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Newcastle: Talks and films including critique of 'Make Poverty History'

june wolf | 07.03.2005 13:11 | G8 2005 | Globalisation

This thursday and friday, 'Why Don't You' are putting on talks and films as part of Newcastle University's 'Environment and Ethics Week'. A peace observer from Colombia will tell of the tragic situation there, and VSO workers recently returned from Malawi and Eritrea will explain why the aims of 'Make Poverty History' are not enough to stop the injustices in Africa.

Thursday 5.30 - 7.30
Talks on Colombia and Africa by recently returned human rights and development workers, including a critique of 'Make Poverty History'. Followed by films.

Friday 5.30 - 7.30
Films on globalisation, including that funny 'Lord of the Rings' spoof and the animated story of the Peanut.

The order of these films and talks is subject to change, but the venue remains the Union Society, Newcastle University.

Local people will also be talking about their plans for the Gleneagles G8 summit.

june wolf
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