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Peace Camp on Trafalgar Square 16th -18th March

Alan | 15.03.2005 19:01 | London

This peace camp will reflect our message that there is a peaceful alternative to the violent, aggressive, warmongering policies that led to the war on Iraq and the deaths of thousands of innocent people. Therefore the peace camp in Trafalgar square will be a positive and peaceful event.

Peace Camp ~ Trafalgar Square

The 'war on terror' continues with the sights now set on Syria and Iran together with an unprecedented attack on civil liberties.

To protest against these developments Military Families against the War is establishing a Peace Camp on Trafalgar Square. There will be some tents provided but we are asking organisations and individuals to bring their own as well.

Each evening of the camp there will be special events.

Wednesday 16th - Press Call at 5pm.

Followed by an evening with Mark Steel 7pm.

Thursday 17th - Tony Benn, Shami Chakrabati (Director of Liberty) Lindsey German, and Jeremy Corbyn discuss 'Bush wars and terror laws' 7.30pm onwards.

Friday 18th - Forum - Military Families speak Out
Followed by Hip Hop against war.

The Peace Camp is sponsored by Highgate and Holloway Woodcraft Folk; London CND; Caroline Lucas [MEP], Jean Lambert [MEP], Jeremy Corbyn [MP] Stop the War Coalition; Tony Benn; Peace Not War; Respect; Red Pepper; Muslim Association of Britain; Bookmarks; Housmans Peace
Bookshop; School Students against the War; Friendship Across Frontiers; Campaign Against Criminalising Communities.

For further info or to sponsor the camp please ring Andrew Burgin 07939 242229 or Chris Nineham 07930 536519.

Peace camp in Trafalgar Square

Wednesday 16th to Saturday 19th March

The aim of the camp is to draw public attention to the demands of the national demonstration on 19 March: End the Occupation of Iraq; No More Bush Wars.

This is the first time that there has ever been a peace camp in Trafalgar Square. The message to the government will be clear. We reject war mongering foreign policy and the attacks on our civil liberties at home.

We want to make this a colourful and fun environment to let the warmongers know that a peaceful world is possible. There will speakers, performance, arts and entertainment.

So come along, for as long as you can - a few hours during the day or evening, sleep over, or even for the whole three days - to support the camp. Spread the word. Bring your friends, family and colleagues along.

This peace camp will reflect our message that there is a peaceful alternative to the violent, aggressive, warmongering policies that led to the war on Iraq and the deaths of thousands of innocent people. Therefore the peace camp in Trafalgar square will be a positive and peaceful event.

It will be a family friendly camp and children will be very welcome.
In this spirit there will be no drugs or alcohol at the camp. To ensure that this is a comfortable and pleasant experience for everyone we will be actively encouraging people to keep the camp clean and tidy.

Security is extremely important to us. It is important that this is an inclusive and safe environment. The camp will have a woman only space. The two head stewards each night will be a man and a woman.
There will also be GLA wardens there every night and medical support will be on site.

There will be some tent spaces available – all enquires about accommodation arrangements and availability contact Stop the War on 02072786694

If you can help set up the peace camp and organise activities please call Rebecca Morden on 07976 623706

Each evening of the camp there will be special events:

Wednesday 16th – press call at 5pm

Followed by an evening with Mark Steel 7pm

Thursday 17th – Tony Benn and Jeremy Corbyn MP discuss `Bush wars and terror laws' 7.30pm onwards

Friday 18th – Forum – Military Families Against the War

Followed by Hip Hop Against the War

Organised by Stop the War and supported by CND and others.



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More info for happy campers

15.03.2005 19:55

Peace Camp ~ Trafalgar Square, right through til saturday's demo!

What will you need?

1] A sense of fun

2] Contact Jim Brann [London CND] 0207 652 3350 if you need space in the tents. There will be 3 women only tents.

3] Please bring flasks – hot drinks will be provided and the Hare Krishna are providing food.

4] Sleeping bags [good quality] and mats and extra blanket. We don’t want people to be cold.

5] If you are bringing your own tent it will need to be a frame tent.

What we will provide

1] A great atmosphere - The Square will be decorated with flags and banners.

London Primary Schools (amongst others) are already making up banners

2] Organizations will be bringing their stalls to the Square.

3] Music and entertainment and films. [See previous mailing for schedule]

4] Political debate with Tony Benn, Jeremy Corbyn, Shami Chakrabati Lindsey German and many others.

The peace camp will turn Trafalgar Square into a three day anti war forum. Every group in London should try and send people, we already know of campers coming from around the country. All those who spend a night there will receive a specially produced badge and t-shirt!

Contact Andrew Burgin STW Press 07939 242229, Becca CND 07976623706 and Chris Nineham STW 07930 536519

get down there!

boycott the empire

15.03.2005 20:56

campaign postcard for print:

nick watson
- Homepage:

Warning the 17th is St. Patricks Day!

16.03.2005 17:06

The 17th of March thats' tommorrow is St. Patricks day and thousands of drunken Irish yobs from all over London will be gathering in Trafalgar Square that evening for their celebrations. It might not be wise to stay in the square while these drunken Irish morons party loudly and wildly late into the night!


Solidarity Callout

17.03.2005 16:19

In the light of the previous post and the slight disturbance last night, more support would be appreciated. Whatever you think of the Stop the War Coalition - there's a broad sweep of peace movement people who may need backup. It would be great to see you all down there - there's some great acts on tonight and plenty of outreach opportunities. Bring banners, flyers etc
