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Spoil Your Vote | 22.03.2005 15:23 | Social Struggles

Spoil Your Vote is an idea whose time has come. Its aim is simple: at the next general election, whenever it may be, we want to get all those people who think their votes don't count - people who didn't vote in 2001, or people who voted for no-hope candidates - to get out and spoil their votes.

With a general election looming we want to generate support for a mass ballot spoiling campaign. The media is full of articles and discussion about voter apathy, antipathy, lack of trust, lack of engagement. Turnout at the last election was the lowest ever, including an extraordinary mere 30% of first time voters. The number of people who either don't vote at all or vote negatively (best of a bad bunch; keep the others out; register a protest by going for someone you know is going to lose...) is now massive. Protest and negative voting is one way of showing antipathy for the main two parties and the process involved, but the effect is dissipated across innumerable constituencies and the impact overall, therefore, barely of note and certainly difficult to interpret. Mass spoiling on the other hand could send a shock wave through the political establishment - and it would be apparent since spoiled papers have by law to be counted, recorded and announced. It is a call for a different way of doing business.

This tactic has been successfully followed through in Argentina where between a quarter and a third of the electorate spoiled their papers (see and virtually everywhere the number of blank and spoilt ballots was greater than that of the votes attracted by the winning party.

Our campaign is small and fledging but our ambition big and mature. Would you support this approach? Would you write about it on your site? Make a link to the site –

Have a look at our developing website to see some more of the arguments.

Spoil Your Vote 2005
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We wholeheartedly endorse this campaign

22.03.2005 17:42

The fewer people who vote for anti-war candidates and parties, the better!

Tony Blair & Michael Howard

Don't Vote for Softies and Support Working Families!

22.03.2005 18:57

Don't vote for anti-war candidate George Galloway because he's a bearded dumbo. Vote for big ears - that's Tony, not me. I have no plans to be president, because my only ambition is to lock up ALL peacenik terrorists, including the godless Arch Bishop of Canterbury. Then we'll have his head off, when I bring back hanging.

I will bring in legislation so children have the opportunity to go work every day, rather than coercing them to be locked up in boring old school, to give prosperity to all hard working families.

(Tony's a softy, poodle)


mass spoiling

22.03.2005 20:11

mass spoiling would have more impact than all the respect and green votes combined. It appeals to a much wider pissed off audience. Being against the war is a good enough reason not to vote Labout but not a good enough reason to waste your vote on someone you know is going to lose and who just legitimises the process by their involvement.

mail e-mail:

alas, no, it won't

23.03.2005 16:26

Mass vote-spoiling would be a big news story.. for a couple of days. Then whoever had won a majority of seats from the valid votes would get on with running the country.

Whereas elect anti-war MPs and parties and the effect will last four years.


If you vote for an anti-war candidate

24.03.2005 07:37

A shit will get in - and will claim to be democratically elected - it may even be the shit of your choosing.

If you spoil your ballot, a shit will get in - but at least you will know that it isn't your shit. And they will know that they haven't got your support.

Whatever you do, the warmonger will be the next custodian of our "freedom and democracy"

Coke or Pepsi - Burger King or MacDonalds - Nike or Adidas - Blair or Blair

We're spoilt for choice.



24.03.2005 16:56

Charlie Clarke MP Home Secretary, who covets Tony Bullshitter Blair's job, is, I think, somehow trying to discredit both me and the great Bullshitter at the same time, by publishing his propaganda on this site under my name. It doesn't work because he's a nob.


Don't forget

27.03.2005 16:29

...that a vote for an 'anti-war' Labour MP is still a vote to give a majority of the seats to the party that started the war. If 'anti-war' MPs were really 'anti-war' they would leave the Labour Party (and I don't mean Galloway - he got thrown out). This picking and choosing of individual Labour MPs is just a way of being for and against the war at the same time - pointless. Much better to spoil your paper!

No vote for Labour racist warmongers

08.04.2005 10:06

I had the same idea as these guys at the last local elections. I decided to make a simple little site called '' so it's nice to see others doing the job too.

Simon Jones
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Vote "None of These"

26.04.2005 05:16

I wholeheartedly agree with this. In fact, I have created a website - - explaining why the only democratic thing to do is to refuse to take part at all except to exprss disgust and distrust. If you believe in democracy it is quite wrong to vote for the current sham-democracy. It is not your civic duty to choose between the lesser scoundrel in a short-list of scoundrels - yet that is what the party-political system has reduced democracy to in this country.

The best thing of all to do on May 5th is to write "None of These" across the ballot paper, but even just staying away is better than supporting the current brothel-house.

There's a lot more on the website.

Peter Smith
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