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2000+ at Dissent! benefit party

hmm | 16.03.2005 11:13 | G8 2005

Over 2000 people visited Shakedown*05 last Saturday, a massive allnight Dissent! awareness raising event.



Lots and lots of people
Lots and lots of people

Here some of the photo's. For more photo's and/or info check out

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16.03.2005 13:38

Lets hope they turn out in Derby tomorrow then (Thursday )for the street party protest.


Imaginary figures

16.03.2005 22:01

Surely, you mean 200+.


Why don't you get a job instead of causing trouble!

17.03.2005 11:56

Hey why don't all you anti-capitalist trouble makers who riot and smash and loot shops get a job! As it is us tax payers who have to pay for all the damage you cause!

member of the public

guess what?

17.03.2005 13:15

Us tax payers is all of us. That means the people in the photos enjoying the party, the individuals that are part of the Dissent network, the people the right articles on Indymedia, even the people that smash McDonald's windows - all are tax payers. So don't come accross all indignent sun reader pretending that you have the moral high ground.

As for your ignorant unsubstanciated accusations, get real. How exactly are the things you spoke of related in any way to protests about government and corporate collusion within the G8?


re imaginary figures

17.03.2005 21:08

No we mean about 2000 people, the most in the venue at anyone time was 1,600 and we had people arriving after others had left.

An absolutly fantastic underground party


why don't you cops posing as members of the public shove it up your arse

17.03.2005 23:14

coz if you really think you're sanctimonious arsehole comments serve anyone at all, then you really have understood or learned anything for the duration of your sad and miserable life.


so sad

19.03.2005 12:37

'Lets hope they turn out in Derby tomorrow then (Thursday )for the street party protest.'

Unfortunately they didn't, still partying's a political act isnt it? well done the organisers for trying though.
