Wolrd Day for Lab Animals march - Sat, April 30th
Ritchie | 21.03.2005 12:09 | Animal Liberation
The Gateway To Hell campaign is about shutting down the sickening trade in animals, captive-bred and wild-caught, that enter the UK every year through airports only to end up in vivisection laboratories.
Wolrd Day for Lab Animals march - Sat, April 30th
Meet Penchester Gardens, Dover, Kent. There is transport available from all over the UK.
Wolrd Day for Lab Animals march - Sat, April 30th
Meet Penchester Gardens, Dover, Kent. There is transport available from all over the UK.
The Gateway To Hell campaign is brought to you by an independent collective of animal rights activists who see this as the next natural step in the struggle to end vivisection in the UK. This is not yet another anti-vivisection campaign, but one which will deal a powerful blow to all aspects of the vivisection industry in the UK, complementing many other campaigns at the same time.
Over the last few years we have been steadily uncovering evidence as to where from and how the animals in UK vivisection labs are coming from. What we have uncovered is a secretive but lucrative trade, in wild and specially bred animals being imported by a small network of companies purely for laboratories. And it is happening right under the noses of the millions of tourists who come in and out of the country every year.
Every week hundreds of animals are brought from around the world and sent to UK airports. From there they are carried to labs all over the country. These beautiful and intelligent animals are snatched from their homes in the wild, forced into barren cages for traumatic journeys only to die in the vicious labs of vivisection companies and universities.
The airports where these animals are brought through are truly ‘Gateways To Hell’. We are determined to end this sickening trade in suffering. But we need everyone to get involved, to take positive action to ensure the animal rooms in airports across the country are emptied permanently.
We are calling on everyone to join this campaign by taking action against the airlines and airports allowing and profiting from this trade. The goal is simple:
No more animals for vivisection labs to be brought into the UK through airports and an end to all primate transport globally.
Wolrd Day for Lab Animals march - Sat, April 30th
Meet Penchester Gardens, Dover, Kent. There is transport available from all over the UK. Please call or email for details.
Over the last few years we have been steadily uncovering evidence as to where from and how the animals in UK vivisection labs are coming from. What we have uncovered is a secretive but lucrative trade, in wild and specially bred animals being imported by a small network of companies purely for laboratories. And it is happening right under the noses of the millions of tourists who come in and out of the country every year.
Every week hundreds of animals are brought from around the world and sent to UK airports. From there they are carried to labs all over the country. These beautiful and intelligent animals are snatched from their homes in the wild, forced into barren cages for traumatic journeys only to die in the vicious labs of vivisection companies and universities.
The airports where these animals are brought through are truly ‘Gateways To Hell’. We are determined to end this sickening trade in suffering. But we need everyone to get involved, to take positive action to ensure the animal rooms in airports across the country are emptied permanently.
We are calling on everyone to join this campaign by taking action against the airlines and airports allowing and profiting from this trade. The goal is simple:
No more animals for vivisection labs to be brought into the UK through airports and an end to all primate transport globally.
Wolrd Day for Lab Animals march - Sat, April 30th
Meet Penchester Gardens, Dover, Kent. There is transport available from all over the UK. Please call or email for details.