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Muslim printing press prints BNP newspaper "Voice Of Freedom"

Bungle | 28.03.2005 09:48 | Anti-racism

BNP rag "Voice Of Freedom" is currently published by Satellite graphics ltd in barking essex. It is owned by AL-Awsat ltd, based at Arab Press House, High Holborn,London. Why is a Muslim business helping such a openly rascist anti Islamic organisation promote its rascist filth in our society.

Here is the link to the article.



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28.03.2005 12:00

Question - "Why is a Muslim business helping such a openly rascist anti Islamic organisation promote its rascist filth in our society"

Answer - Because the BNP also promotes a strong anti-Jewish agenda. The relationship between the far right and Muslim groups because of their mutual loathing for Judaism and Jews is well known. Here we see another example.



28.03.2005 13:18

Shock, capitalist business supports fascists

further links UK neo nazi - Islamofascism

28.03.2005 13:20

for futher links

david copeland [nail bomber]
David Myatt


you'll have to scroll down a bit


capt wardrobe

Other links

28.03.2005 19:14

The links between the British and European Far right and various Muslim groups have been documented on a number of occasions. The Jewish Telegraph ran an excellent series of articles late last year which showed strong links between, for example Combat 18 and the Al Yamana organisation.

The BNP / The National Front etc may well play the Muslim card when they think its needed but the reality of their joint dislike of Judaism sees them able to put aside their disagrements in favour of a greater prejudice. The demonstrations outside Marks and Spencers being the most obvious recent example of this.

Not in my name

Er no....

28.03.2005 20:40

Actually the only Nazi presence on M&S protests was known NFers amongst the zionist counterprotest.



28.03.2005 21:32

Apart from "Capitalism will sell the Rope with which to Hang Itself" I can't explain this bizarre situation.

I can merely point out that this Muslim-Fash alliance completely none existant. Anyone who has heard members of Bradford BNP branch talking amongst themselves (i.e. anyone who saw the undercover BBC documentary on the BNP some months back) knows that the core members of the party would like to, in words of one, set up a missle launcher on a Bradford hill and blow up every Mosque in the city. Hardly supportive, eh?

While by no means correct, some find it possible to begin arguing that the Jews are the richest group in society and Muslims the poorest, and therefore easiest to target (but the boss of Harrods deals a blow to that, as do the poorer Jewish areas in London. The fash don't target the men in suits, do they?

Rebel W

Rebel W


28.03.2005 21:32

lets not be is business, why let politics you really think the islamic press would print it if it wasnt comercially viable?

objective simplicity

get the facts straight

28.03.2005 22:07

If anyone actually studies the bnp web site ( ) they will find hardly any anti-semetic literature. The sad truth is that Nick Griffin has as a matter of policy decided not to target the Jewish community but to concentrate his attacks on Islam / homosexuals / lefties etc.

His non-targetting of Britain's Jewish community is a major gripe amonngst the National Front ( see and ) and other 'less mainstream' facists who accuse him of being in the pay of the Zionists. Indeed it is the NF / other facists who commonly refer to this country as a ZOG (Zionist Occupied Government). You will never find Nick Griffin / the BNP say anything like this.

What I find most disturbing is the way Indymedia is being used to propogate blatent untruths, but hey, that is democracy !

The printing press and the BNP may just be involved in a simple business deal. Look at Northern ireland / Bosnia where the leaders of opposing sides regularly carried on business deals whilst their foot soldiers slaughtered each other. That unfortunately is capitalists for you !

Aluf Ratner (yes I am Jewish and very very proud to be)

Searchlight activist

Searchlight activist ?

29.03.2005 07:49

For somebody claiming to be a Searchlight activist I'm amazed you say there are no Jewish attacks by the BNP. I agree their website makes no mention of Jews but that is only a recent thing. Their leaflets have a long history of discussing "solutions" and Searchlight has made mention of this on numerous occasions. Griffen has been recorded as a Holocaust denier on more than one occasion and gave a talk to party activists in 2001 in the Burnley area where he talked about using the tensions between the Jewish and Muslim communities for the benefit of the BNP. Searchlight covered this meeting with a brave reporter who wrote an excellent article on it.

Somewhat surprised


29.03.2005 09:53

Of course the BNP have been targetting the Jewish community in the past. They are facists and that is what facists do. They stopped some time ago as a matter of policy. If you read my posting correctly you should have realised that I never stated that they ahd not been targetting the Jewish community. You will find that has now stopped and it is left to the NF / other facists.



The Far Right and the M&S protest

29.03.2005 10:46

I am so sick of seeing posts denying the involvement of known BNP and NF members with the M&S protest. Pictures have been supplied loads of times and there were two times when we physicaly pointed them out to organisers. We were told the pictures didn't constitute proof because "anybody can stand where they want" despite the pictures showing they were closely involved. When we pointed them out (and received violence is return) we were called Zionists (which we are not !)

