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Two years on - Report from Iraq

Husayn Uthman | 21.03.2005 15:52

On the second anniversary of the Iraq invasion a reflection on the past two years.

It has been now two years since the United States, UK and other countries invaded our nation. It has been two years since Iraqis have had to live with daily violent attacks and rampant terrorism. It has been two years since our nation began being turned upside down. It has been two years since the road to democracy began.

It has been a very hard two years. So many people have died, so much has been destroyed, so many drops of tears and blood have been shed, so many have been robbed of loved ones, and so many words have been spoken about Iraq, it's future, and this war.

Two years...seems like yesterday that I was awoken by bombs going off in Baghdad, and the realisation that my life and that of my country was going to change. That very day I remember being scared that my house might be destroyed by a bomb, or that my relatives who were forcibly put into the Iraqi army might be killed.

Two years since Saddam came on TV, and pledged that Iraq would never fall. Little did he know, he surrendered like a rat in a whole only months later.

Two years is about 730 days. In those days what have I seen. My eyes have seen more than I had ever hoped, more blood, more death and more pain, then I ever imagined or hoped I would have seen.

In those days I have seen the worst of humanity, the animal that lives in all humanity, the ability of humanity to destroy at will others, and rob the life given to others by God almight himself.

So you ask me, Husayn, was it worth it. What have you gotten? What has Iraq acheived? These are questions I get a lot.

To many outsiders, like those who protested last year, who will protest today. This was a fools errand, it brought nothing but death and destruction. I am sheltered in Iraq, but I know how the world feels, how people have come to either love or hate Bush, as though he is the emobdiement of this war. As though this war is part of Bush, they forget the over twenty million Iraqis, they forget the Middle Easterners, they forget the average person on the street, the average man with the average dream.

Ask him if it was worth it. Ask him what is different. Ask him if he would go through it again, go ahead ask him, ask me, many of you have.

Now I answer you, I answer you on behalf of myself, and my countrymen. I don't care what your news tells you, what your television and newspapers say, this is how we feel. Despite all that has happened. Despite all the hurt, the pain, blood, sweat and tears. These two years have given us hope we never had.

Before March 20, 2003, we were in a dungeon. We did not see the light. Saddam Hussain was crushing Iraq's spirit slowly, we longed for his end, but knew we could not challenge him, or his diabolical seed who would no doubt follow him and continue his generation of hell on Earth.

Since then, we now have hope. Hope is not a tangible thing, but it is something, it is more than being blinded by darkness, by being stuck in a mental pit without any future.

Hope has been the greatest product of the last two years. No doubt, many have died, many have died by accident or due to crimes. But their sacrifices are not, and will not be for nothing. I refuse to let it be, and my countrymen stand with me.

Our cities are smoking, our graveyards full, and terrorists in our midst. But we are not defeated. We are not down, we are not regretful. We are not going to surrender. For all that the two years have brought, the greatest thign they have given us is a future, and a view of the finish line.

Iraqis see the finish line, the finish line of freedom and democracy and a functioning nation. We can smell it, taste it, and like a sprinter, one who has broken his legs, but who has a heart full of passion, we will crawl there no matter what the cost. No matter what we must endure, we have realized what we can become, and that is the biggest result of the last two years.

Noone can take that from us. Not the terrorists, not those who want to question the good of the removal of Saddam, not those who want to reduce our glory for politics, none.

We have been brought from darkness to light. And not only has the future been made better for Iraq, but the martyrs of our nation, their blood is watering the roots of democracy across the world. We are watching our neighbors come closer to the light, and this only pushes us more, and makes us stronger in our burning desire to reach the finish line, to realize the dream that our people have had for so long.

No, we will not give up, and we will not say that the last two years were a waste. They for all their trouble have been momentus. They for us, have been a turning point in history. Whether or not you agree, this is how it looks from Iraq.

Husayn Uthman
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Hide the following 5 comments


21.03.2005 16:27

Thanks Husayn for a moving reflection on the past two years. Reading about it from someone who went through the events makes is all the more important. We share your pain and your hope. Democracy is here now and the new Iraq is rising from the ashes of Saddam. As we have seen in Lebanon changes are coming through all the Middle East and many of the old despots are looking over their shoulders.


What times we live in

21.03.2005 17:32

After years of conflict in the Middle East the roots of democracy are begining to be seen. The people of Iran are rebelling against the theocracy of the extremists and the demands for a free democratic society are starting to be heard in such unlikely places as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Syria and The Lebanon.

Here in New York we have had a speaker from the Syrian opposition, they are looking toward Turkey as their model for a democratic, secular Muslim nation. I know we would not regard Turkey as a perfect society by any means but it is improving and working toward EC membership.

Speaking to friends in Saudi Arabia it is clear that atttempts to hold back Western democratic ideas are failing, the young are questioning the power of The Al-Madina (the religious police) and asking why they need observe the repeated daily calls for prayer, instances of women not wearing the Hijab when socialising with other women are increasing and recently Prince Sultan, second deputy premier and minister of defence and aviation and chairman of Saudi Arabian Airlines announced that Saudi women would join the airline workforce soon. This followed a low key but sustained campaign by Saudi women seeking the opportunity to work in Aerospace.

By far the biggest change of late has been the co-operation between Arab nations and Israel. Marine Shipping and Air Traffic Control are the most recent examples but there have been others.

For the first time ever in my lifetime I see light at the end of the tunnel.

Beth in New York (but British)

In case we forget

21.03.2005 20:23

Bush will be remembered for begining the process of democracy to the Middle East

A hero among us

Hello again

22.03.2005 08:54

Nice report Husayn, good to hear from you again. Those of us that have read your reports know how you saw people suffer at the hands of Saddam's son Uday and it must be wonderful to be seeing the first Iraqi freedom for many years.


If this is a joke its not very funny

22.03.2005 12:36

