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Aviation and climate change--Questionnaire

fishboyAi | 29.03.2005 21:29 | Analysis | Ecology | Education | World

Aviation and climate change--Public consultation March-April 2005--Questionnaire for individual citizens

Aviation and climate change--Public consultation March-April 2005--Questionnaire for individual citizens

Its fairly straightforward---you would agree or disagree or strongly
agree or would not strongly agree ---those sort of multiple choice
options--very brief and basically along the economic indicator lines.......

Aviation and climate change Public consultation March-April 2005
Questionnaire for individual citizens (this questionnaire is aimed at
the general public)


Air transport performs many important functions in modern societies.
Aviation facilitates economic and cultural exchanges and is a
significant source of employment and growth in many regions. However,
aviation also contributes to global climate change, and its contribution
is increasing. While the EU's total greenhouse gas emissions fell by 3 %
from 1990 to 2002, emissions from international aviation increased with
almost 70 %. Even though there have been significant improvements to
aircraft technology and operational efficiency this has not been enough
to neutralise the effect of increased traffic, and the growth in
emissions is likely to continue in the decades to come.

We would like to hear your opinion and views on aviation's contributions
to climate change and possible ways to reduce it. Your views will be
used as input for a Communication which the Commission plans to issue in
July 2005. This Communication will draw policy conclusions and recommend
a way forward to reduce aviation's climate change impact.

The results of this survey will be published on in May and be part of the impact
assessment which will accompany the above Communication. Thank you for
taking the time to answer this consultation.

Stavros Dimas
Environment Commissioner〈=EN
Closing date: 6 May 2005
Questionnaire for organisations
(this questionnaire requires identification of the respondent and
contains more detailed and technical questions)

Sonya PLoS Medicine
The open-access general medical journal from the Public Library of Science
Inaugural issue: Autumn 2004 Share your discoveries with the world.

Let's leave something for the others that come later.
CONSERVE, NOW! - A Proposal for Governmental Action to Combat Global Warming
Please show your support to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
