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WARNING!! low ozone levels bringing sunny weather

weather report | 19.03.2005 13:49 | Ecology

levels of ozone or DANGEROUSLY low this weekend, yet you wont read about it, or here about it on the mainstream press!!

'Lowest ozone levels (and temperatures) are currently over the UK (around 250 DU), which is nearly 40% below the normal. Values over the UK are likely to be significantly below the normal on March 18 and 19, although generally the temperature of the Arctic stratosphere is now rising. If sunny weather occurs over the weekend extra sunblock is recommended!'
-The British Antarctic Survey (BAS)

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It's all over the mainstream

19.03.2005 14:23

I'm surprised when you say this is not being covered by the mainstream media. It was all over BBC News 24 this morning, CNN had a piece on it at lunchtime and its on the BBC website