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Mayday protestors lose appeal

(C)Looless in Oxford Circus | 23.03.2005 13:29 | Repression | London

Mr. Justice TUGENDHAT tugged his forelocks in a judgement that will please the police immensely. He dismissed both protestors claims, although he has granted leave to appeal.

Needless to say, an appeal will not happen before the G8 and police will feel free to behave in the most draconian way possible at that summit - with a security budget of £150m we can expect a veritable feast of police with over-extended powers, attacking and detaining at will, knowing that they have beacons such as Mr. "Justice" TUGENHAT to cover their sad authoritarian arses.

The media will no doubt assist them by spreading rumours of mad -axemen - virus wielding terrorists, and little old ladies with nuclear bombs and samurai toothpicks.

Meanwhile, the imposition of Western values of "freedom and democracy" by brute military force continues unabated in Iraq, and is feted to spread like wildfire to countries like Syria and Iran.

It has to be that way - they are barbaric countries - police states with no rule of law ..........

Mr. Justice TUGENDHAT is unlikely to be forced to go 8 hours without a loo in the near future.

The ruling should be posted at in the near future.

(C)Looless in Oxford Circus


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23.03.2005 13:45

Only one of the appeallants was a protestor. The other was a worker attempting to earn a crust.

Mr. (soon to be Lord?) Justice Tugendhat's pussy

Taking liberties

23.03.2005 13:56

This morning, while filming at a totally fluffy anti-gm protest in London (at which a load of non-GM soya was delivered to Sainsburys so that they can make a start on living up to the promises they made ages ago but would now like to avoid), I was stopped and told I was going to be searched under section 44 of the Terrorism Act. It's mad! A bunch of hippy environmentalists come a do a PR stunt outside Sainsburys business centre and the cops impliment the Terrorism Act?! What has happened to this country? If they pull out the anti-terrorist legislation at the drop of a few soya beans now, imagine the outrageous liberties they'll be taking in Scotland during the G8!
