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March and public meeting against anti-Gypsy racism

Relayed by Poon | 24.03.2005 09:02 | Anti-racism | Cambridge

Saturday 9th April 2005
Assemble and commemoration at St James's Church, Piccadilly (12 noon)
March to Trafalgar Sq (1pm)
Public meeting at Jurys Hotel, Great Russell Street (3pm)

Organised by the Trans-European Roma Federation and supported by members of the Gypsy Council, National travellers Action Group, UK Association of Gypsy Women, Nation Gypsy & Traveller Affairs, Roma Support Group, Jewish Socialist Group, Roma Opre, Europe-Roma, East Anglia Social Forum

Join the Roma Nation Day march against racism taking place in central London on Saturday 9 April.

The march will start immediately after the commemoration, at just after 1pm. The public meeting at the Jurys Hotel, Greet Russell Street, will start at 3pm

Following the Commemoration of Roma Victims at marking the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, the march will follow a route via Trafalager Square to Great Russell Street.

Led by the Romani Rad ensemble and a horse-drawn vehicle, the purpose is to heighlight the recent rise in anti-Gypst racism.

Protesters will go to Savile Row police station to demand an investigation into the SUN newspaper's recent heading "Stamp on the Camps" and its virulent anti-Traveller campaign.

A public meeting will take place (approx 3pm) at Jurys Hotel, Great Russell Street, for the launch of the first Gypsy candidate to stand in a general election.

For more details call: 01206 523528

Milena Buyum
National Assembly Against Racism
28 Commercial St
London E1 6LS

020 7247 9907

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What on earth for??

24.03.2005 11:58

.. when it's IRISH travellers that are causing the problem, not Romanys?


Think about it...

24.03.2005 17:46

You ask why there's a demonstration and meeting about racism against travellers and then make the sweeping statement that IRISH travellers (would that be *all* Irish Travellers?) are causing problems.

Can you see anything ironic about that Puzzled?


Jaw Jaw not War War...

26.03.2005 12:17

Ever wondered why some parts of the travelling community are so disrespectful and suspicious of 'townies'?

Because they get treated like s**t by the likes of you, who seem to think that dissing difference rather than attempting to understand difference is going to make things better.

They also get constant harrassment from the police and local authorities, who seem intent on a campaign of ethnic cleansing by either moving them on, or violently evicting them from land they've quite legally spent money on to try and set up as their homes.
Then, when they pitch camp on the nearest available site (due to a lack of legal ones), they get villified for this too.

Catch 22.

A climate of fear and harrassment never works.
Anyone who knows a bit of history will be able to tell you this.

The only way to make constructive progress is through dialogue.

Something which more local authorities and politicians should be doing, instead of trying to marginalise people just because they choose not to buy into the house/garden/nuclear family social construct and do things their own way.

Vive La Difference!