London, March 19
Peace Society &c. | 14.03.2005 23:40 | Anti-militarism | London
On March 19th and 20th 2005, people across the world will march to commemorate Operation Shock & Awe: the launch of the invasion of Iraq two years ago, and to oppose the ongoing occupations of Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan and Haiti. People will be marching to oppose the ongoing genocide of indigenous peoples throughout the Americas & Asia, the normalization of torture camps, as well as the massive displacement of peoples by capitalist development projects, including the demand for cheap and flexible labor and its corollary: the criminalization of migrants and the construction of Fortress North America and Fortress Europe.
We can and must go further than simply demonstrating against war and occupation. We must actively work in co-ordinated solidarity to stop the many institutions and individuals that profit from war and occupation. As global capital undermines progressive peoples' movements around the world, we assert that we can build global movements of opposition to our common enemies. In the fissures of the empire, we can pursue projects and strategies of resistance that affirm life and human dignity.
Peace Society
Location:Bradford, United Kingdom
The Bradford University Peace Society
In the last hundred years, on five continents, people using nonviolent strategies have overthrown oppressive regimes, challenged military occupiers and brought freedom to their societies.
Today nonviolent groups are challenging repression in places like Belarus, Burma, Cuba, Iran, Israel / Palestine, Ukraine, Tibet, Sri Lanka, West Papua and Zimbabwe.
If you feel upset or frustrated :-( …
Remember, its people like us who won independence for India, ended segregation in the US and brought down the Berlin Wall.
/* You are more powerful than you can imagine */
Please feel free to contact the Bradford University Peace Society:
bradfordpeacesociety at yahoo dot co dot uk
Be the change you want to see in the world!
Location:Bradford, United Kingdom
The Bradford University Peace Society
In the last hundred years, on five continents, people using nonviolent strategies have overthrown oppressive regimes, challenged military occupiers and brought freedom to their societies.
Today nonviolent groups are challenging repression in places like Belarus, Burma, Cuba, Iran, Israel / Palestine, Ukraine, Tibet, Sri Lanka, West Papua and Zimbabwe.
If you feel upset or frustrated :-( …
Remember, its people like us who won independence for India, ended segregation in the US and brought down the Berlin Wall.
/* You are more powerful than you can imagine */
Please feel free to contact the Bradford University Peace Society:
bradfordpeacesociety at yahoo dot co dot uk
Be the change you want to see in the world!
Peace Society &c.
Hide the following 9 comments
Saddam Hussein was the real war criminal!
15.03.2005 10:05
In 1980 Saddam Hussein invaded Iran causing a war which cost one million lives.
In 1990 he invaded Kuwait killing thousands of kuwaities and pilaging the country. It took over half a million allied troops to reverse his invasion of Kuwait.
In 1990 he also captured a British journalist on trumpted up charges of entering the country illegally. When the British government pleaded for his return, Saddam had him executed and sent back in a coffin.
In 1991 he massacred 300,000 Kurds and Shia muslims who rose up against him in a revolt after the end of the first Gulf War. 3 million Kurds and Shias were also forced to flee Iraq as refugees.
In 1991 at the end of the first Gulf War he also set fire to hundreds of oil wells, poured millions of gallons of crude oil into the Persian Gulf and refused to co-operate fully with the UN weapons inspectors from UNSCOM sent to disarm Iraq of its chemical and biological weapons. It was this resfusal to co-operate which finally led to Gulf War II.
In 1993 He gave santury to one of the World Trade Centre bombers.
In 1995 he tried to assasinate George Bush senior on a visit to Kuwait.
If the anti-war movement had had there way in the 1940s then Hitler would have been allowed free reign to ravage Europe and Japan to ravage China. Saddam was as evil and dangerous as Hitler!
Oh, what a shame...
15.03.2005 11:15
Your idea
15.03.2005 11:23
Tyrants shield one another
15.03.2005 15:57
Michael shields some tyrants and strikes others. aha ha ha ha!
