Verena | 04.03.2005 06:40 | Analysis | Repression | Social Struggles
MST threat to pillage; supermarket delivers 1,5 t of food
Maceió - About 2 a thousand agricultural, on workers to the Movement of Trabalhadores Rurais Sem-Terra (MST), they had obtained a ton and stocking of foods donated for the Bompreço Supermarket, after threatening to pillage the establishment, that is in the center of Maceió. Armed scythes, machetes and pieces of woods, the without-land had left in march of the headquarters of the National Institute of Colonização and the Agrarian Reformation in Alagoas (Incra), where they are camped since the last monday, and if they had directed for the Bompreço, where they had invaded the parking and they had not only entered to consummate the booty because the direction of the supermarket closed the doors and negotiated with the leaderships of the MST the release of foods. During all the morning, customers of the Bompreço had lived tension moments. Crying out words of order and threatening to invade the all instant, the workers had formed a barrier human being, in the main door of the hipermercado one, leaving the customers who if find in the sufficiently nervous interior of the store. With the arrival of the Battalion of Shock of the Military Policy, the situation was controlled. However, the action of the workers was not only ece of fish in practical because the management of the Bompreço, in meeting with the coordination of the movement, guaranteed the view of 1,5 tons of foods, that had been deliver in the beginning of the afternoon. Coordinating according to state of the MST, Jose Carlos Da Silva, the foods must guarantee the feeding of the workers camped in the square per two days. "After this, the movement will have to take other initiatives to obtain food", alerted it, without raising which measures. Ricardo Rodrigues
Maceió - About 2 a thousand agricultural, on workers to the Movement of Trabalhadores Rurais Sem-Terra (MST), they had obtained a ton and stocking of foods donated for the Bompreço Supermarket, after threatening to pillage the establishment, that is in the center of Maceió. Armed scythes, machetes and pieces of woods, the without-land had left in march of the headquarters of the National Institute of Colonização and the Agrarian Reformation in Alagoas (Incra), where they are camped since the last monday, and if they had directed for the Bompreço, where they had invaded the parking and they had not only entered to consummate the booty because the direction of the supermarket closed the doors and negotiated with the leaderships of the MST the release of foods. During all the morning, customers of the Bompreço had lived tension moments. Crying out words of order and threatening to invade the all instant, the workers had formed a barrier human being, in the main door of the hipermercado one, leaving the customers who if find in the sufficiently nervous interior of the store. With the arrival of the Battalion of Shock of the Military Policy, the situation was controlled. However, the action of the workers was not only ece of fish in practical because the management of the Bompreço, in meeting with the coordination of the movement, guaranteed the view of 1,5 tons of foods, that had been deliver in the beginning of the afternoon. Coordinating according to state of the MST, Jose Carlos Da Silva, the foods must guarantee the feeding of the workers camped in the square per two days. "After this, the movement will have to take other initiatives to obtain food", alerted it, without raising which measures. Ricardo Rodrigues

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