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April 2nd: No Borders Demonstration (London)!

no borders | 18.03.2005 04:18 | Anti-racism | Migration | London


SATURDAY 2nd APRIL 2005 // 12noon
Assemble Clerkenwell Green, London EC1


For Freedom Of Movement and the Right to Stay

We stand against racism and fortress Europe and for the rights of migrants and asylum seekers. For citizenship rights based on residence and the closing of all detention centres. We oppose deportation of migrants. We see the demand for freedom of movement encompassing different struggles of migration taking place every day throughout Europe: struggles for housing and legalisation, struggles against racism and camps, struggles in the workplace, the struggles of women and men to free themselves from patriarchy, racism, homophobia in their country of origin but also of their country of arrival. Join us on this demonstration for a world without borders!

no borders


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You have got to be joking!

25.03.2005 23:38

No country can exist without immigration controls, supposing 200 million people wanted to settle here where would they live, how could we possibly accommodate them. This must rank as one of the daffiest campaigns I have ever seen.

Paul Reading


26.03.2005 02:48

My immediate response is to say to you to do us all a favour and fuck off. Actually thats my final response.



STOP DEPORTATION - Tuesday 29th - Heathrow!

26.03.2005 21:51

Alam, was seized when he went to report at Dallas Court yesterday and is currently being detained at Manchester Airport. He is being deported from Heathrow to Abu Dhabi at 11am on Tuesday 29.03.05. His wife and two children have removal orders for 5th April.

Alam is currently in the Manchester Airport detenton suite. Messages of support are welcomed. Dallas Court Detention Suite 0161-489-5702 ask to speak to him.

London/SouthEast people - would anyone be prepared to come to Heathrow on Tuesday to try to stop this deportation? If you can help please email reading-anti-g8(at)

Everyone - please fax the airline (this is a technique that works. A deportation from Manchester airport was stopped last week because the airline refused to carry a deportee).

Also please pass this information around your networks. Please help. We have to stop this.

Text for airline fax follows:

To : Rohan Alce and James Hogan
Fax No. : 0208 600 7460

Forced Removal of Zahangir Alam on Flight GF4 Tuesday 29th April, 11am

Dear Mr Rohan Alce and Mr James Hogan,

We commend the pilots and other crew of various airlines who have stopped a number of forced removals of asylum seekers - they have shown compassion and regard for their passengers' safety.

We ask Gulf Air to stop an attempt to remove Alam on Tuesday 29th March.

Alam is a father and husband who has lived in Salford for nearly three years with his wife Naima and his sons, Jubaer (9) and his baby Jamiul (18 months). Alam was a politician in Bangladesh when he had had to flee for his life because of his membership of the Freedom Party.
His wife and children are not being removed at the same time as him and it is unlikely that they will ever be reunited once he has been deported to Bangladesh as his only limited recourse to safety will be to try to go into hiding. We feel that separating Alam from his young family violates their human rights and would make your airline complicit in this injustice.
Alam will be killed on arrival in Bangladesh. We know this because his Bangladesh lawyer wrote to Alam in a letter dated 25th January 2005: “two warrants of arrest have been issued against you, even in your absence. So it would not be wise to come back to Bangladesh at this moment…If you come back to Bangladesh now you will be arrested and put to trial immediately on your arrival…Not only that, the newly formed rapid action battalion (RAB) are indiscriminately killing political activists branded as criminals on the plea of cross fire. Since the letter of warrant is hanging on your head you may be killed by this special squad RAB without observing the due process of law. For your kind information, I let you know that one of your friends who was involved in the case [about Alam’s membership of the Freedom Party] has been killed by the RAB recently on the plea of cross fire without giving ay opportunity to defend himself legally. Circumstances being so grave I would advise you to stay where you are with your family to save your life until you get my clearance.”

Bangladesh is an unsafe country, especially for political activists. On 24.02.05. High Court Judge, Mr Justice Wilson ruled that it was unlawful to include Bangladesh in the official white list of countries that they say it is safe to return people to. This is because, ruled Justice Wilson, “it was all too clear” that persecution and human rights abuse were not isolated problems at the margins of life in Bangladesh which was officially ranked as worst for corruption on an international Index.
Fresh evidence for Alam is currently being translated and material for a new asylum claim being prepared. It would be wrong for Alam to be deported whilst this process is still underway
Some airlines have a company policy not to carry out forced removals and I hope Gulf Air will follow suit.

The UK newspaper The Guardian reported on December 13th 2003 that "Belgium suspended its policy of forcibly deporting failed asylum seekers until further notice yesterday" following the death during removal of a Nigerian woman.

Please act with humanity


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immigration laws are racist and not necessary

01.04.2005 12:45

Why would 200 million people come here? For 100s of years there were not immigration laws like there are now and countries were not over run. Usually people move to find work, to escape starvation, persecution or disaster or to be with family and friends. When there used to be free immigration from the commonwealth people came when there was work but not in their 10s of millions.
Historically Britain has played a big role in underdeveloping large parts of the world. The biggest future rise in forced migration is likely to be climate change refugees, with Britain pumping out far more emissions than the African countries this will hurt most.
We have a responsibility. We also have an opportunity to see through the racist lies about immigration. It is not a problem, in fact the country depends on it. The racism is used to divide us and the laws against asylum seekers one year are used against native Britains the next (like detention without trial).
Open the borders.


Don't obfuscate.

