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Communication, Miscommunication and Propaganda - CIF Seminar series starts today

Nando | 24.02.2005 10:32 | Analysis | Culture | Indymedia | Oxford

The CONTEMPORARY IDEOLOGY FORUM seminar series (semester 2) starts today (24 February) with Andrew Smith (MP) talking on 'Political campaigning and its effectiveness: Getting the Message across'

All seminars will be taking place in SG03 at 6.30pm apart from Allyson who will be speaking at 4pm in Room SG05, in the main campus of Oxford Brookes University.


3rd March - Richard Hering (film maker, oxford indymedia editorial collective)
'Indymedia - the media turned upside down.'

10th March - Mark Brown and Elizabeth Carola (Rising Tide)
'Can co-opted governemnts and 'corporate social responsibility' really save the planet from climate chaos?'

17th March - Chris Grimshaw (Corporate Watch)
'The PR Industry'

7th April - Kirsten Johnson (Bristol University)
'A thousand years of history and no yesterday. Democracy and the rewriting of the Polish past.'

14th April - Professor Allyson Pollock (University College London)
'NHS plc' at 4pm in SG05.

21st April - Andrew Inch and Steven Snell (Oxford Brookes University)
'Utopiates: piece-full paths to tomorrow(s)'

28th April - Andy Rowell (Freelance Journalist)

5th May - 'Control room' - (DVD showing and discussion).

12th May - Sarah Sexton (The Corner House)
'Propaganda and the genetic health project'

19th May - Symposium


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Andrew Smith!?!?

25.02.2005 00:03

Why did you invite *him*?!?!?

unless you have a lot of rotten eggs you need a use for....?

He's a slimy sickening careerist blairite. Now that he realises he can't take the next election for granted he's going out of his way to scrabble together some left-wing/grassroots credentials - and you're helping him!
