Now 00.46 18th Febuary 2005, these violent thugs (the so called 'countryside alliance') and hunt scum 'animal murderers' are criminals. Something they should have been classed as for over 100 years in the UK.
No longer to legally terrorise, maim and murder our wildlife ..
I raise my glass to yours poster!!!
Let us hope they hang themselves in their glib despair!
Bye Bye hunt Scum ... Your murdering is finally over!
now all the presumably sad red coats can head down to australia to continue their fox hunts and remove the nasty pest from this continent that their proud tradition brought here.
The fox hunt ban is totally uneforceable. And how the hell are the police going to patrol millions and millions of square miles of the British countryside, let alone tell the difference between a legal drag hunt and an illegal hunt. You antis are a joke. If you think fox hunting is over you have got another thing coming!
All hail progress. One group of eccentrically dressed thugs and loons pursues another. The law shuffles about like a visually impaired mole looking for votes at the bottom of pile of disinformation. One group, who once hated the police's guts now look forward to being best friends with them. The other lot are well miffed as thier old chums were also fans of uniform games but now they wont play on their side. Never mind, the fun is sure to go on as the visually impaired mole ignored all sensible advice and made the law so silly that everyone was allowed carry on much the same. Except for all those class war ruffians who one pulled nasty faces at the police now being on the police's side, I think 'snout' is correct in the venacular. Funny old world.....
One whole hunt kills about 400 to 600 foxes a year, one pest controller with a gun admitted on TV to 'humanely' offing 10,000 (I think).....?
"The fox hunt ban is totally uneforceable. And how the hell are the police going to patrol millions and millions of square miles of the British countryside, let alone tell the difference between a legal drag hunt and an illegal hunt. You antis are a joke. If you think fox hunting is over you have got another thing coming!"
Hunter - the police already have to monitor hunts to prevent violence between opponents of cruelty and those who practice it. The ban does not mean a much greater effort for those charged with enforcing the law, passed several times in the House of Commons by a twice-elected government.
And there will be plenty of animal welfare groups ready to assist the police in monitoring hunts and distinguish between legal and illegal activity, so you can rest assured on that front as well.
Fox-hunting might not be over, but then nor is dog-fighting. But at least they will now be treated both the same and appropriately - as a disgusting and wilful torment of animals for entertainment that the conscience of the nation has rejected.
It's not the world's most pressing issue, but finally, after much obstruction, popular rejection of cruelty for its own sake is written into law, and Britain is a slightly better country than it was at the beginning of the week.
As an expatriate Englishman I am very glad that foxhunting is finally banned. In every area of personal interest there are always sociopathic individuals who spoil things for everyone else. England has always been a nation of equestrians but I have never understood why such an interest , one which I share, has been forced into a mold determined by the remnants of aristocracy. Cruelty to other species may not be the most important issue in the social universe but it speaks volumes about the purpose of our own species if there is one. The functions and enjoyments of everyday life should add measure to our existence. For normal people it is always more satisfying to follow the way of the "good" ( although sometimes more difficult ) then be dragged down by the dictates of evil.
Hide the following 9 comments
every one of them a criminal..
18.02.2005 00:53
No longer to legally terrorise, maim and murder our wildlife ..
I raise my glass to yours poster!!!
Let us hope they hang themselves in their glib despair!
Bye Bye hunt Scum ... Your murdering is finally over!
the next step
18.02.2005 01:04
The hunt ban is totally unenfoceable!
18.02.2005 10:09
aggravated trespass?
18.02.2005 11:44
I thin what the police spokesman said was...
18.02.2005 15:42
18.02.2005 16:07
One whole hunt kills about 400 to 600 foxes a year, one pest controller with a gun admitted on TV to 'humanely' offing 10,000 (I think).....?
Foxes.... Fox news....? And...?
Must have been love but it's over now
18.02.2005 16:22
Hunter - the police already have to monitor hunts to prevent violence between opponents of cruelty and those who practice it. The ban does not mean a much greater effort for those charged with enforcing the law, passed several times in the House of Commons by a twice-elected government.
And there will be plenty of animal welfare groups ready to assist the police in monitoring hunts and distinguish between legal and illegal activity, so you can rest assured on that front as well.
Fox-hunting might not be over, but then nor is dog-fighting. But at least they will now be treated both the same and appropriately - as a disgusting and wilful torment of animals for entertainment that the conscience of the nation has rejected.
It's not the world's most pressing issue, but finally, after much obstruction, popular rejection of cruelty for its own sake is written into law, and Britain is a slightly better country than it was at the beginning of the week.
Alex Higgins
keep hunting
03.03.2005 14:35
keep hunting
fight the ban
anonymous hunter
view from across the pond
03.09.2005 04:47
As an expatriate Englishman I am very glad that foxhunting is finally banned. In every area of personal interest there are always sociopathic individuals who spoil things for everyone else. England has always been a nation of equestrians but I have never understood why such an interest , one which I share, has been forced into a mold determined by the remnants of aristocracy. Cruelty to other species may not be the most important issue in the social universe but it speaks volumes about the purpose of our own species if there is one. The functions and enjoyments of everyday life should add measure to our existence. For normal people it is always more satisfying to follow the way of the "good" ( although sometimes more difficult ) then be dragged down by the dictates of evil.
W. Scott