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precaire | 27.03.2005 17:41 | Free Spaces | Social Struggles | London

EURO MAYDAY – LONDON LAUNCH NIGHT - Friday 1st April – 7pm
The Institute for Autonomy, 76-78 Gower Street, London WC1E
Cinema, Discussion & Cafe

EURO MAYDAY (LONDON Call) - A Eurowide rebellion for a life of dignity

When? Sunday May 1st, MAYDAY
Where? 30 cities all over Europe
What? Street Parades, actions, reclamations

MAYDAY is International workers day, born out of the struggle for an 8 hour working day in 1886. Over 100 years later our lives are still taken up by the world of work. Even more so as the work generated by Capitalism
has become more flexible with casualisation (temporary contracts, flex time, part time, no time!) forcing us to adapt to the point where it's hard to tell when, where or even if we are working.

Around Europe people call this new working and living condition "precarity" and over the past few years the EUROMAYDAY parade has been growing in Europe, attracting thousands of angry temps, pissed off part timers, immigrants, sex workers, unemployed and casualised onto the streets to demand new social rights.

We propose, in London on 1st Mayday 2005, to actively encourage & organise creative action in the commercialised areas once common land, in the supermarkets where our life is spent working and consuming, in the expensive restaurants where we are excluded from, the shopping districts, the airwaves, the cinemas, transport. Mayday 2005 will be a free day where we choose what we want to do and collectively attempt to achieve it. This may be only one day but we have whole lives to reclaim. What better day to start than MAYDAY!

We meet and plan 7.30pm every Wednesday @ Institute For Autonomy, 76-78 Gower Street, London WC1E

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EURO MAYDAY – LONDON LAUNCH NIGHT - Friday 1st April – 7pm
The Institute for Autonomy, 76-78 Gower Street, London WC1E
Cinema, Discussion & Cafe

Films will include:
*Extract from "The City Factory"
Interview & shopping mall actions of the
italian Chainworkers CreW

*Picchetta la catena
MayDay 2004 picket actions in front of Zara & Disney in Milan.

*Saranno Precari
Two temps go to Milan to look for a job and bump into the MayDay protest

*Les Precaries es rebellien Barcelona
Interviews with the precarious rebels of the MayDay Parade in Barcelona

“We have nothing to lose but our chainstores…”

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27.03.2005 19:30

For an action? Hmmmm.

Potential Anarchist

why not sunday?

27.03.2005 22:27

lots of people out on the streets shopping on sundays these days. the days of my gran saying don't turn on the telly, its sunday are long gone. and mayday is a sunday and i reckon if enough people in enough cities tear themselves away from dire sunday tv and enjoy themselves in the spring sunshine, this particular sunday will be just fine for a day of resistance and solidarity, so we can remember what mayday is actually about.

sunny delight


27.03.2005 23:44

why does everything have to centre around sodding London?



28.03.2005 00:41

The people who have called this action are based in London so its not much of a surprise that they call the action for London is it?

Believe me I do understand your 'sodding London' sentiment, but if we want things to happen outside London, then we are going to have to spend a bit more time plotting, building, organising and mobilising and call some actions outside London eh? And yes, for a while they will be very badly attended too, but it takes time to build a movement so lets get to work comrade!

If its any consolation, the next Resist G8 Southeast assembly is being held outside London, in Reading, that vacuum of revolutionary activity!!! :) April 3rd, 1.30-6.00, RISC, London Street, see ya there!*

*shameless plug, sorry! :)

mail e-mail: reading-anti-g8(at)
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Worldwide struggle

30.03.2005 00:35

MAYDAY is recognised in hundreds of cities/towns around the world and there will be demonstartions worldwide this year on a bloody Sunday, its not a Euro(only)-struggle, neither a London(only) Event.

wake up

Worldwide struggle

30.03.2005 00:36

MAYDAY is recognised in hundreds of cities/towns around the world and there will be demonstartions worldwide this year on a bloody Sunday, its not a Euro(only)-struggle, neither a London(only) Event.

wake up