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House Arrest To Be Used Against G8 protesters

z====z | 08.03.2005 15:14 | G8 2005

Tony Blair in scotland for the Scottish Labour conference told the Sunday Mail that he couldnt "rule out" the possibility that the current house arrest legislation going through Parliament could be used against G8 protesters, Doubtless this is the real reason for the rush rather then the loads of old bollocks about hundreds of trained terrorists running around being put out by the likes of John Stevens.


Detention without trial 'cannot be ruled out EXCLUSIVE

By Lindsay Mcgarvie Political Editor

G8 PROTESTERS could be placed under 'house arrest' under the Government's new anti-terror laws.

Prime Minister Tony Blair, in Dundee for the Scottish Labour conference, told the Sunday Mail the Draconian new laws could be in place before the world leaders meet at Gleneagles in July.

The Prime Minister, who holds the G8 presidency, did not rule out slapping control orders on protesters out to wreck the summit, which will discuss poverty and the environment.

Blair said he is confident British intelligence will identify and deal with rioters coming from abroad.

Asked whether Home Secretary Charles Clarke would use the new anti-terror laws against G8 protesters, Blair said: 'I couldn't rule it outHe added: 'It would be very odd if people came to protest against this G8, as we're focusing on poverty in Africa and climate change.

'I don't quite know what they'll be protesting against.'

But he said he welcomed peaceful protesters who will gather in Scotland to pile pressure on world leaders, including President George Bush, to help Third World countries crippled by debt, famine and disease.

Blair said: 'There will be people who come out on the street in favour of the Make Poverty History campaign and that's a good thing.'

Last week, the Home Secretary squeezed his anti-terrorism Bill through the Commons after giving in to calls that only a judge should be able to place anyone under house arrest without trial. In Clarke's first draft, he would have had the power to do that as Home Secretary.

Blair also heaped praise on Jack McConnell for his drive for a full smoking ban in public places.

He said: 'The trouble with smoking in a public place is that you do affect other people's freedom to not be exposed to smoke.'

And he revealed: 'I had to give up when I married as part of the marriage contract. Cherie hates smoking. Her grandfather died of cancer so she's always had a thing about it



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sunday mail

08.03.2005 16:31

as said before on the wire, the sunday mail is running a scare campaign about the G8 protest, directly informed by the police and the labour government. +proposed+ anti-terror legislation is not specifically about one event. it's about making the uk into more of a police state, getting people afraid of each other, just as the US is right at this moment. if you're a proto fascist, this kind of set-up looks pretty good. for the majority rest of us, it's simply unjustifiable. the solution to terrorism is straightforward and has been often spelled out. jettison the special relationship with the US and abandon support for their imperial projects, especially in the middle east. but the labour party would rather imprison the uk people in ignorance and fear and expose them to terrorism than do this. why? because, well..... they want to get another term in office. criminal.

- -


08.03.2005 18:36

Gordon Brown encouraged the people to demonstrate "against poverty", its a way of saving face since the people was going to demonstrate anyway, but if anything happens he will be the one responsable as a organiser and the one who should be put on house arrest, maybe time to start a new campaign...


You heard the man!!

09.03.2005 10:26

Charles Clarke Home Secretary says:

"I don't know quite what they'll be protesting against".

Well it would only be fair to let him know wouldn't it...

Write to him (a postcard will do) at Charles Clarke MP, The House Of Commons, London. That should do the trick.


Blair does not realise that 100,000 coming hate George Bush.

09.03.2005 14:07

I am surprised that nobody has told blair that the biggest reason why there are going to be protesters is 70% of the country hate George Bush. pure and simple. he should realise that there is going to be a massive response to the presence of a man who has destroyed iraq, occupied it and continues to occupy it even when iraqi new government know that the presence of american forces is the sole cause of friction and conflict and should leave.

Blair should also realise that the people who are going for reasons of climate change and africa are there to make sure that blair keeps to his promises and does not submit to george bush tearing up the commission for africa report and blocking Kyoto.

I cannot help thinking that blair has said to bush...'don't worry, i have brought in house arrest and detention to keep any people who hate you imprisoned in their own home whilst G8 is happening.'

