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Leave Our Country Now - article in Guardian by Leader of Barsa Oil Union

Ewa J | 20.02.2005 12:59

Hello everybody, this was published in the Guardian's influential
Comment page on Friday and has so far been reprinted in two newspapers
in Pakistan and one in India.

Please fwd widely! Reports and photos of Hassan's two-week trip will
follow in the next few days...,3604,1417222,00.html


UK Contact for the Basra Oil Union
0044 7749 421 576


Leave our country now

From the first days of the US-British invasion of Iraq, oil workers have resisted foreign occupation

Hassan Juma'a Awad
Friday February 18, 2005
The Guardian

We lived through dark days under Saddam Hussein's dictatorship. When the regime fell, people wanted a new life: a life without shackles and terror; a life where we could rebuild our country and enjoy its natural wealth. Instead, our communities have been attacked with chemicals and cluster bombs, and our people tortured, raped and killed in our homes.

Saddam's secret police used to creep over the roofs into our homes at night; occupation troops now break down our doors in broad daylight. The media do not show even a fraction of the devastation that has engulfed Iraq. Journalists who dare to report the truth of what is happening have been kidnapped by terrorists. This serves the agenda of the occupation, which aims to eliminate witnesses to its crimes.

Workers in Iraq's southern oilfields began organising soon after British occupying forces invaded Basra. We founded our union, the Southern Oil Company Union, just 11 days after the fall of Baghdad in April 2003. When the occupation troops stood back and allowed Basra's hospitals, universities and public services to be burned and looted, while they defended only the oil ministry and oilfields, we knew we were dealing with a brutal force prepared to impose its will without regard for human suffering. From the beginning, we were left in no doubt that the US and its allies had come to take control of our oil resources.

The occupation authorities have maintained many of Saddam's repressive laws, including the 1987 order which robbed us of basic union rights, including the right to strike. Today, we still have no official recognition as a trade union, despite having 23,000 members in 10 oil and gas companies in Basra, Amara, Nassiriya, and up to Anbar province. However, we draw our legitimacy from the workers, not the government. We believe unions should operate regardless of the government's wishes, until the people are able finally to elect a genuinely accountable and independent Iraqi government, which represents our interests and not those of American imperialism.

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Our union is independent of any political party. Most trade unions in Britain only seem to be aware of one union federation in Iraq, the regime-authorised Iraqi Federation of Trade Unions, whose president, Rassim Awadi, is deputy leader of the US-imposed prime minister Ayad Allawi's party. The IFTU's leadership is carved up between the pro-government Communist party, Allawi's Iraqi National Accord, and their satellites. In fact, there are two other union federations, which are linked to political parties, as well as our own organisation.

Our union has already shown it is able to stand its ground against one of the most powerful US companies, Dick Cheney's KBR, which tried to take over our workplaces with the protection of occupation forces.

We forced them out and compelled their Kuwaiti subcontractor, Al Khourafi, to replace 1,000 of the 1,200 employees it brought with it with Iraqi workers, 70% of whom are unemployed today. We also fought US viceroy Paul Bremer's wage schedule, which dictated that Iraqi public sector workers must earn ID 69,000 ($35) per month, while paying up to $1,000 a day to thousands of foreign mercenaries. In August 2003 we took strike action and shut down all oil production for three days. As a result, the occupation authorities had to raise wages to a minimum of ID 150,000.

We see it as our duty to defend the country's resources. We reject and will oppose all moves to privatise our oil industry and national resources. We regard this privatisation as a form of neo-colonialism, an attempt to impose a permanent economic occupation to follow the military occupation.

The occupation has deliberately fomented a sectarian division of Sunni and Shia. We never knew this sort of division before. Our families intermarried, we lived and worked together. And today we are resisting this brutal occupation together, from Falluja to Najaf to Sadr City. The resistance to the occupation forces is a God-given right of Iraqis, and we, as a union, see ourselves as a necessary part of this resistance - although we will fight using our industrial power, our collective strength as a union, and as a part of civil society which needs to grow in order to defeat both still-powerful Saddamist elites and the foreign occupation of our country.

Bush and Blair should remember that those who voted in last month's elections in Iraq are as hostile to the occupation as those who boycotted them. Those who claim to represent the Iraqi working class while calling for the occupation to stay a bit longer, due to "fears of civil war", are in fact speaking only for themselves and the minority of Iraqis whose interests are dependent on the occupation.

We as a union call for the withdrawal of foreign occupation forces and their military bases. We don't want a timetable - this is a stalling tactic. We will solve our own problems. We are Iraqis, we know our country and we can take care of ourselves. We have the means, the skills and resources to rebuild and create our own democratic society.

· Hassan Juma'a Awad is general secretary of Iraq's Southern Oil Company Union and president of the Basra Oil Workers' Union

Ewa J


Hide the following 23 comments

Shome mistake ?

20.02.2005 16:29

When cutting and pasting an article from a website at least have the brains to delete the Weightwatchers adverts from the middle of it !

