John Mayford, Nathan Brown and Kebele; www.avoncda.coop & www.kebele.org) [Back of main hall]
"What we can do in the here & now to live our lives differently to create a practical alternative to capitalism and hierarchy through collective and co-operative organisation of work, home, land, and food.”
D. Our media (BIMC, The Bristolian, Bristle magazine;

“Combating the power of the media corporations, and exposing dodgy deals in high places is no easy task, but Bristol has a wealth of alternative media projects – how do they do it?”
1 to 2pm: Lunch – food from the Kebele Kafé (vegan)
2 - 2.45pm: Presentations – Information!
A. The Zapatistas (Kiptik; www.kiptik.buz.org/) [Balcony]
“The history & politics of the EZLN and the autonomous communities in resistance. Their opposition to capitalist exploitation in Chiapas has inspired millions worldwide - what lessons can we learn from their struggle; and how do we ensure they're not alone?”
B. Debtwash! - African debt & poverty and International Policy (Mike Sansom, African Initatives; www.african-initiatives.org.uk) [Front of main hall]
“There is a gap between what the government tells you, and the reality of what is happening and what is needed.”
C. The War and Occupation of Iraq (Jo Wilding and Uzma; www.circus2iraq.org) [Side room]
“Eyewitness account of the sanctions, war and corporate takeover of Iraq, from the human rights activist and co-founder of Boomchucka Circus. First-hand experience of effects of sanctions, and what we can to do to effect change.”
D. No Borders - No Immigrants - No Abuses (Geoff Norburn/ Josh Richards) [Back of main hall]
“A look at global migration. Firstly, current responses to migration, and another possible approach. Secondly, a local asylum case that has attracted media attention.”
2.45-3pm: Break
3 - 4.30pm: Workshops – Action!
A. Taking direct action for climate justice - what are our options? (London Rising Tide & friends; www.risingtide.org.uk & www.londonrisingtide.org.uk) [Balcony]
“We'll look at bottom-up strategies for saving the climate without sacrificing social justice. We'll also talk about the global day of action on the root causes of climate chaos on July 8th.”
B. Rebel Clowning and the Killing Joke. (CIRCA; www.clownarmy.org) [Side room]
“An introduction to building your own outsider clown/buffoon and performing in a group. We take a look at pleasure, play and presence ‘onstage’ and find ways of turning hard-headed theory into red-nose action.”
C. Direct Action training (Bristol G8 Dissent) [Main hall]
“Covering the ideas and practicalities of DA - what we mean and why we do it. With skill sharing, team building games & exercises - to make our DA more effective and sustainable.”
4.30 - 5.30pm: Feedback session [Main hall]
Comments, ideas, criticisms, action suggestions, debate, whatever!
Facilitators – Bristol G8 Dissent!
Free info from many campaigns; plus Bristol G8 Dissent; Kebele info/books; The Bristolian; Brize Norton peace camp; Bristol CAAT
More Info:

Followed by Benefit Party: at The Full Moon, North St, Stokes Croft, BS2, 8pm – 1am, 5 quid in, 4 bands, 3 DJ’s, info.
You can download posters for Info4Action from here (can be slow – persevere):

And a poster for the benefit from here:

Bristol G8 Dissent! general contact details:

write to Box 102, Greenleaf Books, 82 Colston St, Bristol BS1
join the elist at