What his criteria?
Gyspy Kid
"the collective wisdom of Indymedia "
15.03.2005 16:34
15.03.2005 18:29
"Saddam Hussein was the real war criminal"
15.03.2005 20:22
If there's any parallel to be drawn with WW2, it's by looking at who is building up a huge military and invading one country after another, whilst taking away their own citizens' rights. The neocons in the White House are the new 3rd Reich - if "Micheal" has his way then Bush & co will have free reign to ravage the Middle East and anywhere else with resources to plunder and a market to exploit.
21.03.2005 07:33
You're not alone out there folks. The peace movement is still global. 15,000 in Turkey, 1500 in Toronto, a few thousand in Vancouver, and thousands at demos in dozens of cities across the U.S.
Nice parallels Simon. Also remember that it is mostly small arms that kill people. WMD is to keep you scared.
For those who support the war...
Iraq was attacked as a defenseless nation. Everyone knows about Saddam's history. We also know that he's a CIA asset, just like Osama. Discussing what to do about him is a red herring.
This is about geopolitics. The chess game is now in full swing. China, Russia, EU, USA are the main players closing in to control Eurasia. We're running out of oil folks. Say it with me now... no more oil. By some accounts, Caspian Sea oil reserve projections have fallen 92%!!! That's why they are moving so fast to take control of the region. And the oil is shit... it's full of sulphur.
The Ukraine? All that BS about democracy there is more prop to keep you comfy while the geopolitics continue. They need to cut off Russia from the Black Sea. Play chess much? It's fork and flanks friends. Those who have the weapons and the ability to mobilize them are doing so now... while they still can.
Bosnia? It's all the same game since that terrible wall came down in Berlin. We're just in overdrive now.
China is buying various commodities at an alarming rate. Why? Because soon there will be NO oil to ship them. New oil fields are still coming online, but tanker production has ceased. Why? Because there won't be enough oil being shipped to recoup the costs. China's energy demands climbed 30% last year alone!!!!!!
It's going to China folks... and India. There's a new bloc out there: BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa). Venezuela may join. I believe Chavez is in control of OPEC right now. The American empire is already over, that's why they have a Patriot Act...they're getting ready for the chaos.
America is going to homogenize China? Whatever. China is going to swallow them like a vitamin-C pill, and the U.S. businessmen and their CIA-apparatchiks will help them. America is about to burst its last economic bubble. Without energy, their war machine will bring them no more spoils... Well it was nice while it lasted. They will be living in their SUV's when it all comes crashing down... for the ones who don't kill themselves.
China and India both have food sovereignty. They have the means to supply their populations with food TODAY. Check out the numbers for London and the UK. Can you feed yourselves? I seriously doubt it. Your high population density was built on colonialism. The new generation sucks the kharma from the last... irony is sweeter than apple butter. If you live in the flats, get those rooftop gardens going now. Start saving seed, legumes. Start thinking about survival. Stop listening to policians. They're gonna be on the ground with you soon trying to figure out how to organize themselves. Most of them will be pushed out as the criminals consolidate more power. The facade will be over and so will their usefullness.
We might still have 10 years or more to get ready, but it might be 3, so why wait?
Global capitalism has just royally screwed itself. It's like cancer folks, it eats its host and then dies WITH the host. The urban centres of the G8 countries are giant energy/resource sinks that suck all they can from the so-called developing world. Small green local energy can meet all sorts of needs, but it cannot drive the global-mobile economy. You need huge amounts of energy just to ship shit. Once the oil is gone, how are you gonna ship your food??? Forget those high-tech answers. They are pipe dreams which do not have time to be developed. In fact, they are a part of the problem. The cowards that run our governments will be pouring all sorts of energy, $$$ and resources into high-tech research. They're just gonna bring on the crisis that much sooner. You cannot survive indefinitely on limitless growth.
