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Sarah | 21.03.2005 21:39 | Anti-militarism | Indymedia | Cambridge | London

Norwich Protest

At Tuesday evening's full meeting of Norwich City Council, Green Party Councillors are putting forward a motion calling for the Council to have regard to ethical considerations when deciding how to invest its money.
In their speeches, Green Councillors will concentrate in particular on the importance of avoiding investment in arms companies and in companies that experiment on animals. It is hoped that, if this motion is passed, it will put pressure on the County Council to review its policy on investment ofpension funds.

There will be a demonstration from 6pm tomorrow evening at City Hall,lasting until the meeting starts at 7:30pm. Please come along and join in if
you can. Protestors will either be at the front or the back (old car park)entrance to City Hall, and later on outside the Council chamber on the first
floor. The meeting itself is also open to the public.



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Break a leg, luvvies!

21.03.2005 23:20


I wish you luck with that, as it's high time that local government should be held fully accountable to the people for the way it spends the money given it by Council Tax payers.

Green Giant