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Unity Day AGM, 6th April 7.30pm

Unity | 01.04.2005 10:55 | Culture

Meeting at Wrangthorn Church, to discuss future of the event

Over the past few years Hyde Park Unity has got bigger & bigger, and it is estimated that last year up to 10,000 people attended throughout the day, many of these for the evening entertainment. In many ways this can be seen as a great success in achieving its aims ‘to promote the positive aspects of living and working in and around Hyde Park, and promote the creativity of the local population’. We feel that to a large extent this has been achieved and a very fun day is had by the vast majority of those taking part & attending.

However, there is a very strong feeling among the current management committee and other core Unity Day Team members that the event is far too big for the number of people organising the event, this has led to a certain disillusionment. Furthermore there is a strong feeling that Unity Day has moved away from its original ethos of a community event that engages the local community and enables them to take part in a fun day for all – it has become a mass consumer event.

There is also a very strong feeling that despite the large amount of evening entertainment on offer it does not reflect the true inclusive intentions of Unity Day, and that the lack of respect shown to the park and the local surroundings is detracting from much of the good feeling that Unity Day generates. The Management Committee have to accept ultimate responsibility for this, but we are also in a position to change it.

This is where YOU come in. At the AGM we will be expressing our thoughts on how Unity Day can move forward and continue to promote the positive aspects of Hyde Park whilst at the same time becoming more ‘commUNITY’ focused. We will therefore be asking for help to outline a new direction for Unity Day. 2005 is Unity Day’s 10th Birthday and we feel that now is a good time to look to the future. We would therefore be delighted to see you at the AGM.

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