Canada's Athabasca tar sands are now listed #2 (by U.S. DoE) after Saudi Arabia as the world's largest oil reserves. China is already cutting deals for a slice of that action. That oil is a net energy loss. It takes more energy to remove it from the sand than you will actually get from it. They are DESPERATE. It takes steam.... lots of WATER... another resource which is becoming more scarce. NAFTA/WTO is sucking Canadian water into the U.S. Russia use an IMMENSE amount of water in oil production. The U.S. aquafers are nearly drained. The Colorado river hasn't flowed into the gulf for years... it's diverted to Vegas and subsidized cattle ranches. All this IS going to end.
The U.S. is forcing GM seed on Iraq. Their gene/seed banks were destroyed in the war. GM seed will cross-pollinate with the local varieties and colonize them. The GM seed is protected under new patent laws introduced to Iraq under CPA order 81 issued as an EDICT by Paul Bremer BEFORE the new government took power. It is now ILLEGAL for Iraq farmers to save their seed. Bremer appointed National Security apparatchiks with 5-year terms BEFORE the new government took power. This is democracy? Do you get it now? Iraq just lost control of its food supply.
Food security is now a geopolitical weapon... along with energy and water. Canada, of all countries is now pushing terminator seed technology. Genetic Use Restriction Technology (GURT) - Turn genes on/off. Plants produce sterile seeds, but STILL produce pollen. Those plants cross-pollinate inside their own family and all seed reachable by air in that family has the potential to become sterile = GM seed owners control your food supply. THIS IS NOT whack-a-do conspiracy theory... this is our BRAVE NEW WORLD ORDER. Pull your head out of the f---ing sand and wake the @#$% up already.
Who is developing GURT? The same people who brought you 2,4-D after the U.S. biowarfare program at Fort Detrick in the 1940s. The same people who brought us Operation Ranch Hand...AGENT ORANGE in Vietnam - Monsanto, Dow, etc.
They are creating and managing as much crisis as they THINK they can handle. YOUR ideology, which THEY helped create is their STRONGEST weapon against you. Your mind is the best defense you have. Start using it. Liberal/Conservative? These are traps to keep you from organizing. Stop debating moral and economic issues and start asking yourselves if you like being ALIVE. Because that's what we're talking about here folks - SURVIVAL!
Be prepared for more terrorism. When the prop and other methods fail, they WILL need terror to keep you in line. Don't buy the hype. Yes, there are Muslim extremists out there - violent ones. But who is facilitating their work? Who is training them, financing them...HIDING them? MI6, CIA, Mossad, CSIS, etc. Why do you think Muslim men are being detained without due process of law? Because they have secrets which our governments cannot afford to have heard. Some people get played and then get wise...start talking...they walk through the looking glass...and become dangerous.
Ask yourself who has the REAL potential for mass violence?
USAID is still printing fundamentalist Islamic textbooks in Nebraska for kids in Afghanistan. Violent pictures of torture, beheadings, etc. This is what they're giving to kids in the Arab world. They got caught and so they removed the photos in the books and replaced them with apples and oranges...shit like that. Get a copy and find someone who can read arabic. This is STILL going on.
Fundamentalist Islam is their new weapon, NOT their new enemy. Go back and follow Al Qaeda and U.S. foreign policy. They are like peas in a pod.
Brzezinski/Carter created Al Qaeda, Reagan continued it... Bush continued it... Clinton continued it. Do you really think Bush 2 is any different? Reagan called the Taliban FREEDOM FIGHTERS, and now they are the scourge of the earth. Can't they make up their minds? Blowback? Bullshit! CIA assets are ALWAYS assets. You never leave the's just like the mafia.
They spent $6.5 billion recruiting for the muhjadeen and al qaeda in the 1980s. They setup recruiting outfits in 50 countries! The bin Laden family built the whole infrastructure with help from the Carlyle Group and the Bush family. Carlyle is a PRIVATE company which is NOT subject to SEC scrutiny. It's up to the state department and the FBI/CIA to watch that shit.