Why not try writting you own opinions. Do you have any or do you simply wish to regurgitate the rantings of a discredited second rate hack ?


Editor -- please read the article!

20.02.2005 16:49

This article was written by a Iraqi trade unionist?



20.02.2005 18:39

Bollocks, Hassan Juma'a Awad didn't write the article, it was written by Andy Solons of the Morning star about three weeks ago. Do some research and don't beleive everything you read just because it fits in with your view of the world.


Written by an Iraqi Trade Unionist??

20.02.2005 18:53

I find that hard to believe as the same person was speaking (through a translator) at the Stop The War Coalition AGM and clearly didnt speak a word of English. My guess is that Ewa wrote all of this and got Hassan to put his name to it. Another excuse to publicise her favourite subject (herself).

No War or Borders

other places running this article

20.02.2005 19:01

This article is on some other web sites, including:

Also there is a comment about it here, claiming that the article is bullshit:


The Courage of the Anonymous Hate-Mailer

20.02.2005 21:53

Ever wake up in the morning and think to yourself that, all things considered, you're just not a very nice person?

"Why not try writting you own opinions. Do you have any or do you simply wish to regurgitate the rantings of a discredited second rate hack?"

Quite what this comment is supposed to mean, we can only guess. Ewa has posted an article because she is trying to tell people about the views of the elected leader of the workers of the Iraq's Southern Oil Company union. Quite how that reflects badly on her, we leave for you to dwell on.

"My guess is that Ewa wrote all of this and got Hassan to put his name to it. Another excuse to publicise her favourite subject (herself)."

Well then you guessed wrong. But don't let that get in the way of printing unsubtantiated abuse on the Internet.

"Hassan Juma'a Awad didn't write the article, it was written by Andy Solons of the Morning star about three weeks ago. Do some research and don't beleive everything you read just because it fits in with your view of the world."

Another theory as to the article's origins. I can't find anything to back up this statement on a number of different internet search engines. Perhaps you can help us out.

I can't imagine what exactly has prompted this rather ugly attack on a brave and principled young woman, nor am i much interested, but i hope it doesn't last too long.

If Indymedia readers want to discuss any of the issues raised by the article, then perhaps they can do so without resorting to personal abuse.

Alex Higgins
mail e-mail:
- Homepage:


20.02.2005 21:56

Hassan paints a picture of the occupation as bringing nothing but unremitting repression and daily terror – like the Saddam regime, but more open. How can we disbelieve this picture? We live in Highgate or Harrogate, he lives in Basra. Yet he also says that his union was formed 11 days after ‘fall’ of Baghdad. Why? Why wasn’t the union formed 11 days before the ‘fall’ of Baghdad? Or 11 months before the ‘fall’ of Baghdad? Or 11 years before the ‘fall’ of Baghdad? The reason is obvious, isn’t it? It is because anyone who had attempted to organise a free trade union under the Saddam regime would have been killed. It was not possible to organise a free trade union under the Saddam regime. It is possible under the occupation. This, already, is a hugely significant difference.


Ever heard of translation?

20.02.2005 22:11

It’s entirely possible that Hassan Juma'a wrote this article – the person I heard speaking (through translation) at the StW conference was articulate and passionate about his cause. This article is a more than fair representation of the views he expressed there. Anyone think it’s possible that the article was translated? (I think they can write in Iraq!)

The activity of trade unionists organising from below in Iraq deserves our solidarity, not the sort of sniping so far presented in the comments above. Thanks to Ewa and others for the work they do in highlighting what’s going on.

End the Occupation of Iraq – Solidarity with Iraqi Workers



Revolution Now

21.02.2005 10:09

This excellent article was written by Andy Solons of the Morning Star and shows how Socialist revolution is in the air throughout Iraq. Only when the workers of the world gain control of all the world will we be free

Click here for the original piece and others

Free all workers

Not welcome

21.02.2005 11:21

Hassan Awad is a former B'ath Party member and previous secretary of Saddams notorious Workers Council. The views and opinions of people like this are not welcome

Mastan Al-Wabah

why does one article cause so much panic from the pro-war brigade?

21.02.2005 12:40

All this panic over one article? All these attempts to attack the article, or suggest it isn't by who it says it is? Our pro-war pals seem in a right state!

I wonder why? Could it possibly be that this article is true?

But that would mean there are Iraqis, normal, decent Iraqis who oppose the occupation! And that could bring the whole fragile narrative of Nice Heroic Enlightened Imperialists rescuing Poor Backward Grateful Natives crashing to the ground. And that will never do.

So no, let's pretend instead that the evil Guardian, long known to be controlled by an editorial board consisting of Osama Bin Laden and Josef Stalin, have now stooped to inventing a fictional Iraqi trade union movement and printing an article in their name that was clearly actually written by Saddam Hussein.

Ban this article! Shut down the Guardian! The cause of Democracy demands that we silence all dissent!


For the record...

