Call for G8 to disband
Info4Action | 03.04.2005 23:09 | G8 2005
4/4/05 - Press Release: Call for G8 to disband
Bristol G8 Dissent! Group today announced the full programme for its community awareness-raising day on 9 April, at the Malcolm X Centre in St Pauls, Bristol. Entrance is free to the ‘Information for Action’ day.
4/4/05 - Press Release: Call for G8 to disband
Bristol G8 Dissent! Group today announced the full programme for its community awareness-raising day on 9 April, at the Malcolm X Centre in St Pauls, Bristol. Entrance is free to the ‘Information for Action’ day.
Speaking about the reasons for the event, campaigner Lucy Parsons explained: “The G8, or Group of Eight most powerful & rich nations, effectively rule the world. They are a self-selected, un-elected, club for the rich and powerful, representing solely the multi-national corporations and the political elite. Yet the public know very little about them and how they operate, nor the impact on our daily lives of their meetings and decisions. We are putting on this free event to help change that, all Bristolians are welcome to come along.”
The community conference will feature introductions to the G8, along with 11 workshops and presentations covering key issues linked to the G8 and alternatives to it. Speakers and workshop leaders will come from many Bristol based campaign & community groups, including Jo Wilding, The Bristolian, Kebele Kulture Projekt, African Initiatives, Avon Co-operative Development Agency, ISM-Bristol, Kiptik, Joss Richards from the campaign to defend Lina & Miguel Castano from deportation, and Bristol Dissent. Also speaking will be The Clown Army and London Rising Tide. There will be free information available from many campaigns. Additionally, Bristol G8 Dissent! have produced a series of 7 Briefing Papers, looking at the G8’s performance and failure to act in a number of key areas, and exposing their real agenda.
Lucy Parsons commented: “Tony Blair recently queried why anyone would need to protest outside a G8 meeting. But look at the key issues on our planet today, and you’ll soon find out why. Climate change – both British & worldwide CO2 emissions continue to increase despite Kyoto. African debt & poverty – debt has not been cancelled, the US will refuse to cancel it, and Africans are poorer now than 40 years ago. G8 members have led the illegal war in Iraq, and the clampdown on civil liberties in their own countries. Economically they have only one solution – privatisation, of everything, to make a profit. Is it any wonder that Bristol’s services for the young, vulnerable and sick are failing? The only area the G8 has excelled in is in increasing the profits of the corporations, and widening the gap between the rich and poor worldwide.”
Bristol G8 Dissent will be encouraging Bristolians to go to the G8 summit in Gleneagles, from 6-8 July, and to take actions locally as well. July 6 is an International Day of Action against the G8.
Campaigner Barry Cade believes that: “The G8 should be disbanded. Not only are they an un-elected and selfish clique, but also a failure in terms of solving worldwide problems. It is great that hundreds, maybe thousands, of Bristolians will attend the Make Poverty History march in Edinburgh on 2 July. It is even better that many will stay around to protest against the G8 with tens of thousands from around the world. My aim is to join the blockades to stop the G8 summit happening, and then join fellow protesters in holding a Peoples Assembly at Gleneagles - that will redistribute the world’s wealth & resources to ensure justice and equality around the world, and the process of ending wars, poverty, disease and repression. Around the world, from South America to states formerly part of the USSR, social movements are challenging and sometimes toppling the ruling elites. We can do it too – we nearly did when opposing the start of the Iraq war.”
Notes to editors:
1. Bristol G8 Dissent is an autonomous group that is part of the national Dissent network – see
2. Full details of the April 9 ‘Information for Action’ conference at the Malcolm X Centre are attached.
3. The attached photo and poster are property of Bristol G8 Dissent and may be reproduced. Photo caption: ‘Message on wall says it all for Bristol group.’
For further information & comment please contact:
Tel: Barry on 07821 622 989 (Mon – Fri, 9am-5pm)
The community conference will feature introductions to the G8, along with 11 workshops and presentations covering key issues linked to the G8 and alternatives to it. Speakers and workshop leaders will come from many Bristol based campaign & community groups, including Jo Wilding, The Bristolian, Kebele Kulture Projekt, African Initiatives, Avon Co-operative Development Agency, ISM-Bristol, Kiptik, Joss Richards from the campaign to defend Lina & Miguel Castano from deportation, and Bristol Dissent. Also speaking will be The Clown Army and London Rising Tide. There will be free information available from many campaigns. Additionally, Bristol G8 Dissent! have produced a series of 7 Briefing Papers, looking at the G8’s performance and failure to act in a number of key areas, and exposing their real agenda.
Lucy Parsons commented: “Tony Blair recently queried why anyone would need to protest outside a G8 meeting. But look at the key issues on our planet today, and you’ll soon find out why. Climate change – both British & worldwide CO2 emissions continue to increase despite Kyoto. African debt & poverty – debt has not been cancelled, the US will refuse to cancel it, and Africans are poorer now than 40 years ago. G8 members have led the illegal war in Iraq, and the clampdown on civil liberties in their own countries. Economically they have only one solution – privatisation, of everything, to make a profit. Is it any wonder that Bristol’s services for the young, vulnerable and sick are failing? The only area the G8 has excelled in is in increasing the profits of the corporations, and widening the gap between the rich and poor worldwide.”
Bristol G8 Dissent will be encouraging Bristolians to go to the G8 summit in Gleneagles, from 6-8 July, and to take actions locally as well. July 6 is an International Day of Action against the G8.
Campaigner Barry Cade believes that: “The G8 should be disbanded. Not only are they an un-elected and selfish clique, but also a failure in terms of solving worldwide problems. It is great that hundreds, maybe thousands, of Bristolians will attend the Make Poverty History march in Edinburgh on 2 July. It is even better that many will stay around to protest against the G8 with tens of thousands from around the world. My aim is to join the blockades to stop the G8 summit happening, and then join fellow protesters in holding a Peoples Assembly at Gleneagles - that will redistribute the world’s wealth & resources to ensure justice and equality around the world, and the process of ending wars, poverty, disease and repression. Around the world, from South America to states formerly part of the USSR, social movements are challenging and sometimes toppling the ruling elites. We can do it too – we nearly did when opposing the start of the Iraq war.”
Notes to editors:
1. Bristol G8 Dissent is an autonomous group that is part of the national Dissent network – see
2. Full details of the April 9 ‘Information for Action’ conference at the Malcolm X Centre are attached.
3. The attached photo and poster are property of Bristol G8 Dissent and may be reproduced. Photo caption: ‘Message on wall says it all for Bristol group.’
For further information & comment please contact:

Tel: Barry on 07821 622 989 (Mon – Fri, 9am-5pm)