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Intelligence USA

cleaves | 02.04.2005 07:19 | Analysis | London

It’s now official, but do these admissions carry even a vestige of credibility? The US administration recently announced that it was grossly in error regarding ‘intelligence’ assessments of the existence of WMDs in Iraq! Someone forgot to inform neo-con PR that the ‘Bull’ has already wrecked the China shop. It is already on public record that Wolfowitz needed an excuse to invade Iraq and WMDs would be the most convincing. The campaign (by the US) to undermine the credibility of UN inspectors (who were later proven correct) is also on public record.

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So ?

02.04.2005 08:58

So Cleaves what would you have done instead ?


broken link

03.04.2005 14:55

Apologies for the broken link - the above article can be found at:
