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Home Secretary Orders Rethink on Cannabis

Ed | 19.03.2005 08:07

Right Charlie Clark has ordered a review of the decision to downgrade cannabis, on thhe basis that some studies indicate a link between 'Skunk' and mental illness.

Charity DrugScope warned against the danger of the move being motivated by political and not scientific factors.

Source BBC

There are numerous things that are linked to mental illness. For example, many combat Soldiers suffer severe mental illness because of their traumatic experiences; this is a statement of fact, and not inferred from an inconclusive and limited study. So why not ban aggressive illegal wars which combat soldiers do not even believe in is a just cause.

The reason is the likes of right Charlie Clarke, and Tony B liar are suffering from the most severe mental illness that can exist, a massive psychosis: they have no qualms about bombing to death tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children, to support the US economy. How fucked up in the head is that.

Right Charlie does some very stupid things too - as well as deeply evil ones - he puts 2,000 riot police on the streets to protect the good people of Derby from 100 street protesters who want a better world and just want to make music and do a little street theatre. Right Charlie thinks these people are terrorists, and would like to lock them up. This is an irrational neurosis.

If anything needs to be banned - in order to improve the mental health of the nation, and other nations like Iraq and Columbia, is to ban Charlie Clarke and Tony Bullshit Liar.

Yes, for sure, get rid of Home Secretaries and Prime Ministers. A little bit of Skunk weed should be proscribed for Right Charlie and Tony Bullshit before they are allowed back into a normalized society.



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19.03.2005 09:53

Rasta Kebba Jobe was killed by police at Camden Lock for the alleged possession of ganja, if this is the softly-softly approach, what is a clampdown? Summary roadside execution for traces of THC in the bloodstream? Skunk has been genetically modified to induce psychosis, paranoia and dependency, while sensimelia is natural, theraputic and as old as the hills it grows on. Leave our herbs alone!!


which ones?

19.03.2005 15:27

Which mental health charities support this move? Do they think that banging someone up in prison or banning them from certain jobs is going to improve their mental health? If we find out which ones are urging us to be imprisoned then we should give them a call to let them know what we think of their 'mental health'.
