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Images of subvertised tory billboard spotted in Longsight, Manchester

jen | 20.03.2005 19:04 | Anti-racism | Migration

Oops, they left out the 'H' in 'Longsight'.


Billboard and banner
Billboard and banner

Since Longsight is a working-class area with a high Asian and Afro-Carribean population, the billboard was probably aimed at wealthier people driving down the A6 towards Cheshire. It is opposite a church, so local people have have to look at it on their way to Sunday services.



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No racist policies

20.03.2005 19:42



Yeh Longsight !!

20.03.2005 20:30

Thanks for the Idea Longsight !!!

Copy Cat

If they look like racist bigots...

21.03.2005 12:05



Only some immigrants are welcome

21.03.2005 18:27

From the banner, are we to assume that Barbed Wire Org will be checking the voting intentions of immigrants to Longsight before they welcome them or run them out of town?



22.03.2005 14:05

These on Stockport Road?


Daddy will you buy me a car please?

22.03.2005 23:50

Tony's government is coming to get us all with ID cards and restrictions on the right to demonstrate. Some day soon that Longsight banner will be illegal unless Tony agrees with it. Not long after that, this website will be illegal unless Tony agrees with it. The best way forward is to allow everyone to speak, so defacing posters is not a good idea. When the government bans you for saying what you want, make sure you've never tried to stop other people saying what they want. Fascism cannot be beaten with fascism. Don't vote for Tony.


Oh dear.

23.03.2005 12:50

No, graffitti is not fascism. Fuck off back to liberal hippy camp.

Hugh Jass

Take control

23.03.2005 14:58

They should get you to write their next banner. At least you can spell.


Jay you are so right!!!!

24.03.2005 10:27

Hey Jay, I bet the people who did this act of mindless vandalism are all unemployed - or maybe students what do you think? They need to pull their socks up and buckle down to some useful work or study - what do you say Jay?

You talk about Tony's government - don't kid yourself all the main political parties WILL use their weapon of choice - FEAR - to introduce draconian measures.

Even though your party (tory) uses slightly more sensitive language that BNP it is non the less fasciism and should at least be defaced and always challenged

Thanks for the idea - long live subvertising.....

FEAR a Blairs WMD


24.03.2005 16:34

FEAR a Blairs WMD, have another guess at how I vote. You could be right about them being students though. That's why they can't spell Longsight. I reckon this time last year they were sixth formers in Surrey, now they're up here at 'uni' and playing at anarchy for 3 years while daddy pays their way. Bet they can spell Woking, Guildford and Godalming.


jay & graffitti

24.03.2005 18:16

Jay - fuck your prejudice. It's easy to attack others for acting whilst you sit at your computer.

And no, of course graffitti is not fascism, but lay off the ;-)

I'm outta here.

liberal hippy camp


24.03.2005 18:35

What a great argument you have presented against this action. Ad hominem cake, anyone?

Local Lad

on the face of it all

12.04.2005 23:45

Theres one in Reading, in the cemetary junction area whose tagline reads:

"Are you thinking that we're stinking?"


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White and scared in Longsight

08.04.2006 20:09

To be honest, as a white person I would hate for my car to break down while driving along Stockport rd. I just wouldn't know what to do. I think that the situation is out of hand. It seems that the Longsight and Levenshulme areas are full of black and Kurdish asylum seekers, rough white people with ASBO's and random Asian drug dealers. The tories are right - more regulation needed!

Jo Harrison

no fear

10.04.2006 19:39

what the? such a generalization...Asian drug pushers!!!!! I pay my taxes like the next person and make no bother. would not like to be labelled in such a bad way just coz of the colour of ma skin. if your car broke man, ill help ya
