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G8 to tackle AIDS? I don't think so....

mini mouse | 30.03.2005 23:08

Blair has much to say about how he and the G8 are committed to help Africa.

For instance last 7th October he said:

"Two of the biggest threats to progress in Africa are disease and conflict. If we do not tackle HIV-AIDS, there is no way the poorest countries in the world are going to escape poverty. AIDS is already undoing much of the progress that has been made in combating poverty in Africa in the last 20 years"


Meanwhile the G8 (of which he holds the Presidency) has through its control of the World Trade Organisation forced India to pass TRIPS laws which will prevent them manufacturing generic anti-viral equivalents.

What difference will this make?

Well according to the Mahaptra Business Report (

"A staggering 50 percent of 700 000 HIV patients taking antiretroviral medicines in Africa, Asia and Latin America rely on low-cost drugs from India. India has managed to reduce the price of a monthly dose of antiretrovirals (ARVs) to 30 dollars, about a twentieth of the price of the same drugs as sold by western producers".

So we turn a blind eye to some of the debt, then we claw it back by making them pay full whack for Western drugs.

How do you suppose Blair will square this, next time he endorses the Make Poverty History campaign?

mini mouse


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Racist Genocidal Mission Accomplished

02.04.2005 11:39

"AIDS is already undoing much of the progress that has been made in combating poverty in Africa in the last 20 years"

Heinz Kissinger