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Islamic Republic is the real Problem

Ahmet Batebi | 19.03.2005 09:49 | London

A leaflet that will be spread at todays anti-war rally in London by Iranian democracy activists

Islamic Republic is the Real Problem

Islamic Republic of Iran is an Islamic theocracy. The real power to vet the candidates before and after they emerge from “Islamic Ballot Boxes” and the final power to veto any legislation deemed un-Islamic is with an unelected body called the Guardian Council.

The Guardian Council is made up of senile aged clerics determined to run Iran as a medieval religious dictatorship.

The people of Iran have had their revolution of 1979 hijacked by these clerics of the dark ages. In the last 25 years, Iranian people have struggled for a secular democracy and a better life without much help from the international community.

• When the women in Iran were forced to wear the veil again, no women’s organisations in the West marched in support of the Iranian women who wanted to choose what to wear.

• When kids as young as 12 and pregnant women were executed by the Islamic Republic for opposing the Islamic regime, no one marched to condemn the Islamic Republic’s hideous acts.

• When virgin teenage dissident girls were raped before execution so as not to enter the “Islamic heaven” after their deaths, no one in the West marched to express their condemnation.

• When women in Iran are put into a sack and buried up to their waist and stoned to a cruel agonising slow death, no so-called progressive organisations in the West have marched to condemn this barbaric act.

• When the Iranian political prisoners, mostly Left-wing activists, were massacred in their thousands in 1988, no one, including the Left in the West marched to stop the massacre.

• When thousands of Iranian students were rounded up in 1999 and given long-term sentences during the student uprisings that took place across 19 Iranian cities, the so-called progressive organisations and students in the West, again were silent.

Yes, we are against a military invasion of our country. But in order to guarantee peace and security for the people of Iran and the Middle East, first we must get rid of the theocratic, medieval religious dictatorship in Iran that supports, harbours and sponsors international terrorism. Only a free and democratic Iran will be the best guarantee against any military intervention.

Give us a hand, lets oppose the Islamic Republic of Iran today.

Alliance of Iranian Students

Ahmet Batebi
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I agree

19.03.2005 11:36

I fully agree with you those people are dangerous for their own's people sake and ours we should support the opposition movement like yours


Acts commited abroad

19.03.2005 12:07

People don't generally march against things that happen abroad, and don't directly affect that country. They might get angry about it, and try to influence it how they can, or even just discuss it, but they don't march about it.
They would march against their government's participation in it though.

On the other hand, I have seen Workers Liberty, the CPGB, and other groups picketing the Iranian and Iraqi embassies over similar stuff.

It never gets picked up by the mass media (look how little coverage they give to really big marches in London), but it still happens.


What a joker

19.03.2005 12:15

Ahmet, you are a joker, right? You spend the whole article slagging off the "west" and then expect it to support your neocon agenda.

Well, sweety, for your information the left WERE protesting in 1988 against the Iran/Iraq war when Saddam Hussein was murdering Kurds in Halabja. And what were your darling neocons doing? They were selling Iraq the WMD.

So drop your nonsense about Iran "supporting international terrorism" - guaranteed to make people here suspicious - and tell us what you really think about Bush and his Middle East agenda. If you tell us it's all about "bringing democracy" we can all have a good laugh.

Aunty Beeb

Bring back the Shah!

19.03.2005 12:16

The Islamic Republic is the real problem.

Bring back Savak! Bring back the knock on the door in the middle of the night!
Bring back the CIA, to train them in more effective torture techniques!

And bring back mass amnesia!
Oh wait a minute, it's already arrived. Well, just bring back Savak then. I do miss them.

R. Pahlavi

Stop the War Coalition silences dissent against authoritarian regimes

19.03.2005 12:23

Thank you for giving us some historical context about why the authoritarian left, particularly in this country, has failed to show solidarity towards the oppression in Iran.

Here's a link to another article on the newswire that exposes the Stop the War Coaltion's complicity in repressing this dissent.

Please read the 'Open Letter to STWC from Political Association of Iranian Refugees'


The reason

19.03.2005 14:31

The Stop the War organisation cannot oppose the religious extremism of Iran because of the various extreme Muslim groups they have alinged them selves with here in the UK. If they (as they should) speak out against these nutters much of their funding will go.

As ever money talks
