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Meanwhile, in Nepal...

Gary Leupp | 25.02.2005 03:42

While the U.S. is absorbed in building an empire in the "Greater Middle East," which will strengthen its position vis-a-vis other imperialist powers throught the "New American Century," a revived specter of communism emerges throughout South Asia. And there's not much the U.S. can do about it.

Gary Leupp


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Anarchist Revolution

25.02.2005 11:47

Well everywhere is WAR, me say WAR. WAR in the east. WAR in the west. War up north. WAR down south , me say war, war , and rumours of WAR. And untill ........And untill ........
We stand in solidarity with our comrades in NEPAL

A Call from prison:

bob marley

Oh Please

25.02.2005 16:18

The Maoists are just as bad (if not worse than) the government, and I for one feel no love for a group that uses children for it's soldiers, or bullies people into supporting their calls for strikes. Look at what happened (and to an extent is still happening) in China under Mao himself, not to mention Cambodia under Pol Pot.

a plague on both your houses

libertarian communism??

27.02.2005 12:15

' Mr Plague....

I’ve really struggled to come up with a response to your comments. And I think, at the heart of it, is my inability to put myself in the shoes of a young person growing up in one of the poorest countries on earth.

Do I know about human rights?
Am I oppressed?
Do I want a chance to live like people in England?

... So somebody comes to my village and talks of a world revolution, equality for all and the chance to ‘stand up and fight for my rights’.
Do I take the gun that he’s offering me?

I often think of capitalism as an oil slick in a choppy sea. At the centre (the affluent west) there are big holes opening up (the Anarchism of my peers). While on its outer edges, its being torn up by the waves (revolutions in the world poorest countries). But to get rid of the dirty oil entirely, we’ve got to reach out to the People of Nepal and talk to them about our mutual hopes and dreams.

Because one things for certain, our governments are not going to do this for us.

- The last piece of corporate news I caught on Nepal , was that we sending a load of Linx helicopters. – this was a while ago , if you’ve got anything more recent or any good links , please post it here. (not the bbc –please!!)
- Cheers.

