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A New Web Resource for Researchers

PMRI | 24.03.2005 12:17 | Analysis | Education | Health

A new web site describes the life and career of Prem Pal Singh Rawat, leader of the Elan Vital organization, and self described Inspirational Speaker and 'successful private investor'

Prem Rawat Maharaji Info is a 40 plus page web site focussing on Prem Rawat - formerly know as Guru Maharaj Ji and latterly as Inspirational speaker Maharaji. Rawat has attracted criticism, notably that of being a manipulative and charismatic cult leader, and of having abandoned all moral standing in pursuit of luxury and adulation. Though he still has followers who claim he provides a unique 'gift'.

Prem Rawat's Elan Vital organization has charitable status in the UK and potentially receives over £500,000 annually in tax refunds on donations. A subsidiary of the Australian version of Elan Vital which has received over £300,000 of UK charitable funds, is involved in prolonged litigation against an investigative journalist following the leaking of financial papers. This action has been condemned by free press organisation Reporters Without Borders.

Prem Rawat Maharaji Info. addresses Media, Research and Business perspectives of the finances, leadership, beliefs and regulation of Elan Vital, its cognate organizations and the personality of Prem Rawat. Issues covered include history, religion, psychology, sociology, legality, and health. All material is provided free for fair use.

Prem Rawat Maharaji Info. can be accessed at:

An introduction for journalists can be accessed at:

An introduction for researchers can be accessed at:

Previous Indymedia entries for Prem Rawat include:

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Religious intolerance by hate group

13.05.2005 18:33

This is another attempt by Nick Wright, a.k.a Andrew Carpenter, misuing the resources of Indimedia to spew his campaing of religious intolerance and hate. Just a few days ago Nick W posted 200 copies of a hate message message in all Indimedia websites.

This person is an obsessed ex-follower of Prem Rawat. Ex-followers like Mr. Wright present a pathological demeanor that has been widely studied by scholars.

It is a shame that Indimedia is being misused by people like Nick Wright to peddle his campaing of hate and religuous intolerance. Shameful.

- Zenga

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