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yes it is...

Tony, Jew and The Penguin | 01.04.2005 22:19 | Anti-racism | Culture | Migration | Liverpool

a little example to inspire people to do more of the same

Here's a subvertised Tory scum billboard on Picton Rd.
We're not advocating destruction of private property (honest)

Just telling the truth.

There are loads more around Liverpool,including TWO on smithdown road. Let's all get going with our rollers...

Tony, Jew and The Penguin


Hide the following 14 comments

Good Stuff

02.04.2005 11:10

Nice one!

Alex Higgins

well done bravo

02.04.2005 14:50



No it isn't

02.04.2005 17:04

Although the Tories intentions are suspect, it isn't intrinsically racist to impose immigration controls. I'm a socialist, but I recognise that it just isn't practical to have completely open borders - and it's time others stopped trotting out this silly, politically-correct line.


mick spick

03.04.2005 00:48

we are all immigrants - 1st generation, 2nd generation, 3rd generation (a French anti-racist chant I chanted and realised I indeed was myself)

jew flew


03.04.2005 12:16

I am also the product of immigration. So what? I still recognise that it just isn't feasible to have completely open borders practically, and in terms of security. Does that make me racist?


check the no one is illegal manifesto

03.04.2005 12:27

To the socialist who thinks that "it just isn't practical to have completely open borders": The no "one is illegal" manifesto on gives some very good, non-utopian arguments why immigration controls are inherently racist - check it out...



03.04.2005 15:44

50% of immigrants want our borders closed. Is this because they don’t want to live in violent communities that their people create. I can’t name any particular race (its racist) but I can say Easter Europeans and people from the direction of Africa.
These people whose children instinctively form gangs, which I prefer to call tribes, whose music glamorizes the use of violence and the possession of guns. I haven’t got a problem with first generation immigrants, but the children have no idea of the horrors that their parents fled from. Immigration has been a benefit to the community but can you honestly say that if our borders are opened that Britain won’t be over run by third world people wanting a better life for themselves. Generally people with the money to come here are the ones that have the best chance of creating a better quality of life for their own people in their own country!!!!

Do you know how many hospitals have had to shut in the Philippians because the NHS has robbed their doctors and nurses? How many people have died or suffered at the hands of untrained staff?



03.04.2005 17:03

yes it's not inherently racIST to have immigration controls insofar as the laws are ethnically neutral, in practice it is not the case.There's been loads of research done into the abuses of the system.

Also remember that Italy, for example, didn't have immigration controls until 1998!


Ebony and Ivory, together in perfect harmony...

03.04.2005 21:33

I'm not an anti-racist or anything but the thing that gets me about those white supremacists - they've got no appreciation of our culture, our heritage, you know?

But seriously, folks... Moving on to Dave's comments.

"I can’t name any particular race (its racist) but I can say Eastern Europeans and people from the direction of Africa."

Actually, it's pretty straightforwardly racist even without you laying it out any clearer than that.

On the spot test - which German dictator of the 20th century took this view of Eastern Europeans and Africans? Anyone?

Oh, well done. Right first time.

"These people whose children instinctively form gangs, which I prefer to call tribes, whose music glamorizes the use of violence and the possession of guns. I haven’t got a problem with first generation immigrants, but the children have no idea of the horrors that their parents fled from."

I suspect "tribes" isn't the only name you prefer to give to the children of other ethnic groups.

I have the good fortune to spend every working day with children of many of Britain's ethnic minorities, which makes this offensive nonsense all the more annoying. Suffice to say, many of them are the most delightful people i will ever meet.

Yes, some black music glamourises violence, guns and much else. But anyone with a smidgen of familiarity with black artists will be able to name three who sing anti-gun and peace songs off the top of their heads. And have you ever heard chants at a football match? Plenty of glamourising violence there.

And the children often know full well about their parents' experiences.

"I haven’t got a problem with first generation immigrants..."

So it's just small children you have a problem with?

"...can you honestly say that if our borders are opened that Britain won’t be over run by third world people wanting a better life for themselves?"

Yes. It's just a fact. Within Britain and Ireland we have open borders but you don't see a mass exodus from depressed parts of northern England, western Ireland and Scotland to Mayfair. Immigration is largely self-regulating - people will come if jobs are available and their labour is in demand. Otherwise, they won't.

