Luxembourg, 16-18th June 2005, EU Summit Protest
translation | 30.03.2005 16:09 | G8 2005 | Free Spaces | Globalisation | Social Struggles | World
The mobilization and the protest against the European Union and the presidency of Luxembourg continues after the European-wide action day took place on the 19th of march in Brussels. In preperation for the next summit a multilingual mobilization brochure containing texts and practical advice has been published; and is also available on-line.
Delete Capitalism!
Days of Action Against the European Union Summit!
June 16-18, 2005
Delete Capitalism!
Days of Action Against the European Union Summit!
June 16-18, 2005
First european council of the presidency, with a Demonstration in Brussels organized by European/Belgian-Social-Forum
RISE-Camp & Days of Action in Luxembourg
16 & 17.06.2005
Final Summit of the EU-Presidency (will be held in Brussels).
Big Demonstration in Luxembourg with anticapitalist block
On the homepage of the mobilization (the old address also works again) the brochure is available in German and French and can be downloaded as pdf documents.
The brochure is a collective project by German, Luxembourg and Belgian groups, who prepare actions against the presidency of Luxembourg.
The texts feature main topics of the mobilization such as anti-capitalism, anti-nationalism and selforganization. An English version is momentarily worked on.
Printed versions are also available, however ideally everybody and each interested group can download the brochure for free and copy then themselves.
Meanwhile the project CounterSummit, from June 16-19th, takes shape. The negotiations with the authorities over a site for the self organised camp and close to end and are hopefully soon final.
Meanwhile plans for gigs, workshops and meetings started, and already now it becomes clear that there will be substantially more ideas, projects and discussions, than can be finished in the framework of such a camp.
Naturally we would continue to be happy about all persons and groups, who offer a contribution, may theses be of more practical nature (supply of material, preparation of own actions, organising things in advance and so on ..) or more theoretical (preparation of own meetings, contents and workshops), and who involve themselves into the counter activities.
If you are interest simply contact us.
First european council of the presidency, with a Demonstration in Brussels organized by European/Belgian-Social-Forum
RISE-Camp & Days of Action in Luxembourg
16 & 17.06.2005
Final Summit of the EU-Presidency (will be held in Brussels).
Big Demonstration in Luxembourg with anticapitalist block
On the homepage of the mobilization

The brochure is a collective project by German, Luxembourg and Belgian groups, who prepare actions against the presidency of Luxembourg.
The texts feature main topics of the mobilization such as anti-capitalism, anti-nationalism and selforganization. An English version is momentarily worked on.
Printed versions are also available, however ideally everybody and each interested group can download the brochure for free and copy then themselves.
Meanwhile the project CounterSummit, from June 16-19th, takes shape. The negotiations with the authorities over a site for the self organised camp and close to end and are hopefully soon final.
Meanwhile plans for gigs, workshops and meetings started, and already now it becomes clear that there will be substantially more ideas, projects and discussions, than can be finished in the framework of such a camp.
Naturally we would continue to be happy about all persons and groups, who offer a contribution, may theses be of more practical nature (supply of material, preparation of own actions, organising things in advance and so on ..) or more theoretical (preparation of own meetings, contents and workshops), and who involve themselves into the counter activities.
If you are interest simply contact us.