21.02.2005 15:13

...I've been working at the Morning Star since 2000 - I'm currently news editor - and there's nobody here called "Andy Solon" at all. They might have translated the Iraqi TUist's piece I s'pose.

Oh - and I was also at the STWC conference and Hassan Juma'a Awad gave (through an interpreter) an excellent speech almost identical to the above article. And he sounded as 'bout as "Ba'athist" as Robert Fisk.

This is true. Scout's honour. So ignore the pro-war/pro-confusion liars. God knows what they hope to gain.

Daniel Coysh

Friend of Andy

21.02.2005 15:37

Funny you would think someone who claims to be the News Editor of a paper would know the name of his journos !! Andy has been there for nearly five years after all !


I don't "claim", Steve.

21.02.2005 16:23

I *am* the sodding news editor and I *have* worked at the Morning Star for five years and there *is* no Andy Solon working here.

I've even gone so far as to check with our Webmaster (Carl Worswick) and he's never heard of him neither. And nor's our chief sub (James Eagle), who often covers the features desk.

This is all fact. Look it up. I'm not gonna comment on this again. I work here. He doesn't.

You twats.

Daniel Coysh (Google the name for fucks sake)

Bit like Dahr Jamail

21.02.2005 16:39

Bit like that Dahr Jamail. Didn't all those pro-war trolls try to claim that he was a bunch of students from Sheffield.

And these people have the gall to say socialists are living in a fantasy world. Can't you all just fuck off back to little green footbals for five goddam minutes?


Good try

21.02.2005 16:39

Daniel Coysh is indeed the News Editor but that doesn't mean you are he, and as you don't know the name of a journalist who works there it seems bloody unlikely that you are him doesn't it ?

No cigar

Camels and Cortinas

21.02.2005 17:09

I agree with you sim1 but Dahr Jamail wasn't the best example to choose as it turned out it WAS a group of students up at Manchester.


Oh for crying out loud

21.02.2005 17:17

"Daniel Coysh is indeed the News Editor but that doesn't mean you are he, and as you don't know the name of a journalist who works there it seems bloody unlikely that you are him doesn't it ? "

Oh fuck off. I'm sat in the office of the Morning Star, writing copy for tomorrow's Morning Star, surrounded by reporters for the Morning Star and in possession of a travelcard, cash card and NUJ card in the name of Daniel Coysh - mainly 'cos that's my name.

What have you got? A refusal to face reality, that's what. Can you provide any evidence at all that "Andy Solons" has ever worked here? Any articles/archives? I can't find any and nor can Google - in fact it's never heard of him.


I know the name of every journo that works here. It's not hard. There's only about 10 of us. None of them is Andy Solons. Maybe he's lying to impress you Steve (God knows how that works, though.) I don't know the name of Andy Solons for the simple reason that he DOESN'T BLOODY WORK HERE.

If in doubt ring the paper and ask for Andy Solons for proof that there is no such person here.

Why are you spinning this shit out? I'm providing evidence. You're just talking bollocks.

Further proof. Our front page tomorrow is about T&G and UNISON's call for a Yes vote in the pensions strike on March 23. I know 'cos I've just subbed it.

Andy Solons doesn't because he is not in the building as HE DOESN'T WORK HERE!!!

Jesus, what more do you want? DNA records?

One more question: Why would this Andy Solon write a fake piece for the MS purporting to be from an Iraqi trade unionist? We don't publish fake articles. We tend to leave the lies to people like the bravely anonymous "Steve".

Our features ed Richard Bagley interviewed the TUist himself. He's not called Andy Solon either.

But I repeat. No sign of him here. Let people believe Steve or me. The only difference between us is that I'm for real and am happy to prove it, whereas he's just some fantasist troll who's clearly never been to Beachy Road once.

Daniel Coysh!


21.02.2005 17:36

Seriosuly pissed off editor of the Morning Star - my work here is done. Off home now - bye !

Having so much fun


21.02.2005 17:36

Seriosuly pissed off editor of the Morning Star - my work here is done. Off home now - bye !

Having so much fun


21.02.2005 20:05

there are some serious troll posters on IMC, and they're not very bright either! couldn't you have picked the name of a real journo? a simple google of "Andrew Solons" is enough to dispell your silly myth, "steve".


Simple pleasures

23.02.2005 17:58

"Seriosuly pissed off editor of the Morning Star - my work here is done. Off home now - bye! Having so much fun."

Daniel Coysh - thanks for helping clarify some of the facts for the non-troll element. You can at least take some comfort in knowing that you have helped someone in the achievement of a rather small, semi-tragic personal ambition of theirs that evidently brings them much happiness. :-)

Alex Higgins

Not Welcome

23.02.2005 22:31

21.02.2005 11:21

Hassan Awad is a former B'ath Party member and previous secretary of Saddams notorious Workers Council. The views and opinions of people like this are not welcome
Mastan Al-Wabah

Dear Mastan Al-Wabah, I agree, but you give any evidence for this accusation? Many thanks. Alan Johnson


Alan Johnson
mail e-mail: