Time to take asylum seriously
Enoch | 31.03.2005 23:58
For too long politicians in this country of ours have pandered to the liberal media and those who, when it comes to the crunch, do not put Britain's interests at the forefront of their priorities. We elect our politicians to improve our standards of living here, or at the very least, to maintain them; to spend our hard earned money, taken from us in taxes, in a wise way that benefits us as a nation and to take our concerns seriously.
The politicians, Labour and to a lesser extent Tory as well, have not done so. They are too enamoured with the trendy idea that we must welcome all those who come to our shores. Of course we should welcome those who come to benefit us, through their skills or talents, but far too many of the recent immigrants neither come with skills or good intentions. So-called asylum seekers, of which over 80% according to the governments average yearly statistics for failed cases, are committing blatent fraud and getting away with it. They are fraudsters when they falsify their papers, they are fraudsters when they tear up their papers and claim asylum under dubious grounds to benefit from our generous welfare system, funded by the UK taxpayer.
And how are these fraudsters punished? They are given free bed and board, free accomodation ahead of local people and only a tiny number of the failed cases ever get deported. The rest just disappear into the woodwork because the government refuses to provide universal detention for ALL asylum seekers and people awaiting deportation.
So ludicrous is the process that failed asylum seekers are told to report to the Immigration Service voluntarily. As if you can trust someone who has already scammed the system to get in?! The madness of this is beyond belief.
The proponents of open borders ignore the fact that we posess only finite resources. They also ignore the fact that our standards of living would definitely decline if this policy was to be adopted, as our country would not only become horrendously overcrowded but the welfare bill would also be higher as many third worlders have HIV/AIDS which is expensive to treat and would put our population under threat. English local authorities alone have spent over £3billion of OUR money on asylum since 1997, this is the money of hard working people in this country who given a choice would never have voluntarily coughed-up this ammount. This is an insult to all taxpayers.
So how do we deal with this problem?
It is time to get tough, really tough, not just talking tough for winning votes by playing the race card.
We need to bring back National Service for males and enlist them into a new hardline paramilitary police force tasked with border protection. They would be trained to highest standards with military discipline and precision. They would be armed to deal with all threats and trained in police and army style public order tactics with full equipment, vans etc. All private contacts would be ditched and the new force would handle all but the most mundane deportations. An area of the UK would be blitzed each month and temporary encampments set up on army land with cargo planes for the deportees. The new unit would need primary legislation and be under the jurisdiction of the MoD and not answerable to the busybodies. They would remove all failed asylum seekers in the areas. A moratorium on appeals would be set preventing anyone who has appealed once and failed from repeating the process, saving millions from legal aid to fund this force.
Those who co-operate would be dealt with humanely and put on a flight back. Anyone refusing to leave would be made to leave, and self-opening parachutes would be sealed onto them. They would then be dropped over the country they are from, or if they don't assist us with this, we would determine a country and drop them there.
With the REAL will, this can be sorted out!
The politicians, Labour and to a lesser extent Tory as well, have not done so. They are too enamoured with the trendy idea that we must welcome all those who come to our shores. Of course we should welcome those who come to benefit us, through their skills or talents, but far too many of the recent immigrants neither come with skills or good intentions. So-called asylum seekers, of which over 80% according to the governments average yearly statistics for failed cases, are committing blatent fraud and getting away with it. They are fraudsters when they falsify their papers, they are fraudsters when they tear up their papers and claim asylum under dubious grounds to benefit from our generous welfare system, funded by the UK taxpayer.
And how are these fraudsters punished? They are given free bed and board, free accomodation ahead of local people and only a tiny number of the failed cases ever get deported. The rest just disappear into the woodwork because the government refuses to provide universal detention for ALL asylum seekers and people awaiting deportation.
So ludicrous is the process that failed asylum seekers are told to report to the Immigration Service voluntarily. As if you can trust someone who has already scammed the system to get in?! The madness of this is beyond belief.
The proponents of open borders ignore the fact that we posess only finite resources. They also ignore the fact that our standards of living would definitely decline if this policy was to be adopted, as our country would not only become horrendously overcrowded but the welfare bill would also be higher as many third worlders have HIV/AIDS which is expensive to treat and would put our population under threat. English local authorities alone have spent over £3billion of OUR money on asylum since 1997, this is the money of hard working people in this country who given a choice would never have voluntarily coughed-up this ammount. This is an insult to all taxpayers.
So how do we deal with this problem?
It is time to get tough, really tough, not just talking tough for winning votes by playing the race card.
We need to bring back National Service for males and enlist them into a new hardline paramilitary police force tasked with border protection. They would be trained to highest standards with military discipline and precision. They would be armed to deal with all threats and trained in police and army style public order tactics with full equipment, vans etc. All private contacts would be ditched and the new force would handle all but the most mundane deportations. An area of the UK would be blitzed each month and temporary encampments set up on army land with cargo planes for the deportees. The new unit would need primary legislation and be under the jurisdiction of the MoD and not answerable to the busybodies. They would remove all failed asylum seekers in the areas. A moratorium on appeals would be set preventing anyone who has appealed once and failed from repeating the process, saving millions from legal aid to fund this force.
Those who co-operate would be dealt with humanely and put on a flight back. Anyone refusing to leave would be made to leave, and self-opening parachutes would be sealed onto them. They would then be dropped over the country they are from, or if they don't assist us with this, we would determine a country and drop them there.
With the REAL will, this can be sorted out!