I think that the current G8 agenda is going to be wiped out and replaced with an agenda for a new war with iran. it is very obvious that there will be no mention of the american iran war before the election because that might spook the voters in the UK. But G8 is two months after the assumed election date. by voting for blair, are voters sanctioning another war without knowing? will blair rule out military assistance and presence in the coming war?

time for some answers Mr Blair...


War Crimes in Fallujah

09.03.2005 15:16

The trouble with you, Tony Blair, is that you do affect other people's freedom to not be exposed to depleted uranium, white phosphorus and napalm.'

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Blair ready to blow up a UK city and blame "Al Qaeda"

09.03.2005 22:34


In case you haven't seen the signs, Blair and his British "neo-conservatives" are building up to a fake "terror" attack in the UK - just like Bush and the zionist cabal occupying the Whitehouse did on 9/11.

Will the dumb Sun-"reading" masses fall for the offical explanation that "Arabs" attacked the UK or are there enough of us able to see past the propaganda and expose the state terrorism against its own people?

Blair is getting desperate - his attempts to control the masses are failing and desperate warmongers are not afraid to kill their "own" people when they need to maintain control. Expect a faked "Al Qaeda" attack soon - the clues are there already - failing "terror" (Nazi-like) legislation, "warnings" about hundreds of "terrorists" in the UK, an election coming up that Blair will lose ... Join the dots - when a major UK city blows up with nuclear material "stolen" from BNF don't blame Muslims - they are too busy praying that they won't be locked up without charge, lawyers or basic human rights (just like the Jews in Hitler's Germany) - THE REAL TERRORISTS ARE SITTING IN 10 DOWNING STREET.

Angry Manc
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Yeah that's right, and the bildebergers are involved too!

10.03.2005 13:51

We don't need conspiracy theories like that. They just give people an excuse to label us as 'loony left'.



10.03.2005 21:19

if we didnt invade iraq the world economy would have gone into recession and we d all be fighting the china and indians for resources

just like the 19th century land grabs....

without an oil supply into this country we all lose lighting heating..

yeds we should use renewable energy but how do we fight the oil barons and take their power w.out their media mates kicking us out of power

labour girl

Moron - Take a look at the list of "Bilderbergers" - Recognise any of them?

12.03.2005 15:14

And because the neocons (loyal to "israel") told me too.
And because the neocons (loyal to "israel") told me too.

GB - Neville-Jones, Pauline - Chairman, QuinetiQ (UK privatised military research/services company), governor of the BBC, Chairman Information Assurance Advisory Council, formar Chairman Joint Intelligence Committee, former Managing Director NatWest Markets

GB - Browne, John - Group Chief Executive, BP plc

GB - Clarke, Kenneth - Member of Parliament (Con.), Deputy Chairman, British American Tobacco

GB - Kerr, John - Director, Shell, Rio Tinto and Scottish American Investment Trust, former secretary of European Constitution Commission

GB - Verwaayen, Ben J. M. - CEO, British Telecom; former director, Lucent Technologies

