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Protesters deliver non-GM soya to Sainsburys HQ

milkymilkymilky | 23.03.2005 09:01 | Bio-technology | London

GM protesters deliver 3 tonne donation of safe animal feed to Sainsbury's HQ

23 March 2005
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Farmers and customers blockaded Sainsbury's with their generosity at 8:30 am this morning, when a tipper truck delivered a large mound of non-GM animal feed to the front of the supermarkets HQ at 33 Holborn, London EC1N 2HT.

People from the Fair Price for GM Free Milk Coalition also chained themselves to the adjacent rotating doors stopping access to the offices, in protest at Sainsbury's use of GM crops, which are fed to the cattle that produce the stores dairy products.

John Clark from the Small Farms Association explained;

"Sainsbury's suppliers now pay farmers less for their feed than it costs to produce. We want to avoid GM crops, but the poor payment we currently receive forces many of us to keep using the fractionally cheaper GM contaminated imports. The public and farmers are united on this- GM is bad news, so when are Sainsbury's going to keep their 4 year old promise and help us get rid of it?"

The protest continues.

Notes for Editors;

1. The Fair Price for GM Free Milk Coalition is made up of a variety of organisations including The Farmers Union of Wales, the Small and Family Farms Alliance, The Small Farms Association, Farmers for Action, FARM, the Wholesome Food Association, the Institute of Science in Society, Genetic Food Alert and the Genetic Engineering Network.
2. Sainsbury's maintains that it's GM fed milk is safe, yet no insurance firm will cover any risks associated with it, either to cattle or those who then consume their milk.
3. Sainsbury's claim they can only do a limited more expensive range of non-GM-fed milk because it's logistically difficult to keep their commitment to supply non- GM as standard. Yet both the Co-op and Marks and Spencer already supply non-GM as standard.

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Eyewitness report

23.03.2005 11:34

This morning there was another action against sainsburys by anti-GM campaigners. Over 3 tonnes of non GM soya was dumped outside their business offices in Holborn and there was what appeared to be a failed attempt to lock on to the door. The staff arriving for work took a very hands on approach to ensuring that they were not delayed from reporting to work and there were several scuffles. The were no arrests. Sainsburys security seemed to go out of their way to avoid people being arrested. One person who they had detained inside the building was released quitely via a fire excape when they saw the police arrive. The reason for the action was sainsburys continued supply of dairy products into the human food chain which have been produced from animals fed with GMOs.


Photo story -Sainsbury HQ - Animal Feed Action

23.03.2005 13:45

Sainsburys Business Centre, Holborn, London
Sainsburys Business Centre, Holborn, London

Special delivery - Non-GM soya. 'Feed this to the cows, not the GM stuff please'
Special delivery - Non-GM soya. 'Feed this to the cows, not the GM stuff please'

Lockon intercepted by loyal staff.
Lockon intercepted by loyal staff.

'Lemme in! I wanna get to work' - these lot are really keen.
'Lemme in! I wanna get to work' - these lot are really keen.

Cops arrive. Sainsburys keen to avoid publicity it seems. No arrests.
Cops arrive. Sainsburys keen to avoid publicity it seems. No arrests.

GM still in the food chain - 'got the message?'
GM still in the food chain - 'got the message?'

Meanwhile, security lockdown forces staff to queue for entry via fire exit.
Meanwhile, security lockdown forces staff to queue for entry via fire exit.

Sainsburys still dodge their previous commitments so further actions promised.
Sainsburys still dodge their previous commitments so further actions promised.



Photos of Sainsbury anti-GM action

23.03.2005 14:12

Bags of non-GM soya for Sainsbury
Bags of non-GM soya for Sainsbury

And more bags of non-GM soya
And more bags of non-GM soya

Here are a couple of images

Hugh Warwick
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not just farmers and customers

24.03.2005 17:37

'Farmers and customers blockaded Sainsbury's with their generosity at 8:30 am this morning, when a tipper truck delivered a large mound of non-GM animal feed to the front of the supermarkets HQ at 33 Holborn, London EC1N 2HT.'

I took part in that action and would certainly not describe myself as a farmer or a customer. I do however object to GM crops being grown anywhere in the world and fed to farm animals who do not have a choice, and to the way in which Sainsbury's treats both its suppliers and their animals (and their customers for that matter...)

Apologies for the pedantry, but I think it's important to see this as much wider than a consumer issue or the campaign will only have a chance of very limited success.


I'm a customer

25.03.2005 00:35

While I sympathise with the campaign against sainsburys and understand that they are cheating lying bastards who backed down on their commitments when they felt that the public wouldn't notice - I must admit to remaining a loyal customer to sainsburys and I go there almost everyday. I just can't keep away, so much tempting stuff on the shelves - they really do make live taste better. In fact they are my favorite shop lifting destination and I've actualy been going their even more regularly since I became aware of the campaign against them. The posh expensive shelf with the yuppie items like truffel infussed olive oil (it's like a tenner for a tiny but very attractive bottle) is my favorite - I like to fry chips in it. So I am sorry but I simply can't boycott sainsburys - steal from them is just too easy and enjoyable to stop.
