Energy & Climate News (25 March 2005)]
fishboyAi | 02.04.2005 02:24 | Analysis | Ecology | Education | London | Oxford
Energy & Climate News (25 March 2005)]
Climate: EU leaders agree to flexible targets for 2020
--------------------------------------------------, 24 March 2005 - EU leaders agreed to aim for a 15-30% cut in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020, subject to future cost-benefit analyses and international negotiations. But the targets have created confusion among some environmentalists.
Mitsubishi Offsets Environmental Expo with Rain Forest Investment
--------------------------------------------------, 23 March 2005 - Mitsubishi Group is offsetting the carbon footprint of an environmental exhibit in Japan by helping to protect rain forests in northeastern Madagascar.
Will Asia kill Kyoto?
Ethical Corporation, 22 March 2005 - With most Asian economies being allowed to chug away without carbon reduction targets even as Kyoto signatories, the Kyoto Protocol looks a little wan in the region of its birth. Will Asia be its death?
Faith-Based and Environmentalist Shareowners Withdraw Climate Change Resolutions at Six Companies
--------------------------------------------------, 22 March 2005 - The six oil and gas companies commit to measure, mitigate, and disclose data related to global warming, and evangelicals join their faith-based compatriots in concern over climate change.
E. Europe reaps quota rewards
The Daily Yomiuri, 22 March 2005 - Western European, Japanese firms launching projects to cut emissions.
A New Automaker Mantra: Emissions? What Emissions?
The New York Times, 22 March 2005 - Several automakers, among them Toyota, Ford Motor and BMW, are financing an advertising campaign aimed at politicians that asserts that automobiles are "virtually emission-free."
Global warming, soaring energy needs spur renewed interest in nuclear power
Associated Press, 21 March 2005 - Only by building more nuclear power stations can the world meet its soaring energy needs while averting environmental disaster, experts at an international conference said Monday.
Climate change heads for the courts
Insurance Day, 21 March 2005 - When Kyoto Protocol finally came into force on February 16, a number of industrialised countries became bound to reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases. Total reductions in the commitment period 2008 to 2012 add up to a cut in greenhouse gas emissions of at least 5% from 1990 levels.
Climate: A hard look at the long term
U.P.I., 21 March 2005 - One of the ironies of the global warming debate is that anyone on any side of the argument is likely to be around long enough to say, "I told you so."
The ultimate hydrogen machine
The Toronto Sun, 20 March 2005 - As Canada tries to figure out ways to effectively implement the Kyoto treaty, into which it signed last month, several companies would like to see quick profits from the movement -- while others are happy to let the whole process take as long as possible.
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DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this newsletter is for information purposes only. The WBCSD does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any advice, opinion, statement or other information.
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The articles are available on the WBCSD website for 90 days only.
Thorsten Arndt
Online Communications Manager
World Business Council for Sustainable Development
4, chemin de Conches
Conches 1231, Geneva, Switzerland
Phone: +41 (22) 8393 170
The open-access general medical journal
World Wide Eyes!
Earthwatchers in Action
Climate: EU leaders agree to flexible targets for 2020
--------------------------------------------------, 24 March 2005 - EU leaders agreed to aim for a 15-30% cut in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020, subject to future cost-benefit analyses and international negotiations. But the targets have created confusion among some environmentalists.

Mitsubishi Offsets Environmental Expo with Rain Forest Investment
--------------------------------------------------, 23 March 2005 - Mitsubishi Group is offsetting the carbon footprint of an environmental exhibit in Japan by helping to protect rain forests in northeastern Madagascar.

Will Asia kill Kyoto?
Ethical Corporation, 22 March 2005 - With most Asian economies being allowed to chug away without carbon reduction targets even as Kyoto signatories, the Kyoto Protocol looks a little wan in the region of its birth. Will Asia be its death?

Faith-Based and Environmentalist Shareowners Withdraw Climate Change Resolutions at Six Companies
--------------------------------------------------, 22 March 2005 - The six oil and gas companies commit to measure, mitigate, and disclose data related to global warming, and evangelicals join their faith-based compatriots in concern over climate change.

E. Europe reaps quota rewards
The Daily Yomiuri, 22 March 2005 - Western European, Japanese firms launching projects to cut emissions.

A New Automaker Mantra: Emissions? What Emissions?
The New York Times, 22 March 2005 - Several automakers, among them Toyota, Ford Motor and BMW, are financing an advertising campaign aimed at politicians that asserts that automobiles are "virtually emission-free."

Global warming, soaring energy needs spur renewed interest in nuclear power
Associated Press, 21 March 2005 - Only by building more nuclear power stations can the world meet its soaring energy needs while averting environmental disaster, experts at an international conference said Monday.

Climate change heads for the courts
Insurance Day, 21 March 2005 - When Kyoto Protocol finally came into force on February 16, a number of industrialised countries became bound to reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases. Total reductions in the commitment period 2008 to 2012 add up to a cut in greenhouse gas emissions of at least 5% from 1990 levels.

Climate: A hard look at the long term
U.P.I., 21 March 2005 - One of the ironies of the global warming debate is that anyone on any side of the argument is likely to be around long enough to say, "I told you so."

The ultimate hydrogen machine
The Toronto Sun, 20 March 2005 - As Canada tries to figure out ways to effectively implement the Kyoto treaty, into which it signed last month, several companies would like to see quick profits from the movement -- while others are happy to let the whole process take as long as possible.

Visit the "Best website for information on sustainable development" (2003 & 2004 GlobeScan surveys):

Access all international news articles:

DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this newsletter is for information purposes only. The WBCSD does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any advice, opinion, statement or other information.
NOTE: If the URLs in this email are not active hyperlinks, copy and paste the URL into the address/location box in your browser.
The articles are available on the WBCSD website for 90 days only.
Thorsten Arndt
Online Communications Manager
World Business Council for Sustainable Development
4, chemin de Conches
Conches 1231, Geneva, Switzerland
Phone: +41 (22) 8393 170


The open-access general medical journal

World Wide Eyes!
Earthwatchers in Action