GB/USA - Weinberg, Peter - CEO, Goldman Sachs International

GB - Rachman, Gideon - Brussels Correspondent, The Economist

GB - Wooldridge, Adrian D. - Foreign Correspondant, The Economist

I - Ambrosetti, Alfredo - Chairman, Abbrosetti Group
TR - Babacan, Ali - Minister of Economic Affairs
P - Balsemao, Francisco Pinto - Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, SGPS, Former Prime Minister
ISR - Barnavie, Elie - Department of General History, Tel-Aviv University
I - Benedetti, Rodolfo De - CEO, CIR
I - Bernabe, Franco - Vice Chairman, Rothschild Europe
F - Beytout, Nicolas - Editor In Chief, Les Echos
INT - Bolkestein, Frits - Commissioner for the Internal Market, European Commission, former leader of Dutch right wing Liberal Party VVD.
USA - Boot, Max - Neoconservative, Council on foreign Relations, Features Editor, Wall Street Journal
CH - Borel, Daniel - Chairman, Logitech International S.A.
I - Bortoli, Ferrucio de - CEO, RCS Libri
S - Brock, Gunnar - CEO, Atlas Copco AB
NL - Burgmans, Antony - Chairman, Unilever NV
F - Camus, Phillipe - CEO, European Aeronautic Defence and Space NV
I - Caracciolo, Lucio - Director, Limes Geopolitical Review
F - Castries, Henri de - Chairman, AXA Insurance
E - Cebrian, Juan Luis - CEO, PRISA (Spanish language media company), former Chairman, International Press Institute
TR - Cemal, Hasan - Senior Columnist, Milliyet Newspaper
USA - Collins, Timothy C - MD and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings LLC, Yale School of Management, Trilateral Commission
USA - Corzine, Jon S. - Senator (D, New Jersey), Chairman and CEO, Goldman Sachs
CH - Couchepin, Pascal - Former Swiss President, Head of Home affairs Dept.
GR - David, George A. - Chairman, Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company SA
B - Dehaene, Jean-Luc - Former Prime Minister, Mayor of Vilvoorde
TR - Dervis, Kemal - Member of Parliament, former senior World bank official
GR - Diamantopoulou, Anna - Member of Parliament, former European Commissioner for Social Affairs
USA - Donilon, Thomas L - Vice-President, Fannie Mae, Council on Foreign Relations
I - Draghi, Mario - Vice Chairman and Managing Director, Goldman Sachs
USA - Edwards, John - Senator (D. North Carolina), Democratic Presidential Candidate
DK - Eldrup, Anders - Chairman, DONG gas company (becoming privatised) A/S
DK - Federspiel, Ulrik - Ambassador to the USA
USA - Feith, Douglas J. - Undersecretary for Policy, Department of Defense
I - Galateri, Gabriele - Chairman, Mediobanca
USA - Gates, Melinda F. - Co-Founder, Gates Foundation, wife of Bill Gates
USA - Geithner, Timothy F. - President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
I - Giavazzi, Francesco - Professor of Economics, Bocconi University; adviser, world bank and European Central bank
IRL - Gleeson, Dermot - Chairman Allied Irish Bank Group (currently being investigated for personal and corporate tax evasion)
USA - Graham, Donald E. - Chairman and CEO, Washington Post Company
USA - Haas, Richard N. - President, Council on Foreign Relations, former Director of Policy and Planning staff, State Department
NL - Halberstadt, Victor - Professor of Economics, Leiden University
B - Hansen, Jean-Pierre - Chairman, Suez Tractabel SA
S - Heikensten, Lars - Governor, Swedish Central Bank
USA - Holbrooke, Richard C - Vice Chairman, Perseus, former Director, Council on Foreign Relations, former Assistant Secretary of State
USA - Hubbard, Allen B - President E&A Industries
USA - Issacson, Walter - President and CEO, Aspen Institute
USA - Janow, Merit L. - Professor, International Economic Law and International Affairs, Columbia University, member of apellate body, WTO
USA - Jordan, Vernon E. Senior Managing Director, Lazard Freres & Co LLC
USA - Kagan, Robert - Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
USA - Kissinger Henry A. - Chairman, Kissinger Associates Inc.
TR - Koc, Mustafa V. - Chairman, Koc Holdings AS
NL - Koenders, Bert (AG) - Member of Parliament, president, Parliamentary Network of the World Bank
USA - Kovner, Bruce - Chairman Caxton Associates LLC, Chairman, American Enterprise Institute
USA - Kravis, Henry R. - Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co., acquisitions financier
USA - Kravis, Marie Josee - Senoir Fellow, Hudson Institute Inc.
FIN - Lehtomaki, Paula - Minister of Foreigh Trade and Development
FIN - Lipponen, Paavo - Speaker of Parliament; former Prime Minister
CHN - Long, Yongtu - Secretary General, Boao forum for Asia
P - Lopes, Pedro M. Santana - Mayor of Lisbon
USA - Luti, William J. - Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs
CDN - Lynch, Kevin G. - Deputy Minister, Department of Finance