Before the government moved to ban non-white Commonwealth immigration in the 1960s, rates of immigration from Commonwealth countries rose and fell naturally according to the demand.

"Do you know how many hospitals have had to shut in the Philippians because the NHS has robbed their doctors and nurses? How many people have died or suffered at the hands of untrained staff?"

It's a bit late for you to have a go at compassion at this stage, Dave. I take it that if you get very sick and wind up in hospital, you will refuse the assistance of foreign NHS staff?

There is a potential problem here, but the humane way to deal with it is for institutions like the International Monetary Fund to adjust their policies to allow Third World countries to raise salaries for healthcare workers, rather than imposing immigration controls. (Which the IMF won't incidentally, unless people demand it).

Are you aware how many desperate people die, drowning in the English Channel, starving while crossing the Alps, suffocated in degraded transport etc. etc. all of whom would have lived if their search for work or protection from persecution was not treated like a criminal offence?

Alex Higgins
mail e-mail:
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Ebony and Ivory, together in perfect harmony...

03.04.2005 21:33

I'm not an anti-racist or anything but the thing that gets me about those white supremacists - they've got no appreciation of our culture, our heritage, you know?

But seriously, folks... Moving on to Dave's comments.

"I can’t name any particular race (its racist) but I can say Eastern Europeans and people from the direction of Africa."

Actually, it's pretty straightforwardly racist even without you laying it out any clearer than that.

On the spot test - which German dictator of the 20th century took this view of Eastern Europeans and Africans? Anyone?

Oh, well done. Right first time.

"These people whose children instinctively form gangs, which I prefer to call tribes, whose music glamorizes the use of violence and the possession of guns. I haven’t got a problem with first generation immigrants, but the children have no idea of the horrors that their parents fled from."

I suspect "tribes" isn't the only name you prefer to give to the children of other ethnic groups.

I have the good fortune to spend every working day with children of many of Britain's ethnic minorities, which makes this offensive nonsense all the more annoying. Suffice to say, many of them are the most delightful people i will ever meet.

Yes, some black music glamourises violence, guns and much else. But anyone with a smidgen of familiarity with black artists will be able to name three who sing anti-gun and peace songs off the top of their heads. And have you ever heard chants at a football match? Plenty of glamourising violence there.

And the children often know full well about their parents' experiences.

"I haven’t got a problem with first generation immigrants..."

So it's just small children you have a problem with?

"...can you honestly say that if our borders are opened that Britain won’t be over run by third world people wanting a better life for themselves?"

Yes. It's just a fact. Within Britain and Ireland we have open borders but you don't see a mass exodus from depressed parts of northern England, western Ireland and Scotland to Mayfair. Immigration is largely self-regulating - people will come if jobs are available and their labour is in demand. Otherwise, they won't.

Before the government moved to ban non-white Commonwealth immigration in the 1960s, rates of immigration from Commonwealth countries rose and fell naturally according to the demand.

"Do you know how many hospitals have had to shut in the Philippians because the NHS has robbed their doctors and nurses? How many people have died or suffered at the hands of untrained staff?"

It's a bit late for you to have a go at compassion at this stage, Dave. I take it that if you get very sick and wind up in hospital, you will refuse the assistance of foreign NHS staff?

There is a potential problem here, but the humane way to deal with it is for institutions like the International Monetary Fund to adjust their policies to allow Third World countries to raise salaries for healthcare workers, rather than imposing immigration controls. (Which the IMF won't incidentally, unless people demand it).

Are you aware how many desperate people die, drowning in the English Channel, starving while crossing the Alps, suffocated in degraded transport etc. etc. all of whom would have lived if their search for work or protection from persecution was not treated like a criminal offence?

Alex Higgins
mail e-mail:
- Homepage:


03.04.2005 22:16

Sorry - double post. The comments section is really erratic at Indymedia...

Alex Higgins


04.04.2005 17:54

You're just vandals. Costing me, the taxpayer, money in cleaning your mess.

Go to hell

ste clayton


05.04.2005 11:31

Ste, your view is quite simply a load of crap mate.

It doesn't cost the taxpayer anything because it is a privately-owned billboard advertising a political party that is not in government. defacing it has no effect on you unless you are a member of the conservative party. sort yer head out


Good work.

13.04.2005 22:48

That cheered me up no end that did, seeing that :)
