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Iraq demo: Anti-Islamist protest

OutRage News Service | 20.03.2005 11:54 | Anti-militarism | Gender | Social Struggles | London | World

OutRage! backed the call for “Britain and the US to set a timetable for the withdrawal of troops,” but it opposed calls for “Troops Out Now”; warning that “a hasty withdrawal could pave the way for the seizure of power by Saddam loyalists or Islamic fundamentalists.”

Freedom for Iraq: London anti-war demo, 19 March 2005
Freedom for Iraq: London anti-war demo, 19 March 2005

No foreign occupation! No Islamic State!

For a secular, democratic Iraq – Against clerical tyranny

London – 19 March 2005

Gay activist group OutRage! joined the 100,000-strong London march against the US-UK occupation of Iraq, today, Saturday 19 March 2005.

OutRage! members carried placards with the slogans: “Freedom for Iraq! No foreign occupation! No Shar’ia law!”, “No UK-US Occupation! Support real resistance: Trade Unionists, Socialists and Feminists”, and “Solidarity with Iraqi women and gays”.

OutRage! backed the call for “Britain and the US to set a timetable for the withdrawal of troops,” but it opposed calls for “Troops Out Now”; warning that “a hasty withdrawal could pave the way for the seizure of power by Saddam loyalists or Islamic fundamentalists.”

“If the Saddamites or Islamists won power, it would be disastrous for democracy, human rights and social justice in Iraq,” said OutRage! spokesperson and demo participant, Peter Tatchell.

“Trade unionists, socialists, women and gay people would suffer terrible persecution.

“Most Iraqis don’t want foreign occupation, the return of the Baathists, or the clerical tyranny of Islamist rule.

“The biggest danger to Iraqi freedom right now is the imposition of a theocratic state, along the lines of neighbouring Iran, where an estimated100 000 people have been executed since the Ayatollahs seized power in 1979.

“The Islamist parties in Iraq are pressing for the introduction of an Islamic constitution and Shar’ia law, which would result in the execution of women who have sex outside marriage, gays and apostates, he added.

“Already, there is massive repression of Iraqi women,” said OutRage! campaign coordinator Brett Lock, who also joined today’s march.

“Women who refuse to be veiled have been murdered. So-called honour killings of women are encouraged by the Islamists. Feminist campaigners have been threatened with death. A hugely popular woman singer and dancer, Hinadi, was recently assassinated by the Islamists in Basra. Gay Iraqis live in fear of execution by Islamist militants.

“We support the call by progressive Iraqis for the separation of religion from the State; and for a democratic, secular constitution that guarantees political and trade union rights, free speech and freedom of the press, and equality for women and gay people.

“OutRage! salutes the courage of Iraqis who are battling against foreign occupation, privatisation and clerical misogyny and homophobia. Their campaign for a liberal, humanitarian Iraq is heroic and inspirational,” said Mr Lock.

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This is a load of islamophobic right wing tosh blah blah blah

20.03.2005 15:48

actually no, well done people for not being ignorant of the issues affecting the minorites in this conflict that tend to be overlooked by the powers that be in the mainstream anti-war movement. Being against the war doesn't mean supporting fundamentalism - of any religion, and you either believe in liberty for all, or you don't belive in liberty at all.

the middle finger

blatantly contradictory

21.03.2005 06:32

outrage claims to be against the occupation, but nevertheless feels comfortable dictating the sort of government iraq should be allowed to have? imperialistic garbage.



21.03.2005 09:36

Geo, you're against repressive regimes, right? Just checking...

We have a choice which side to support and expresss solidarity with. Will it be those who want to impose a theocratic state where sharia law strips away basic civil rights, or will it be with those Iraqi democtrats, trade unionists, socialists and progressives who want a secular state?

Perhaps you naively think that those internal forces wanting to replace Saddam's regime with an Islamist government or those who want to see the Baathists return to power will be doing so using only democratic means.

But maybe you're right. Maybe it is imperialsim to oppose some Ayalolla ready to trample over the rights of women, workers, gays and political disidents than joining with Iraqi democrats who want to transform the post-Baathist, post-war Iraq.

Well, you makes your choices...



21.03.2005 19:12

you miss the fact that outrage is saying more than "solidarity with unionists, feminists, etc" (if that was all they were saying, the most they could be guilty of is bland, cathartic expressions of meaningless support).

no, they explicitly oppose immediate removal of foreign troops until the situation is "stable". this is an apologia for imperialism. further, they seem to assume that this is what unionists, socialists, feminists, gays, etc want, that the US-backed government will be sympathetic to these nominally better groups. this is unlikely, especially in the case of unionists and socialists. moreover, with shi'a groups winning the elections (and not the "secularists" that outrage claims to support), there is a further contradiction of nominally supporting "democracy" but not supporting its results.



Diverse Demo

22.03.2005 06:55

Discussing OutRage!'s alleged inconsistencies with regard to the occupation of Iraq is of course legitimate. However, it would be a mistake to believe that OutRage! alone is a critic of the theocratic elements pushing for power in occupied Iraq. In the context of Saturday's demo, a wide variety of participant organisations have similar positions - feminist and women's groups such as Global Womens Strike, the Trotskyist Alliance for Workers Liberty, Iraqi Communist Party, Humanist Society, anarchist groups proclaiming "No State Violence; No Religious Violence" and pacifist organisations like the PPU, Pax Christi or Quakers. To pick solely on OutRage! - a tiny organisation in comparison with most others - seems to be unnecessarily specific. OutRage!, whatever your opinions of their political analysis, have every right to participate in the antiwar movement. Given that they exist to defend gay and minority human rights, it is entirely consistent that they should point out the unsavoury nature of some political players in Iraq. This could be construed as imperialistic, but given that the Imperialist occupation itself is fuelled by a fanatically fundamentalist, homophobic government in the US, and given that US LGBT organisations mobilised thousands of their members to attend Saturday's anti-war demonstrations in American cities, it would be incorrect to say that OutRage! are in any way apologists for the US.

Independent Left