USA - Mathews, Jessica T. - President, Carnegie Endowment for International War Peace
USA - McDonough, William J. - Cahirman and CEO, Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, former president, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
CDN - McKenna, Frank - Counsel, McInnes Cooper, former premier of New Brunswick
I - Merlini, Cesare - Executive Vice Chairman, Council for the United States and Italy, Council on Foreign Relations, former director, Italian Institute for International Affairs
F - Montbrial, Thierry de - President, French Institute of International Relations
INT - Monti, Mario - Competition/Antitrust Commissioner, European Commission
USA - Mundie, Craig J. - Chief Technical Officer, Advanced Strategies and Policies, Microsoft Corporation
N - Myklebust, Egil - Chairman, Scandinavian Airline System (SAS)
D - Naas, Matthias - Deputy Editor, Die Zeit
NL - Netherlands, Beatrix HM Queen of The - Lady Shell, nuff said
USA - Nooyi, Indra K. - President and CEO, PepsiCo Inc.
PL - Olechowski, Andrzej - Leader, Civic Platform
FIN - Ollila, Jorma - Chairman, Nokia Corporation
INT - Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso - Director, European Central Bank
CY - Pantelides, Leonidas - Ambassoador to Greece
I - Passera, Corrado - CEO, Banca Intesa SpA
USA - Perle, Richard N. - Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, former Likud policy adviser former chair Defence Policy Board, former co-chairman, Hollinger Digital
B - Phillipe, HRH Prince
USA - Reed, Ralph E. - President, Century Strategies
CDN - Reisman, Heather - President and CEO, Indigo Books and Music Inc.
I - Riotta, Gianni - Editorialist, Corriere della Serra
USA - Rockefeller, David - Member JP Morgan International Council, Chairman, Council of the Americas
E - Riodriguez Inearte, Matias - Vice Chairman, Grupo Santander
USA - Ross, Dennis B - Director, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy
D - Sandschneider, Eberhard - Director, Research Institute, German Society for Foreign Policy
I - Scaroni, Paolo - CEO, Enel SpA
D - Schilly, Otto - Minister of the Interior
USA - Schnabel, Rockwell A. - Ambassador to the EU
A - Scholten, Rudolf - Director, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG
D - Schrempp, Jurgen E. - Chairman, DaimlerChrysler AG
E - Serra Rexach, Eduardo - Head, Real Institute Elcano
RUS - Shevtsova, Lilia - Senior Associate. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
PL - Sikora, Slawomir - President and CEO, Citibank Handlowy
I - Siniscalo, Domenico - Director General Ministry of the Economy
P - Socrates, Jose - Member of Parliament
USA - Strmecki, Marin J. - Smith Richardson Foundation
B - Struye de Swielande, Dominique - Permanant repressentative of Belguim, NATO
IRL - Sutherland, Peter D. - Chairman, Goldman Sachs International, Chairman, BP plc
USA - Thornton, John L. - Chairman, Brookings Institution, Professor, Tsinghua University
I - Tremonti, Giulio - Minister of Economy and Finance
INT - Trichet, Jean-Claude - President, European Central Bank
I - Tronchetti Provera, Marco - Chairman and CEO, Pirelli SpA
N - Underdal, Arild - Rector, University of Oslo
CH - Vasella, Daniel L. - Chairman and CEO, Novartis AG
NL - Veer, Jeroen van der - Chairman, Committee of Managing Directors, Royal Dutch/Shell
I - Visco, Ignazio - Foriegn Affairs Manager, Banca D'Italia
INT - Vitorino, Antonio M. - Justice and Home Affairs Commissioner, European Union
INT - Vries, Gijs M. de - EU Counter Terrorism Co-ordinator
S - Wallenberg, Jacob - Chairman, SEB investments (including biotech); Chairman, W Capital Management AB
D - Weber, Jurgen - Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutche Lufthansa AG
NL - Wijers, Hans - Chairman, AkzoNobel NV
D - Wissmann, Matthias - Member of Parliament
GB - Wolf, Martin H. - Associate Editor/Economic Commentator, The Financial Times
INT/USA - Wolfenson, James D. - President, The World Bank
RUS - Yavlinsky, Grigory A. - Member of Parliament
USA - Yergin, Daniel - Chairman, Cambridge Energy Research Associates
D - Zumwinkel, Klaus - Chairman, Deutche Post Worldnet AG; Chairman, Deutche Telekom


The offical list of attendees at the 2004 Bilderberg conference. This is no "conspiracy" theory - the group exists and discusses their agenda in private. Fact. It wasn't me who brought them up. It was one of the spooks who trolls IndyMedia - trying to discredit my assertion that the Bush regime engineered 9/11 and that Bliar is desperate and ready to do the same in the UK. The Bilderberg are only a small part of the picture.

Angry Manc
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