01.04.2005 21:11


People never came here because :

1. They didn't have the means to travel.

2. Without TV, books, films, newspapers or any kind of media there was no knowledge of our differing standards of living.

3. Without protection of modern laws it would have been quite unpleasant, Middle-aged Britain is unlikely to have been a good choice for anyone of another culture. In fact most would have been placed in slavery.

Even China which does not suffer an excess of immigration pressures has recognised the difficulties their country faces with a burgeoning population. How cold this country sustain 250,000- 500,000 entering every year? The government has already admitted that it needs a huge house building programme, not for any demographic change but wholly to accommodate the influx of migrants.

Do we really want to build houses on every green and pleasant field in this country. Do we want there to no countryside at all, should we have no regard for the environment. There are other issues, planners allow new towns and houses to be built without regard to the infrastructure of water provision and sewage treatment. Water if a finite resource and many of our aquifers are at near record lows after this dry winter. Demand for water is rising beyond what is available. Go to Staines and take a look at the level of the river entering the Thames, go to the River Crane in Twickenham and you will see that the water flowing through is 1/4 of the level of 20 years ago. the River passing through Eton has almost dried up. the River Kennet in Berkshire is Aa shadow of its former self. Water is a precious resource we are running out of and no one wants to talk about it. Last year Jonathan Porrit said that we should be aiming to reduce our population level to pre-war levels to preserve our environment.

Unfettered immigration would be a disaster for our environment and should be opposed. This issue has nothing to do with race or creed or colour and to suggest otherwise is to obfuscate the issue.

Paul Reading

response to paul..

02.04.2005 10:11

1./ Paul - People did come here. You are here for a start you tosspot.
All of this country are decended from immigrants and squatters.
Means of travel ???? - I suppose you fly everywhere you wanker.
2./ Other ( non-overdeveloped - get that )countries are suffering as a direct response to Anglo American foreign policy e.g.
arm sales,cash crops, land theft for oil and minerals,etc etc etc.
ThatThe concept of 'Standard of living is a bit on the vague side. I suppose you would like to save up then move to Spain et al and do a
bit of property speculation..
4./ The so-called 'big rush', you feared( as another example) with the EU accession countries never happened.
Immigration levels are actually falling - who the fuck would want to come here when it's populated with wankers like you and
then be forced to take crap jobs or work in healthcare for less money while having the same or better skills.
( see Tony's plan for stealing nurses from poorer countries and then have them cleaning etc!).
Thjere are language and cultural differences and many people actiually don't want to be here except they also don't
like being tortued, murdered, etc.
5./ I could go on but I think you can rarely but a coherent sentence together let alone an argument so do us all a favour
and fuck off and die you racist twat!
6./ the actual money is not being draioned by asylum seekers but quangos of consultants, unscrupulous property own'ers and speculators,
and private firms running concentration camps ( another green and pleasant British invention whilst 'managing Africa' (sic))
such as Campsfield etc.
I could go on but I fear you are wastign everybodys time so just FUCK OFF PAUL you knobhead.

mark r pen

What strange and ugly arguments..Paul Reading !

17.04.2005 10:49

Paul reading and his stunted view of life...
Our differing standards of living, I wonder how that came about... anyone remember the British empire...had a bit of a headstart with the Raj etc etc etc
Middle aged Britain slavery bla bla actually if you'd been black you'd have more likely be a slave in the 18th century but hey ho history is a funny thing; so easy to be selective isn't it

It is really a little strange to hear arguments about protecting Britains environment by limiting Migration when there is little or no social house building going on in Britain for people on low incomes.Only overpriced two up two down Wimpies for middle income white folks which you clearly have no problem with.
Your argument ignores the hundreds of thousands of people who leave Britain to go and populate other countries presumably they will be building villas wherever they go. Why is housebuilding there less environmentally problematic than here. As well as this Britain has a declining birth rate.
The alarmist figures you use are straight from Migration Watch. As well as this to add to what James pointed out there are 10 million environmental refugees at the moment this number will continue to escalate. We in industrially 'developed' countries are collectively directly responsible for their plight .
We have a responsibility not only to the victims of our societies' rampant overconsumption and refusal to change our way of life. Perhaps if you spent a bit of time travelling and you would see the conditions that are being inflicted on the majority of the worlds population are not just a fact of life but consequence of Western governments policies in relation to economics ie poverty , politics New American century ie and war. The causes of the environmental conditions of the world outside Europe and of enviromental problems within Europe , have nothing to do with refugees or migrants who flee because there living enviroments have become unliveable. It is really disgusting to use enviromental arguments to stop people moving here.
I believe in Migration as a human right, I probably like you, have a passport that enables me to do just that which is why I live in France now. To advocate a different set of rights for me because I was born in the European Union is racist . Which is why advocating immigration controls is racist.

Clearly building walls higher will not solve out or there problems . People who advocate controls like to bury there head in the soil of Englands green and pleasant, .About 90% of British land is in the hands of about 3% of the population . Empty fields,the land is clearly not ours anyway.
Warm beer Rich man at his castle, poor man at his gate.... leather on willow ooh sir ,ooh sir !!

If we had one brave politician like, brave enough to speak of the world as it is; someone who understood history properly unlike the losers we have before us now then we could move beyond the borders between us in our minds and who knows demolish the borders being built between us as I write.

Freedom of movement and the right to stay and live wherever we want!!

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