Now ask yourself this: Would you spend $6.5 billion on a 50 country mercenary network, build an infrastructure with the ISI in Pakistan and then abandon it just because the cold war is over? Wouldn't you want to make use of that investment?
Don't let them lie to you like this. Even if you DO believe them. Keep asking questions and see what happens to you.
We're well into the Brave New World. Those who take their messages from the surface are not going to figure these things out. It takes a commitment of time.
For those of you who genuinely support the war because of the lies and propaganda, remember that your ideology is one of the best weapons prop agents have to direct your thought. Remember, they can't control what you think, just WHAT you think about. That's half the battle. Most of the prop is just blocking out messages that they don't want you to hear. In the U.S. 1400 radio stations are controlled by ONE company - Clear Channel.
Learn how to think independent of ideology/rhetoric. Think in basic human terms. Recognize REAL crisis. Put yourself in the shoes of those in power. What would you do in their position to deal with a REAL crisis? Consider their life path...what shapes them, makes them tick. Stop thinking in left and right concepts... who is noble and who is not. The only dichotomy in realpolitik is who has power and who doesn't.
Does the left do and say stupid things? For sure? But that is NOT the reason to support a war. Your cozy middle-class left-wing neighbours did not create all this instability any more than you did.
Suggested reading...
The Grandchessboard: American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives - Zbigniew Brzezisnki.
Full Spectrum Disorder - Stan Goff.
Crossing the Rubicon - Michael Ruppert.
The Project for a New American Century - - this site spells out some pieces of the game plan, but you'll have to learn how to read between the lines if you're not used to it.
Good luck to ALL, and remember...LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR...that's the golden rule.
Thomas Wrathburn.
Thomas Wrathburn
The U.S. sponsors terrorism, sponsored Saddam!
21.03.2005 16:42
The comparison between Hitler and Saddam is ludicrous. If America was so terrified of Saddam, why, when it looked like Iraq was about to lose the war with Iran, did America step in and provide intelligence - and even more weapons - to Saddam? Why, even after the end of the Iraq-Iran war, did America continue to support and arm Iraq's regime - even after the gassing of the Kurds?
Why, in 1991, shortly after the end of the Gulf War, when Iraqis rose up to oust their dictator, did America give Hussein permission to fly his military helicopters and quell the rebellion in blood? The U.S. also prevented Iraqis from accessing ammunition stores. Without ammunition, the rebels could no longer continue their fight with Saddam. As if that wasn't enough, the U.S. gave Saddam's forces air support.
Why, in the mid 1990s, did the CIA pay Allawi (currently the non-elected prime minister of Iraq) to organise a terror campaign inside Iraq, which involved blowing up cars and buses, and killing children?
America first prevents the Iraqi people from overthrowing their tyrant, then attempts to destabilise the regime with a terror campaign. Looks like the U.S. is schizophrenic - but it is not! The fact is, the U.S. administration wanted Saddam gone all right (because he no longer obeyed orders from Washington, not because he was a threat to the world), but, equally, it didn't want the Iraqi people in control of their country - hence, why, in 1991, the U.S. helped Saddam kill tens of thousands of his own people.
So, by the mid 1990s, we find the U.S. - together with Allawi - attempting to orchestrate a military coup. A general in charge would have oppressed the Iraqi people just as much as Saddam, but the U.S. would have acquired a more pliant regime - and that's what really mattered.
Therefore, anyone who talks about America liberating the Iraqi people is talking out of his or her backside. America has never supported the Iraqi people. Not now - NOT EVER!
Saddam is standing trial for the 1991 massacre. His accomplice, the United States of America, is not. The British government also has a shameful record of supporting Saddam all through his worst atrocities.
These are the facts that Michael couldn't be bothered to find out. His ego being more important than the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent people, including babies and children.
And what I've mentioned in this post barely scratches the surface of U.S. sponsored atrocities.
Michael, if Bush and Blair are fighting for freedom and democracy, perhaps you can explain why they are supporting and arming a tyrant in Uzbekistan who boils people alive.