U.N.'s High Commissioner sexframed ?
Foreign Press Foundation | 21.02.2005 18:02 | Globalisation | Repression | Social Struggles
United Nations High Commissioner for the Refugees - Dutchman Ruud Lubbers: 'Allegations of sexual harassment are 'made up' and 'slander'. This is not the United States anymore."
by Henk Ruyssenaars
FPF - Amsterdam - Feb. 21st - 2005 - United Nations High Commissioner for the Refugees, Dutchman Ruud Lubbers, resigning yesterday over sexual harassment allegations, declared his innocence and indicated that Secr. General Kofi Annan had left him no choice, the US information service AP (Associated Press) announced from Geneva.
In a comment from the Netherlands, PM Balkenende said the forced resignation of mr. Lubbers 'left a bitter taste'. Indicating that the truth behind this UN story - as usual - is very different from what AP and many other main stream media are selling.
In a personal comment the fired UN chief fought back, and in his letter of resignation, Lubbers, a former Dutch prime minister, maintains his innocence, indicating that Annan had decided it was time for him to go. Lubbers five-year term is officially scheduled to end Dec. 31 - 2005.
"To be frank, and despite all my loyalty, insult has now been added to injury and, therefore, I resign as high commissioner," Lubbers said. And he keeps insisting the allegations of sexual harassment are: "made up" and "slander.''
It is understood that UN's Kofi Annan* acted under american pressure when he ''accepted the resignation'', declaring ''that the continuing controversy had made Lubbers' position impossible.''
The last leg under Lubbers UN chair was sawn off by the questionable action by the newspaper 'The Independent' in England: publishing a to them given report* about the allegations of sexual harassment, which was the last nail in Lubbers coffin after his sharp criticism of the United States starting two years ago with the illegal Iraq war.
Especially the three at the top of the UN; Kofi Annan, Ruud Lubbers and the UN's nuclear watchdog IAEA's Director Mohammed el Baradei, have by their open criticism of Washington's belligerent politics, and sometimes refusing to tag the US war line, signed their career's 'death warrants'.
Criticism of Washington or the Pentagon, in US/UN terms means: 'they have to go'. And to be replaced by 'better' US collaborators. Like the Netherlands's 'National Shame' - Jaap de Hoop Scheffer - the spineless dutchman who figures at the helm of NATO as a full time US Quisling, breaching the UN Charter, Geneva Conventions etc. He will as soon as is possible be taken to court for this, like some of his fellow politicians.*
To get a grip on the - for the US managers important - UN diplomats and others, and with the collaboration of the British secret service and the combined 'special tapping facilities' in England, the United States government's 'spooks' are trying since the start of the UN to get information, which also can be used for blackmailing, bullying and bribing.
Even illegal information is power, many times more so.
The british newspaper 'the Observer' with secret documents* on March 2nd, 2003 - published more detailed American plans to bug phones and emails of key members of the United Nations and others in the geopolitical power game.
In Lubbers case - after three months (!) a UN lady popped up, who started to accuse Lubbers of sexual intimidation - without witnesses in the same room having noticed it. That was the beginning of the framing and the nearing of the end for Lubbers.
He signed his death warrant in May 2003, when he in a bitter and scathing interview with Amnesty International's newspaper*, attacked Washington's treatment of prisoners, asylum seekers and muslims.
"It is absolutely unbelievable that in the year 2003 people are fleeing from the United States to Canada, because they do not feel safe anymore in the US", mr. Lubbers said, "This absolutely is a disgusting development".
Since Lubbers did the interview in Holland which is using a 'neocon blueprint' and follows the US gov't like another poodle, his critical remarks concerning the US policy only showed up in a few media.
The in this interview very outspoken UN High Commissioner explained that he ''abhorred the detention of thousands of people in different countries under the pretext of "the War on terrorism". It's tragic, the way people are labeled 'terrorists'.
According to ex-prime minister Lubbers 'the Americans are totally paralyzed since 9/11, and totally convinced they have to defend themselves against foreign threats. President Bush too is totally convinced of this, and does not see what tragedy is unfolding, which is contrary to american tradition.
It's all very regrettable; this is not he United States anymore" the UN official said.
The US/UK invasion of Iraq Lubbers called 'a humanitarian crisis' which he warned for beforehand: "It is my job to point out things like these, and criticize", he explained.
The IAEA's director, Mohamed el Baradei may be next, since he in an interview with the abominable 'Washington Post', on Feb. 15th, said: that the agency hasn't found any evidence to substantiate claims that Tehran is working on a nuclear weapons program as the Bush administration has alleged and wants him to confirm, even if it's not true.
The fact that the IAEA inspectors cooperate daily with Iran in this field and permanently under IAEA regulations have an eye on the spot, doesn't seem to matter to Washington. Nor does the fact that own US spy satellites* for at least some decades 24 hrs a day and seven days per week control anything that moves or changes on the ground in Iran.*
Even unmanned planes - the drones - do their work, albeit illegally overflying the country which - if this would happen in the US - would mean war.
So el Baradei will have to go too, according to the idea to rule the whole of the UN.
The United Nation's Secretary General and 'Overlord' - Kofi Annan - did himself in when he straightened his back and told the BBC - on tape* - '' the US led invasion of Iraq is an illegal act that contravenes the UN charter.''
He said the decision to take action in Iraq should have been made by the Security Council; not unilaterally. And that ought to be his ticket out, a still meeker replacement on the way in, and the United Nations will be 'firmer' in the US's hands.
Making instead of faking UN resolutions is a lot easier.
Henk Ruyssenaars
(Who doesn't especially like Lubbers, as a politician)
Observer + Secret documents bugging UN - Url.:

BBC: "The war in Iraq is illegal" - Annan (video too)

Dutch warcriminals like ex-PM Wim Kok in Court -

Lubbers - critical comments - Url.:

US Keyhole satellites Iraq/Iran - Url.:

Independent published Lubbers report - Url.:

Dutch language interview Lubbers/Amnesty - Url.:


Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars

The Netherlands

The Dutch author this far has worked abroad 4 decades for international media as a foreign correspondent, of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. At present 'Persona non Grata' in Holland :-)
Seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism! - What Bush stands for? Graves! - Url.:

Foreign Press Foundation