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Aldermaston Block the Builders Campaign

Giulia | 17.03.2005 14:01

Update on the Block the Builders direct ation campaign

Please visit the BtB website on for the latest on the campaign.

Also, if you haven't done so yet you can pledge your support on



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I see

17.03.2005 15:00

So as I see it (on your website) you are once again not organising any blockade or action of any kind - again ! but you would like us to send you money !

The "A" in NVDA means "Action" not "Accumulate"


Action yes - but only when it makes sense

17.03.2005 18:01

Yes, Dave, the 'A' in NVDA stands for 'action'. But the 'D' stands for 'direct', and a direct action is by definition only possible if what you want to stop is also happening. All the monitoring that has been done in the last two weeks indicates that building work related to the new developments has not yet started. This means it does not make sense to do a direct action now.
We are aware that there is always a lot of traffic going into and out of AWE Aldermaston, and of course it could make sense to block this traffic, as AWE is still a nuclear weapon factory - but that would not be a 'direct action' against the new developments... (but we always would welcome this kind of action too).

At present, we are preparing for actions at Easter (see, and we continue to monitor what is going on at AWE Aldermaston. The Easter activities will also include training for NVDA - so that more people can feel safe when they do a blockade for the first time. You're welcome to join, or to organise/do a blockade at whatever time suits you.



Good try Andreas

17.03.2005 19:10

Good try Andreas but I think I'll stick with the alternative BtB group as they are running regular blockades and as we saw recently managing to make life difficult for the people at Aldermaston.

I'm not putting your group down and I hope your demo goes well but for me I prefer groups who take action rather than just talking about it

Good luck


Quality always shines through.....

17.03.2005 22:05

Dave - Nobody believes you. Go find something useful to do, mate.

Andreas - You're known to be a credible, honourable human being. Keep doing what you do.
