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this day in san francisco

repost | 04.04.2005 00:01 | Social Struggles | London


Nessie compairs the Bay Area anarchists to the Nazis and Klan,

Thanks. I try.
by nessie Monday, Mar. 28, 2005 at 11:15 AM

>like the mythical monster that is his namesake,

Difficult to photograph, impossible to capture. I also have teeth.

When people who call themselves anarchists use media to tell people who eat fried chicken that they are moral inferiors, and then wonder why it is that in the most culturally diverse place on the planet, Bay Area anarchists have, except for Nazis and Klan, the least diverse movement in town, well, I just don’t know whether to laugh or puke. but the three groups are all but interchangeable in my book. none are worth the air it takes to keep them alive.



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moral s by definition

04.04.2005 05:07

surely their actions are defined by there morality and the lack of you stated proven by the content of your example:

When people who call themselves anarchists use media to tell people who eat fried chicken that they are moral inferiors,

you infact lower the concept of moral if you feel the not violent informative protest as an attempt to save a life of the quality of many lives is a-moral.

as i said, you make a cheap comparison. i am sure there are some whom are as bad as nazi's, but maybe it is you..

i hope you chip your tooth on a chicken bone!



04.04.2005 11:01

there is nothing inherently virtuous or morally superior about being a part of something that is "culturally diverse". go be an east european london whore hanging out in soho and tell me about how great diversity is.

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