Until the Far Right involvement within the M&S protest is acknowledged and dealt with they will never receive wider support.

If you lay with dogs you get fleas.

ALL fash are wrong


29.03.2005 10:49

Stopped ? What rubbish.

You are clearly nothing to do with Searchlight, piss off and troll somewhere else.

Why lie ?


29.03.2005 12:45

in response to rubbish.... why swear?? obviously you are showing your true colours whoever you are agitating for? do they pay you for this?

why swear ?

Trolling for Searchlight

29.03.2005 13:58

If you are going to troll all over Indy I suggest you choose a better alias than claiming to work for Searchlight. I mean we do check these things you know !!!!!!

Searchlight have produced a number of excellent, well researched and courageous issues covering the campaigns by the Far Right against Jewish groups. To try and claim that the BNP does not target Jews shows you for what you are.

What are you getting out of this, does it make you feel big and clever. You'd be better off finding yourself a girlfriend.


Zionists and BNP

29.03.2005 16:59

The truth is the BNP has a lot in common with Zionism. If you go to Belfast you may be shocked to see Isreali flags flying in Loyalist areas. The BNP has strong links with groups like the UFF and the UDA. If you think about it, its not that strange. They identify with Zionism - the idea of being surrounded by a sea of impure races and needing to pull up the draw bridge.

Sick but true.

Memory Hole Catchers Mitt

Free Speach

29.03.2005 17:26

You call them Nazi’s. Who is trying to deny free speech? Who is trying to unite Europe into one super state against the will of the people? Who arrests people because they pose a danger to political agenda? Who lied to the people then went to war on that lie, and then murdered the whistle blower (Dr David Kelly. Weapons inspector).

Free your mind.
Look at the big picture.


Of course

29.03.2005 17:48

So a post which opens the discussion about BNP and Islam co-operation swiftly leads to a post about -------- Zionism. Surprise, Surprise.

Instead of trying to find a Zionist / Jewish concpiracy behind every event why not help those of us who are trying to illustrate how the Far Right is building relationships with unlikely partners. The BNP and the NF are working with extremist Muslim groups because of a shared agenda against Judaism. Allegations of Far Right infiltration into groups like the M&S picket can not be allowed to remain unanswered. Putting heads in the sand and describing it all as the work of "Zionists" is both short sited and dangerous.

You're a joke

Why don’t we all get a life?

29.03.2005 21:37

Discussions like this are really irritating. A couple of Saudi wankers printing vomit for the Neo Nazis does not prove a great convergence of interests between Muslims and the BNP – as much as the possibility of sad bone heads infiltrating ether side of the M & S picket line. For the raw facts suggest that shit heads like Nick Griffin would like to equally murder us all Muslims, Jews and Socialists a like. So why don’t we that we agree that anyone who does anything favorable for human flotsam like the BMP/NF/White Wolves/Combat 18 and any other gang of sad twisted hate obsessed losers is as bad as them and stop this ridicules waste of our collective energy’s



02.04.2005 02:25

Saudi owned Satellite Graphics has halted the printing of the BNP's racist and Islamophobic magazine 'The Voice of Freedom'.

More Info;


The huge ignorance about Islam is becoming ridiculous

05.04.2005 01:05

The huge ignorance about Islam is becoming ridiculous. Having a Muslim name or coming from a country which is “defined” as a Muslim one doesn’t make you a terrorist, because Al-Qaida terrorists claims that they are Muslims. It will be exactly the same as accusing Christians of being terrorists just because of the Irish “Christians” who make terrorist bombings in London, or the Spanish “Christians” separates who kill people in terrorist attacks in Spain or the “religious” Americans who made bomb attacks in Oklahoma.

Who said that being a Saudi company means that it is an “Islamic” company? For your information the group that owns the Satellite Graphics which prints "Voice Of Freedom" is owned, managed by a group of secular Islam-haters who don’t deny that. Adding to this you have to know that Asharq Al-Awsat wealthiest Arabic Newspaper which is owned by the same group and printed in Satellite Graphics as well, is one of the strongest allies of the American activities and policies in the Middle East and it doesn’t hide this fact at all. And believe it or not, if you can read Arabic you will easily find articles which are pro Israel.
So accusing them of having links with the “Islamic terrorists” who hate Judaism as BNP is thought to do, is a big joke which will make people in the Middle East laugh for days.

The owners of this Saudi Group are money lovers who are ready to make business with the devil himself. So stop those Jewish silly stupid conspiracy theories. And start to read more about Islam so you will be able to “fight” it and “answer” it with knowledge instead of ignorance and pure hatred.
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